Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date:        May 14, 2018
e-mail:      RBA AT

This is the Rare Bird Alert for Monday, May 14 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)
NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families
has changed.
Snow Goose (Arapahoe, Kiowa)
Greater White-fronted Goose (Larimer, Rio Grande)
Red-breasted Merganser (Pueblo)
Dusky Grouse (Boulder)
Greater Prairie Chicken (Yuma)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (*Boulder)
Greater Roadrunner (Baca)
Common Nighthawk (Boulder, *Weld)
Common Poorwill (El Paso)
White-throated Swift (Pueblo)
Virginia Rail (Chaffee)
Sora (Jackson, Montezuma)
Sandhill Crane (Garfield, Montezuma, Weld)
Black-necked Stilt (Denver)
American Avocet (Teller)
Black-bellied Plover (Boulder, Mesa)
Snowy Plover (*Delta, Kiowa)
Whimbrel (Kiowa, *Larimer)
Marbled Godwit (Mesa)
White-rumped Sandpiper (Kiowa)
Pectoral Sandpiper (Delta)
Long-billed Dowitcher  (Weld)
Willet  (Jackson, Weld)
Wilson’s Phalarope (Kit Carson)
Red-necked Phalarope (Larimer)
Least Tern (*Kiowa)
Black Tern (Kiowa, Yuma)
Common Tern (Kiowa)
Forster’s Tern (Adams, Montezuma)
American Bittern (Boulder)
Snowy Egret (*Delta)
Cattle Egret (*Delta, Douglas, Jefferson, *Montrose)
Green Heron (Larimer)
Glossy Ibis (Chaffee, Fremont, Kiowa)
White-faced Ibis (Mesa, Weld)
Turkey Vulture (Douglas)
Mississippi Kite (*El Paso, Kiowa, Prowers, Pueblo)
Northern Goshawk (El Paso, Larimer)
Broad-winged Hawk (Yuma)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Baca, *Denver, *El Paso, *Kiowa, Prowers)
Acorn Woodpecker (La Plata)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Pueblo)
Ladder-backed Woodpecker (*El Paso)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Larimer)
Olive-sided Flycatcher (Boulder)
Western Wood-Pewee (Arapahoe, Mesa)
Alder Flycatcher (El Paso, Yuma)
Willow Flycatcher (Weld)
Least Flycatcher (Boulder)
Hammond’s Flycatcher (Boulder, *Weld)
Gray Flycatcher (*Boulder, Gunnison, Kiowa, Kit Carson, *Weld)
Dusky Flycatcher (Montrose)
Cordilleran Flycatcher (Boulder, El Paso)
Eastern Phoebe (Adams, *Boulder, Chaffee,  Jefferson, Yuma)
Vermilion Flycatcher (*Adams, *Denver)
Ash-throated Flycatcher (*El Paso, Pueblo, Weld)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Yuma)
Cassin’s Kingbird (Adams/Arapahoe, Larimer)
