Thanks for your summary of the Pawnee District Ranger talk.  It was 
enlightening and a bit frightening.

Good Birding

On Monday, April 23, 2018 at 10:13:15 AM UTC-6, The "Nunn Guy" wrote:
> Hi all
> Birded all around Weld yesterday ... saw 79 species with the following new 
> spring birds:
>    - Lark Bunting [Weld CR 96]
>    - Ruddy Duck [Loloff Reservoir]
>    - Swainson's Hawk [Beebe Draw]
>    - Semipalmated Sandpiper [Weld CR 59] --Both Loloff, Weld CR 59 
>    probably had total of 20+ peeps collectively
>    - Least Sandpiper [Weld CR 59]
>    - Loloff had peeps as well heatwaves
>    - Wilson's Phalarope [Loloff Reservoir and Weld CR 59]
>    - Burrowing Owl-2 [Weld CR 59 south of marsh on west to south of 
>    flooded field corner alongside road]
>    - Barn Swallow
>    - Savannah Sparrow-2 [Weld CR 59]
>    - Vesper Sparrows
>    - Chipping Sparrow - few
>    - Brown-headed Cowbird
> Here's the gist on my Pawnee District Ranger visit:
>    - First, he was nice guy to talk with and open to hearing concerns and 
>    solutions but he is based in reality in terms of his annual program of 
>    work, limited budget and lack of human resources to perform the work
>    - Office currently has only ~50% of staff (looks like 10 positions in 
>    total)--two Archeologists, a temporary biologist, and a Recreation 
>    Specialist (retires next month).  Reality here is USDA is "guinea pig" for 
>    Administrative streamlining efforts.  Hiring to fill needed vacancies has 
>    greatly reduced in terms of process and approvals
>    - Budget is extremely tight and diminishes each fiscal 
>    year--stabilization not expected in next few Fiscal years
>    - Multiple use of the resource is a balance--I heard "squeaky wheel" 
>    usually gets attention
>    - Recreational shooting is exploding (no pun intended) in growth--they 
>    hear from rec shooters way-y-y-y more than birders
>    - Constituency (Rec shooting) pressure from State, County and 
>    Recreational Shooting groups for access to these public lands
>    - Talked of removing Pawnee Bird Tour signs due to $$$ cost of 
>    maintaining (replacing) due to vandalism and theft of displays
>    - Talked of getting with birders on changing and designing a 21st 
>    century birding tour, identifying birding locales around the Pawnee and 
>    using RF, GPS, mobile tech as a "virtual birding tour"--already being 
>    studied.  In both east and west sections (north to south, too).
>    - Most shooting occurs in the SE section (lower half) of the PNG west 
>    section (ie, Weld CR 96)--he mentions
>    - District Ranger came from an oil and gas background in Oklahoma
>    - The recent oil and gas development decision (2012ish) prevents 
>    drilling surface of PNG for new permits after 2014
>    - A drill will be drilled on south side of Murphy's Pasture 
>    soon--legacy permit (older than 2014).  There are two more legacy permits 
>    planned on PNG I heard mentioned
>    - In the PNG vicinity--third of all rights in private hands (surface 
>    and mineral holder same), third in mixed hands (surface owner different 
>    than mineral holder), third Federal govt hands
>    - Grassland habitat and grassland birds are of great conservation 
>    concern not sure I heard that expressed during our conversation
> Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

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