Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date:        May 3, 2018
e-mail:      RBA AT

This is the Rare Bird Alert for Thursday, May 3 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)
NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families
has changed.
Snow Goose (Arapahoe)
Ross’s Goose (Jackson)
Greater White-fronted Goose (Rio Grande)
Tundra Swan (Prowers)
Wood Duck (Jackson)
Greater Scaup (Jackson, Montrose)
Surf Scoter (Crowley)
Greater Prairie Chicken (Yuma)
Chimney Swift (Jefferson)
White-throated Swift (Pueblo)
Virginia Rail (Chaffee)
Sora (Jackson, Montezuma)
Sandhill Crane (Montezuma)
Black-necked Stilt (Boulder, Douglas, Mesa, *Montezuma)
Semipalmated Plover (*La Plata)
Upland Sandpiper (Sedgwick, Yuma)
Long-billed Curlew (Jefferson, *Kiowa)
Marbled Godwit (Crowley, *Delta, *La Plata, Mesa, *Montezuma)
Sanderling (Jackson)
Bairds’s Sandpiper (Jackson)
Least Sandpiper (Kit Carson)
Solitary Sandpiper (*Boulder, *La Plata, *Mesa, *San Miguel)
Pectoral Sandpiper (*Delta)
Semipalmated Sandpiper (Jackson, Kit Carson, Mesa)
Western Sandpiper (*La Plata)
Long-billed Dowitcher (*La Plata, Weld)
Willet (Boulder, Jackson, Jefferson, *La Plata, Weld)
Wilson’s Phalarope (Kit Carson, *La Plata)
Red-necked Phalarope (Mesa)
Caspian Tern (Crowley, *Kiowa, Weld)
Black Tern (Mesa)
Common Tern (*Mesa)
Forster’s Tern (Adams, Crowley, *Lincoln)
American White Pelican (Douglas)
Great Egret (*Denver, *San Miguel)
Snowy Egret (*Dolores, Las Animas)
Little Blue Heron (*Mesa)
Cattle Egret (*Dolores,*Jefferson, *Mesa, *Montrose, San Miguel)
Green Heron (Boulder)
Glossy Ibis (Fremont, Jackson)
White-faced Ibis (*La Plata, Mesa, Weld)
Turkey Vulture (Douglas)
Northern Goshawk  (Larimer)
Broad-winged Hawk (Jefferson, *Mesa)
Rough-legged Hawk (Lincoln)
Acorn Woodpecker (La Plata)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Bent)
Ladder-backed Woodpecker (El Paso)
Hairy Woodpecker (Weld)
Least Flycatcher (Jefferson)
Hammond’s Flycatcher (Jefferson)
Gray Flycatcher (Kit Carson)
Dusky Flycatcher (*La Plata, Montrose)
Eastern Phoebe (Boulder, Douglas, Jefferson)
Ash-throated Flycatcher (*El Paso, *Larimer)
Cassin’s Kingbird (El Paso)
Gray Vireo (Montrose)
Cassin’s Vireo (Bent)
Plumbeous Vireo ( Arapahoe, Denver)
Warbling Vireo (Pueblo)
Common Raven (*Lincoln)
Violet-green Swallow (Jefferson, Weld)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (Moffat)
Cliff Swallow (Moffat)
Bushtit (*Weld)
White-breasted Nuthatch (Weld)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Kit Carson)
Eastern Bluebird (El Paso)
Swainson’s Thrush (*Weld)
Hermit Thrush (*El Paso)
Gray Catbird (Boulder, Denver, Larimer)
Curve-billed Thrasher (El Paso)
Brown Thrasher (*Kiowa)
Sage Thrasher (Yuma)
Northern Mockingbird (*Kiowa)
American Pipit (Crowley, Kiowa)
Cassin’s Sparrow (Yuma)
Chipping Sparrow (Logan, Montezuma)
Clay-colored Sparrow (Douglas)
Lark Sparrow (El Paso)
Grasshopper Sparrow (Yuma)
Field Sparrow (Bent)
Sagebrush Sparrow (Boulder)
Bullock’s Oriole (Bent)
Baltimore Oriole (Fremont)
Scott’s Oriole (Pueblo)
Brown-headed Cowbird (Kit Carson, Yuma)
Orange-crowned Warbler (Boulder, *Summit)
MacGillivrary’s Warbler (Larimer)
Hooded Warbler (*Broomfield)
Blackpoll Warbler (*Boulder)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Jefferson)
Grace’s Warbler (Jefferson)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (Jefferson, Mesa)
Townsend’s Warbler (*Boulder, Weld)
Wilson’s Warbler (Boulder, *La Plata)
Summer Tanager (Jefferson)
Western Tanager (Larimer)
Northern Cardinal (Boulder)