White-eyed Vireo (Jefferson, Kiowa)
Warbling Vireo (Boulder)
Yellow-throated Vireo (*Boulder, *Weld)
 Cassin’s Vireo (Bent, *Larimer, *Weld)
Red-eyed Vireo (*Weld, Yuma)
Gray Jay (*Larimer, Montezuma)
Pinyon Jay (El Paso)
Chihuahuan Raven (Kiowa)
Violet-green Swallow (Jefferson, Weld)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (Moffat)
Cliff Swallow (Moffat)
Canyon Wren (Prowers)
Marsh Wren (Gunnison)
Bewick’s Wren (El Paso)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Kit Carson)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (*Weld)
Eastern Bluebird (*El Paso, Kiowa)
Veery (Kiowa, *Larimer, Phillips, *Weld)
Hermit Thrush (*El Paso)
Wood Thrush (Kiowa)
Curve-billed Thrasher (El Paso)
Northern Mockingbird (Arapahoe)
American Pipit (Kiowa)
Red Crossbill (*Larimer, Pueblo, Yuma)
American Tree Sparrow (Larimer)
Chipping Sparrow (Logan, Montezuma)
Lark Sparrow (El Paso)
Black-throated Sparrow (Alamosa)
Lark  Bunting (*Boulder)
Grasshopper Sparrow (Denver, Jefferson, Phillips)
Field Sparrow (Bent, Phillips)
White-throated Sparrow (*Weld)
Harris’s Sparrow (Jefferson, Prowers, Yuma)
Golden-crowned Sparrow (*Douglas)
Bobolink (Boulder, Larimer)
Orchard Oriole (El Paso)
Brown-headed Cowbird (Kit Carson, Yuma)
Ovenbird (Boulder, *Weld)
Worm-eating Warbler (*Larimer)
Northern Waterthrush (*Boulder, El Paso, La Plata, *Larimer, Monte Vista,
Pitkin, Prowers, Pueblo, Washington, Weld, Yuma)
Blue-winged Warbler (Kiowa)
Black-and-white Warbler (Baca, Kiowa)
Tennessee Warbler (Boulder, *La Plata, Yuma)
Nashville Warbler (El Paso)
Hooded Warbler (Prowers, Yuma)
CAPE MAY WARBLER (*Boulder, Pueblo)
Northern Parula (El Paso, Kiowa)
Magnolia Warbler (Kiowa)
Bay-breasted Warbler (Kiowa)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Baca, El Paso, *Jefferson, *Weld)
Blackpoll Warbler (Boulder, *Jefferson, Larimer, Phillips, Weld, Yuma)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Weld)
Palm Warbler (Larimer)
Yellow-throated Warbler (Pueblo)
Grace’s Warbler (Jefferson, Mesa)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (Boulder, *Larimer, Pueblo)
Wilson’s Warbler (Mineral)
Hepatic Tanager (*Pueblo)
Summer Tanager (*Boulder)
Northern Cardinal (Prowers)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Archuleta, *Boulder)
Blue Grosbeak (Boulder)
Lazuli Bunting (Arapahoe)
Indigo Bunting (Kiowa, *Larimer)

---On May 12 at Deer Trail Aspen Springs, Bryon Greco reported
Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

---On May 12 at Barr Lake SP on Neidrach Nature Trail and Visitor Center,
Karen Drozda and Sandra Blair reported 3 Eastern Phoebe.
---On May 13 at Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR First Creek, Dave Blue found a
1st year m Vermilion Flycatcher.

---On May 11 on US 36 (39.74,-103.767), Loch Kilpatrick reported Cassin’s
Kingbird.  This is right on the county line.

---On May 9 at Hwy 140 pullout at Mosca, Chet Ogan reported Black-throated
Sparrow perched on sign of Medano Zapata pullout.

---On May 12 at Willow spring OS in Centennial, Jared Del Rosso reported
Northern Mockingbird and Northern Waterthrush.
---On May 12 at High Line Canal and Little Dry Creek in Centennial, Jared
Del Rosso reported Western Wood-Pewee and Lazuli Bunting.
---On May 11 at Two Buttes SWA below the dam, Joey Kellner, Kathy Mihm
Dunning, and Glenn Walbek reported Red-headed Woodpecker, m Black-and-white
Warbler, MOURNING WARBLER and Chestnut-sided Warbler.

---On May 10 at Walden/Sawhill, Kit Basom reported 2 American Bittern.
---On May 12 at Boulder Creek at 75th, Pablo Quezada and Gabriel Wiltse
reported Eastern Phoebe.
---On May 10 at CU Boulder, East Campus, John Malenich and Steve Rash
reported Yellow-throated Vireo; Bob Spencer and Peter Burke reported
Yellow-throated Vireo and Northern Waterthrush.  On May 11 at CU Boulder,
East Campus, Confluence Ponds and Skunk Creek, Peter Gent reported
Yellow-throated Vireo and Thomas Heinrich reported Northern Waterthrush.
On May 12 at CU Boulder, East Campus, Confluence Ponds and Skunk Creek
area, Katie Lehman and David Haskell found a m CAPE MAY WARBLER which was
seen by many birders; also seen were Northern Waterthrush, Yellow-throated
Vireo, Black-throated Gray Warber, Summer Tanager, Least Flycatcher,
Cordilleran Flycatcher, Olive-sided Flycatcher.  On May 13 at CU Boulder
East Campus, Peter Burke and others reported Gray Flycatcher, Northern
Waterthrush, CAPE MAY WARBLER, Yellow-throated Vireo, Summer Tanager,
Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Ernest Crvich and Willem Van Vliet reported
Yellow-billed Cuckoo.
---On May 10 at Pella Crossing OS, Carl Starace andMike Hensley reported 2
Bobolink.  On May 11 at Pella Crossing, Chuck Hundertmark reported 2
---On May 10 at Teller Farm and Lakes, Ted Floyd reported Warbling Vireo
---On May 10 at Golden Ponds Park and NA in Longmont, Susan and Maikel Wise
reported Common Nighthawk.
---On May 11 at Lagerman Reservoir, Chuck Hundertmark reported
Black-bellied Plover.
---On May 11 on Bear Canyon trail in Boulder Mountain Park, Christian Nunes
reported 2 Dusky Grouse, Ovenbird, and Hammond’s Flycatcher.
---On May 12 at Mayoffer Singletree Trail in Superior, Peter Ruprecht
reported m Blackpoll Warbler; Michael Lester reported Tennessee Warbler,
Gray Flycatcher, Least Flycatcher, and m Rose-breasted Grosbeak.  On May 13
at Mayoffer Singletree Trail, Pablo Quezada reported Gray Flycatcher and
Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
---On May 12 at Boulder Valley Ranch Trailhead, Steve Frye reported Blue
---On May 12 at City of Boulder Open Space Cherryvale Office Area, Michelle
Puplava and Alex Brown reported ad m Lark Bunting.
---On May 12 at Lagerman Reservoir, Dan Zmolek and Leslie S reported m Lark
---On May 12 W of Niwot on N 79th S of CR 30, Kat Bradley-Bennett reported
Eastern Phoebe.
---On May 13 at 5728-5898 Hygiene Road in Longmont, Christian Nunes
reported Lark Bunting.

---On May 10 at Little Arkansas River between Poncha Springs and Salida,
Karen Goetz, Susan Bonfiglio, and Matt Clark reported 4 Glossy Ibis.
---On May 11 at Sherrie’s Patch, Sands, Hatchery, Frantz, Mesa, Sally
Waterthouse reported Eastern Phoebe.

---On May 12 at Fruitgrowers Reservoir North Road Causeway, Jon Horn
reported Pectoral Sandpiper.  On May 13 at Fruitgrowers Reservoir, Jim
Wallis reported Snowy Egret, Cattle Egret, and pair of Snowy Plovers.

---On May 10 at Westerly Wetland, Jake Shorty reported 2 Black-necked
---On May 13 at First Creek at DEN OS, Megan Miller and Jordon Spalding
reported Red-headed Woodpecker and Vermilion Flycatcher.

---On May 12 at McClain Gravel Pit, Bill Schreitz reported Cattle Egret.
---On May 12 at High Line Canal GCSP spot, Joey Kellner and Steve
Stachowiak reported Golden-crowned Sparrow.  On May 13 on High Line canal
Trail (39.527,-105.048), Joey Kellner and Glenn Walbek reported
Golden-crowned Sparrow.