---On April 30 on Big Dry Creek Trail between Dry Creek Blvd and Arapahoe
Blvd, Mary O’Connor reported Plumbeous Vireo.

---On April 30 at Boulder Creek and 75th St, Katie Lehman and David Haskell
reported 2 Eastern Phoebe.
---On May 1 at Golden Ponds Park and NA, David Dowell reported eastern
Phoebe, 2 Green Heron, and 4 Black-necked Stilts.
---On April 30 at Skunk Canyon trails, David Dowell reported Broad-winged
Haw, 3 Virginia’s Warbler and Wilson’s Warbler.
---On April 30 at CU Boulder East Campus, Laura Steadman reported
Virginia’s Warber and Orange-crowned Warbler.  On May 2 at CU Boulder East
Campus, David Dowell, Mark Minner-lee, John Malenich, and Bill Kaempfer
reported Townsend’s Warbler.
---On May 1 at Melody Park in Boulder, Bob Fiehweg and Robin Byers reported
singing Northern Cardninal.
---On May 1 at Lagerman Reservoir, Scott Severs reported 45 Willets.
---On May 2 at Walden/Sawhill Ponds, Ted Floyd reported 8 Solitary
Sandpipers and Blackpoll Warbler.

---On April 29, Sandy Arnesen reported a Hooded Warbler has been visiting
her back yard.  If you would like to see it, contact Sandy at
sandy.arnesen.SA AT or call 303-941-5481.  On April 30, Edie
Israel, Connie, and Joyce Takamine and Bob Spencer reported m Hooded
Warbler at yard of Sandy Arnesen.  On May 1, Sandy Arnesen reported that
the Hooded Warbler continued to visit her yard and several birders got to
see it.  On May 2, Sandy Arnesen reported that the Hooded Warblers
continues to visit her yard.

---On April 30 at Lake Meredith, David Bell and Siobhan Darlington reported
39 Marbled Godwits, Caspian Tern, and 40 Forster’s Terns.
---On April 30 at Lake Henry, David Bell and Siobhan Darlington reported
imm m Surf Scoter and
2 American Pipts.

---On April 30 at Fruitgrowers Reservoir, Andrea Robinsong reported 2
HUDSONIAN GODWITS, flock of Marbled Godwilts and Pectoral Sandpiper.

---On May1 at First Creek at DEN OS, John Breitsch reported 2 Gray Catbird.
---On May 1 at Rocky Mountain Lake Park, Gabriel Wiltse reported Great
Egret.  On May 2 at Rocky Mountain Lake Park, Mark Obmaschik and Gabriel
Wiltse reported Great Egret.
---On April 30 at Denver City Park, Rebecca Laroche reported Plumbeous
---On May 2 at Bluff Lake Nature Center, Doug Kibbe and Elaine Wagner
reported Great Egret.

---On May 2 at Alkali Draw, Glenn Dunmire reported Snowy Egret and Cattle

---On April 30 on Walker Trail, CO 86 bridge, Hugh Kingery reported Eastern
Phoebe under the bridge.
---On April 30 at Chatfield SP Marina Sandspit, Doug Kibbe and Mackenzie
Goldthwait reported Clay-colored Sparrow.
---On May 1 at Bar CCC pond in Parker, Tim Ryan and G Stacks reported 3
Black-necked Stilts.