---On May 10 at Chico Basin Ranch, Ken Burton, Tanja Britton, and John
Drummond reported Ash-throated Flycatcher, Hermit Thrush, Northern Parula,
2 Ladder-backed Woodpeckers.  On May 12 at Chico Basin Ranch, Wooded Areas,
Christine Alexander, Ginny Bergstrom, Rebecca Laroche, and Steve Mlodinow
reported Ladder-backed Woodpecker and Ash-throated Flycatcher.  On May 13
at Chico Basin Ranch, Ken Burton banded another Hermit Thrush and reported
Red-headed Woodpecker; Rebecca Laroche reported Ash-throated Flycatcher and
Ladder-backed Woodpecker; Christina Leslie reported 2 Eastern Bluebirds.
---On May 11 at Clear Spring Ranch, Steve Brown banded 5 Northern
Waterthrush and m Orchard Oriole and reported m Nashville Warbler; Clark
Jones reported Ladder-backed Woodpecker.  On May 12 at Clear Spring Ranch,
Steve Brown reported Mississippi Kite, Alder Flycatcher, and Nothern
Waterthrush; Alan Ketcham reported Mississippi Kite.  On May 13 at Clear
Spring Ranch, Steve Brown reported that he banded 5 Northern Waterthrush
and missed netting a m Indigo Buntin.
---On May 10 at Adams OS, Robb Hinds and Gloria Nikolai reported 3
Mississippi Kites.  On May 11 at Adams OS, Gary Koehn and John Malenich
reported 2 Mississippi Kites.  On May 13 on Adams OS, Cynthia Kristensen
reported 2 Mississippi Kites.
---On May 11 on Hanover Road, Jim Merritt reported 2 Ladder-backed
Woodpecker.  On May 12 on Hanover Road, Christine Alexander reported
Curve-billed Thrasher.  On May 13 on Handover Road, Alan Ketcham reported
Ladder-backed Woodpecker.
---On May 10 at Hanover Fire Station, Tanja Britton reported Curve-billed
---On May 10 at Smith Creek Ponds, Alan Versaw reported Northern Goshawk.
---On May 10 at Fountain Creek RP, Diana Beatty reported Mississippi Kite.
---On May 11 at Sinton Pond OS, David Tonnessen reported Cordilleran
---On May 11 at Aiken Canyon Preserve, David Tonnessen reported 2 Bewick’s
Wren, 2 Ash-throated Flycatchers, 4 Common Poorwill; John Sanderson
reported 2 Ash-throated Flycatchers.  On May 12 at Aiken Canyon Preserve,
Heidi Eaton and David Tonnessen reported 7 Ash-throated Flycatchers and 5
Bewick’s Wrens.
---On May 12 at 3350 Turkey Canyon Ranch Road, Michelle Orlowske reported 2
Ash-throated Flycatcher and 2 Pinyon Jays.
---On May 12 on Fountain Creek Spring Count, Steve Getty reported Northern
Parula, Chestnut-sided Warbler, and Northern Waterthrush.
---On May 13 in Fountain, Christina Leslie and Marry Geder each reported 2
Mississippi Kites.

---On May 10 at Spring Valley, Tom McConnell reported Sandhill Crane.

---On May 12 at McCabes Lane Wetland, Ian Souza-Cole reported 2 Marsh Wrens.

---On May 10 at Lower White Ranch Park, Christy Payne reported 3
Grasshopper Sparrows.
---On May 11 at Bear Creek Lake Park, Mark Chavez, Myron Gerhard, Frank
Farrell, and Pablo Quezada reported White-eyed Vireo.
---On May 12 at Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms, Megan Miller
reported Harris’s Sparrow.
---On May 12 at Belmar Park, Bill Eley, Myron Berhard, Pablo Queazda, and
Gabriel Wiltse reported m Chestnut-sided Warbler.  On May 13 at Belmar
Park, Michael Lester and Gary Ackert reported Chestnut-sided and Blackpoll
Warblers; several other birders reported Chestnut-sided Warbler.
---On May 12 at 7285 Pierce St, Arvada, Reed Gorner reported 11 Cattle

---On May 10 at Upper Queens/Neeskah Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow and David
Ely reported Glossy Ibis, 10 Snowy Plover, 2 Piping Plover, 4 White-rumped
Sandpiper, Black Tern, 3 Red-headed Woodpecker, White-eyed Vireo,
Blue-winged Warbler, Northern Parula, Bay-breasted Warbler, Eastern
Bluebird, and Wood Thrush.  On May 11 at Upper Queens/Neeskah Reservoir,
Joey Kellner and Kathy Mihm Dunning reported Snow Goose, Whimbrel and
Black-and-white Warbler.
---On May 11 at Neenoshe Reservoir, Joey Kellner and Kathy Mihm Dunning
reported 4 Snowy Plovers, 28 Black Terns, and 3 Common Terns.  On May 13 at
Neenoshe Reservoir, Heidi Eaton reported Least Tern and 3 Red-headed
---On May 10 on Kiowa road S of Eads Cemetery, David Ely and Steve Mlodinow
reported Chihuahuan Raven and pair of Eastern Bluebirds.
---On May 10 at Kiow Creek at CR 40, Steve Mlodinow and David Ely reported
11 Mississippi Kites, Gray Flycatcher, 2 Chihuahuan Ravens, Veery, Magnolia
Warbler, and Indigo Bunting.

---On May 11 on Animas River Trail behind Home Depot, Susan Allerton
reported Olive-sided Flycatcher.
---On May 12 at Pastorius Reservoir, Catherine Ortega and Mark Holmgren
reported Northern Waterthrush.
---On May 13 at Oxbow Park and Preserve, Jason St Pierre reported Tennessee

---On May 10 at Lee Martinez Park in Fort Collins, Rob Sparks reported
Northern Waterthrush and Green Heron.
---On May 10 at Rocky Mountain NP Beaver Meadows Visitor Center, Logan
Korte reported 2 American Tree Sparrows, American Three-toed Woodpecker,
Gray Jay and Blackpoll Warbler.
---On May 11 at reservoir Ridge Trail in private hayfield N of trail going
e-w from Overland Trail Pakring Lot, Dave Leatherman reported 2 m Bobolink.
---On May 11 at Equalizer Lake in Loveland, a Worm-eating Warbler was
reported by Georgia Doyle, Densie Bretting, Christine Sparks, Walter
Wehtje, and Nick Komar.  On May 12 at Equalizer Lake in Loveland, Jim
Nachel, Pablo Quezada, David Wade, Lori Pivonka, Jeff Kehoe, and Josh
Bruening reported Worm-eating Warbler; Bruening also reported Northern
Waterthrush.  On May 13 at Equalizer Lake, Steve Rash reported Worm-eating
---On May 11 at Rocky Mountain NP Sprague Lake, Robert Mocko reported Palm
Warbler, 2 Northern Goshawk, and Gray Jay.
---On May 12 for Big Day, Nick Komar reported Greater White-fronted Goose
at CR 70 Pond; Black-bellied Plover at CR 9 Pond S of Wellington,
Red-necked Phalarope at Morris Reservoir in Wellinton, and Northern
Waterthrush at Lee Martinez Park.
---On May 12 at Wellington SWA Cobb Lake Unit, David Wade, Walter Wehtje,
and Georgia Doyle reported Cassin’s Kingbird, Northern Waterthrush, and
Black-throated Gray Warbler.  On May 13 at Wellington SWA Cobb Lake Unit,
Nick komar, Lori Pivonka and Sean Walters reported Gray Flycatcher, Veery,
Whimbrel, Black-throated Gray Warbler.
---On May 12 on NCR 11 North Poudre Reservoir #4, Georgia Doyle and Walter
Wehtje reported Greater White-fronted Goose.
---On May 13 at Grandview Cemetery, Dave Leatherman reported Red Crossbills
(Type 4).
---On May 13 at Frank SWA and Jode Reservoir, Caroline Olsen reported
Cassin’s Vireo.

---On May 10 at Jack’s Canyon, Eric DeFonso reported Grace’s Warbler.
---On May 11 at Horsethief Canyon SWA, David Price reported Western
---On May 12 at John Brown Canyon, Ronda Woodward reported 4 Grace’s

---On May 11 at West Fork, Ben Bailey reported Wilson’s Warbler.

---On May 11 at Wright Schriver WA north of Home Lake, John Rawsinski
reported Northern Waterthrush.

---On May 11 at Totten Reservoir, Coen Dexter and Brenda Wright reported
Sandhill Cane.
---On May 10 at McPhee Reservoir West End, Coen Dexter and Brenda Wright
reporter 27 Forster’s Terns.  On May 11 at McPhee Reservoir West End, Coen
Dexter and Brenda Wright reported 1 Forster’s tern.
---On May 11 at Twin Lakes, Ryan Crouse reported 3 Gray Jays.

---On May 13, 0.5 mile south of Nucla Domestic Reservoir, Coen Dexter and
Brenda Wright reported Cattle Egret.

---On May 12 in Holyoke (town), Nick Moore reported Veery, Blackpoll
Warbler, Grasshopper Sparrow, and Field Sparrow.

---On May 12 at Placita River Bottoms, Ernie Bradley reported Northern

---On May 10 at Lamar Community College, Brandon Percival reported
Worm-eating Warbler.  On May 11 at Lamar Community College, Joey Kellner,
Kathy Mihm Dunning, and Glenn Walbek reported 7 Mississippi Kites,
Red-headed Woodpecker, Hooded Warbler, 2 Northern Cardinals, Worm-eating
Warbler, and Northern Waterthrush.