---On April 30 at Chico Basin Ranch, Gary Koehn reported Ladder-backed
Woodpecker.  On May 1 at Chico Basin Ranch, Ken Burton banded Hermit
Thrush.   On May 2 at Chico Basin Ranch, Ken Burton reported Ash-throated
Flycatcher and banded 2 Hermit Thrush.
---On April 30 at Ramah Reservoir SWA, John Bruder and Monday Birders
reported Cassin’s Kingbird and 2 Eastern bluebirds.
---On April 30 on Kane Road, Terence Berger, Chris Brobin, Mel and Jeanne
Goff reported Glossy Ibis  On May 1 on Kane Road, Robin Bredl reported
Glossy Ibis.
---On April 30 on Hanover Road, Gary Koehn, David Bell, and Siobhan
Darlington  reported 3 Ladder-backed Woodpecker and Curve-billed Thrasher.
---On April 30 on Blazing game Road, John Bruder reported 3 Cassin’s
---On April 30 on Yoder Rd, Monday Birders reported 2 Cassin’s Kingbirds.
---On April 30 on Funk Road, Monday Birders reported Cassin’s Kingbird.

---On April 30 on Canon City Riverwalk from Sells Lake to S Raynolds Ave,
Jerry DeBoer reported m Baltimore Oriole.

---On May 1 at Walden Reservoir, Caleb Strand reported 2 Baird’s Sandpiper,
Sandering, Ross’s Goose, 2 Greater Scaup and Glossy Ibis.
---On May 1 at Arapaho NWR in Walden, Calibe Strand reported 2 Semipalmated
Sandpiper and 2 Wood Ducks.

---On April 30 at Dinosaur Ridge, Joyce Commercon reported 4 Broad-winged
---On May 2 at North Arvada Middle School, Cathy Fennelly reported 14
Cattle Egret.
---On April 30 at Main Reservoir in Lakewood, Myron Gerhard reported
Black-throated Gray Warbler; Matt Clark, Susan  Bonfiglio, and Karen Goetz
reported 69 Willet, Least Flycatcher, and f Black-throated Blue Warbler in
NW corner just west of Wood Duck Pond.  On May 1 at Main Reservoir, Doug
Kibbe and Elaine Wagner reported Chimney Swift; Michael Lester reported
Hammond’s Flycatcher.
---On May 1 at Elk Meadow Park, Greg Levandoski reported Long-billed Curlew.
---On May 1 on Bear Creek Trail – Bear Creek Lake Dam to S Kipling, Robert
Raker, Frank Farrell, Matt Clark, and Susan Bonfiglio reported Summer

---On May 2 at Upper Queens/Neeskah Reservoir, Jane Stulp, Janeal Thompson,
and Dave Leatherman reported 2 Long-billed Curlew, Caspian Tern, Brown
Thrasher, and Nothern Mockingbird.

---On April 30 at Pastorius Reservoir, Susan Allerton reported 2
Semipalmated Plovers.  On May 2 at Pastorius Reservoir, Susan Allerton,
Jason St Pierre, and Ryan Votta reported 27 Willets, 27 Marbled Godwits, 27
Wilson’s Phalaropes, 26 Long-billed Dowitchers, 21 Western Sandpipers,
Semipalmated Plover, Solitary Sandpiper, 6 White-faced Ibis, Wilson’s
Warbler, and Dusky Flycatcher.
---On Mary 1 on CR 136 across from Consolidated Construction, Jason St.
Pierre reported Cassin’s Kingbird.

---On May 1 at CSU Environmental Learning Center, Bobbie Tilmant reported f
---On April 30 at Horsetooth Mountain OS, Arvind Panjabi reported
Virginia’s Warbler and Western Tanager.
---On April 30 at Dixon Reservoir, Brad Biggerstaff reported MacGillivray’s
---On May 1 at Douglas Reservoir, David Wade reported Gray Catbird.
---On May 2 at Arapahoe Bend NA – Rigden Reservoir (Strauss Cabin Lake),
wlater Wehtje reported Ash-throated Flycatcher.

---On May 1 at Trinidad Reservoir (SP and SWA), Charles Paterson reported
Snowy Egret.

---On May 2 at Karval Lake SWA, Todd Deininger and John Vanderpoel reported
Forster’s Tern and 2 Common Raven.
---On April 30 on CR 3F from CR 41 to Hwy 63, David Bell and Siobhan
Darllington reported Rough-legged Hawk.