---On May 11 at Mineral Palace Park, Van Truan and Darth Aves reported
Yellow-throated Warbler.  On May 12 at Mineral Palace Park, Loch Kilpatrick
reported 2 Yellow-throated Warblers, 4 Mississippi Kites and Black-throated
Gray Warbler.
---On May 10 at Pueblo Reservoir Spillway, Darth Aves reported 2 f
Red-breasted Mergansers.
---On May 11 at Chico Basin Ranch headquarters area, Robb Hinds reported
Northern Waterthrush.  On May 12 at Chico Basin ranch, Rose Pond, Steve
Mlodinow reported m CAPE MAY WARBLER and Red Crossbill.
---On May 11 at Chico Basin Ranch, Twin Ponds, Rebecca Laroche and Steve
Mlodinow reported Red-bellied Woodpecker and Ash-throated Flycatcher.
---On May 13 at Chic Basin Ranch Rose Pond, John Drummond, Rebecca Laroche,
Gloria Nikloai, and Christina Leslie reported m Hepatic Tanager.

---On May 12 at Manitou Lake, Mel and Jeanne Goff reported American Avocet.

---On May 12 at Last Chance, Ted Floyd reported Northern Waterthrush.

---On May 9 at Crow Valley CG, Gene Rutherford reported m Chestnut-sided
Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, and f Summer Tanager; Norm Lewis reported
Summer Tanager.  On May 11 at Crow Valley CG, Norm Lewis reported Common
Nighthawk.  On May 12 at Crow Valley CG, Josh Bruening reported Common
Nighthawk, Hammond’s Flycatcher, Gray Flycatcher, Cassin’s Vireo, Red-eyed
Vireo, Northern Waterthrush, 2 Blackpoll Warblers; Gene Rutherford reported
Red-eyed Vireo.  On May 13 at Crow Valley CG Josh Bruening reported
Cassin’s VIero,  Veery, Ovenbird, Chestnut-sided Warbler, White-throated
Sparrow, and Golden-crowned Kinglet; John Cobb reported Golden-crowned
Kinglet and Hammond’s Flycatcher; Gene Rutherford reported Chestnut-sided
Warbler, Common Nighthawk, Red-eyed Vireo, and Cassin’s Vireo; Christ
Goulart reported  Chestnut-sided Warbler.
---On May 9 at Nunn Woods where Lone Tree Creek crosses Nunn County Roads,
Gary Lefko reported Blue Grosbeak and Brown Thrasher.
---On May 11 at Lower Latham, Shawn Mason reported 2 Sandhill Cranes.
---On May 12 at Banner Lake SWA, Richard Homes Anderson reported
Ash-throated Flycatcher.
---On May 12 at Norma’s Grove, Gene Rutherford reported Willow Flycatcher.
On May 13 at Norma’s Grove, Josh Bruening and Gene Rutherford reported Gray
Flycatcher and Yellow-throated Vireo.
---On May 12 at Eaton Cemetery, Josh Bruening and Gene Rutherford reported
Willow Flycatcher and Black-throated Blue Warbler.

---On May 12 in Yuma (town), Nick Moore reported 7 Red Crossbills
(Ponderosa Pine or Type 2).
---On May 12 at Wray Fish Hatchery, Nick Moore reported Black Tern, Eastern
Phoebe, Great Crested Flycatcher, 2 Blackpoll Warblers, 2 EASTERN TOWHEE.
---On May 12 at Hale Ponds, David Dowell reported Alder Flycatcher,
Harris’s Sparrow, Red-eyed Vireo, Northern Waterthrush, and Tennessee
---On May 12 at Hale Crossroad, David Dowell reported Broad-winged Hawk,
SEDGE WREN, and Hooded Warbler.

DFO Field Trips:
For details please visit the DFO website

Monday, May 14, 2018  5:15 AM – 4:00 PM
Elbert County
David Suddjian (dsuddjian AT; 831-713-8659)
Register online or contact leader.

Tuesday, May 15 5:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Deer Creek Canyon
David Suddjian (dsuddjian AT; 831-713-8659)
This trip is FULL.

Saturday,May  19  5:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Chatfield State Park
David Suddjian (dsuddjian AT; 831-713-8659)
This trip is FULL.

Sunday, May 20  6:15 AM – 11:00 AM
Second Creek Open Space (Commerce City)
Patrick O’Driscoll (patodrisk AT; 303-885-6955 (cell))
Register online or contact leader.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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