---On April 30 at James M Robb Colorado River SP Pear Park Section, Annette
Collier, Diane and Jackson Trappett, David Rice and Hank Schoch, Kathleen
McGinley, Denise and Mark Vollmar reported Little Blue Heron.  On May 1 at
James M Robb Colorado River SP Pear Park Section, Mike Henwood, Nic Korte,
Vic Zerbia and several other birders reported Little Blue Heron.  On May 2
at James M Roob Colorado River SP Pear Park Section, Drew Kelley reported
Little Blue Heron.
---On April 30 at Highline Lake SP, Kathleen McGinley reported 3 Red-necked
Phalarope, 2 Black Tern, 10 Common Tern.  On May 2 at Highline Lake SP,
David Price, Brenda Sabo, and Calib Strand reported Cattle Egret and 2
Common Tern.
---On April 30 at No Thoroughfare Canyon, Ronda Woodward reported Plumbeous
Vireo and Black-throated Gray Warbler.
---On May 1 at Redlands Parkway Ponds, Mike Henwood reported 5 Black-necked
Stilts, Marbled Godwit, and Black Tern; Drew Kelly repoted 2 Semipalmated
---On May 1 at Connected Lakes SP Blue Heron Section, Mike Henwood reported
2 Common Tern.
---On May 2 in Loma at 12 Rd from O ½ to P Road, Mike Henwood reported
Cattle Egret.
---On May 2 at Grand Valley Audubon Nature Center, Caleb Strand reported
Broad-winged Hawk.
---On May 2 at Ela Wildlife Sanctuary, Caleb Strand reported Solitary

---On April 30 at Totten Reservoir, Eric Hendrickson reported Black-necked
Stilt, Sora, and Sandhill Crane.  On May 2 at Totten Reservoir, Erik
Hendrickson reported 2 Marbled Godwit and 2 Black-necked Stilt.

---On April 30 at Jim’s Cabin, Brenda Wright and Coen Dexter reported Gray
---On May 2 at Nucla sewage Lagoons, Coen Dexter and Brenda Wright reported
Cattle Egret.
---On May 2 at Buzz’s Pond, Brenda Wright and Coen Dexter reported 2 Cattle

---On May 1 at North Gateway Park, Alan and Mary Lynne Ketcham, and Jim
Merritt reported Tundra Swan.

---On April 30 at Signal Mountain ranch, Larry Moore reported m Scott’s
---On April 30 at Pueblo Reservoir, Brandon Percival reported Warbling

---On May 2 in Telluride (town), Eric Hynes reported Solitary Sandpiper.
---On May 1 in Mountain Village, Eric Hynes reported Great Egret.
---On May 1 on Boomerang to River trails, Eric Hynes reported Solitary

---On April 30 on CR 4 near Julesburg, Zachariah Hutchinson reported Upland

---On May 2 at Silverthorne (town), Adam Vesely reported 2 Orange-crowned

---On May 1 at Glenmere Park in Greeley, Steve Mlodinow reported Hairy
Woodpecker (Rocky Mts), 2 Bushtit, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, White-breasted
Nuthatch (interior west).
---On May 1 at Eaton Cemetery, Steve Mlodinow reported 2 Sawinson’s (Olive
back) Thrush and Townsend’s Warbler.
---On May 1 at Firestone Gravel Pits (view from road), Steve Mlodinow
reported 2 Caspian Terns.

---On April 30 at CR 45 (40.2054,-102.3056) Joshua Smith reported Upland
Sandpiper, 2 Sage Thrashers and Grasshopper Sparrow.
---On April 30 on CR 45 (40.2166,-102.3265), Caleb Strand reported 21
Greater Prairie Chicken, 4 Cassin’s Sparrow, and 6 Grasshopper Sparrows.

DFO Field Trips:
For details please visit the DFO website
Northeastern Colorado
Friday, May 4 –Saturday, May 5
6:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Chuck Hundermark & Paul slingsby (chundertmark8 AT; 303-604-0531)

eBird Hotspot Romp
Saturday, May 5
6:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Chris Goulart (cgoulart001 AT; 586-764-2126)  This Trip is FULL

Reuter-Hess Reservoir
Saturday, May 5
8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Tim Ryan and Diane Roberts (Tryan4thebirds AT; 720-545-5084)
This trip is FULL.

Denver City Park
Sunday, May 6
6:30 Am – 11:00 AM
Patraick O-Driscoll (patrodrisk AT; 303-885-6955 (cell))

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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