Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date:        June 3, 2018
e-mail:      RBA AT

This is the Rare Bird Alert for Sunday, June 3 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)

NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families
has changed.
Snow Goose (Kiowa)
Greater White-fronted Goose (Jefferson)
Trumpeter Swan (*Mesa)
Wood Duck (Saguache)
Common Goldeneye (Chaffee, Garfield)
Hooded Merganser (Adams, Boulder, Garfield, *Larimer)
Northern Bobwhite (Logan)
Chukar (Larimer)
Lesser Prairie Chicken (Kiowa)
Clark’s Grebe (Denver)
White-winged Dove (Las Animas)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Larimer, Logan)
Black Swift (Ouray, Pueblo)
White-throated Swift (Las Animas)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Larimer)
Black Rail (*Weld)
Sora (Summit)
Sandhill Crane (*Larimer, *Weld)
Black-necked Stilt (Kiowa)
Upland Sandpiper (Larimer, *Logan)
Long-billed Curlew (Larimer, Las Animas)
Ruddy Turnstone (Larimer)
Stilt Sandpiper (Kiowa, Kit Carson)
Sanderling (Kiowa)
White-rumped Sandpiper (Kiowa, Kit Carson)
Pectoral Sandpiper (Kiowa, Weld)
Western Sandpiper (Kiowa)
Long-billed Dowitcher (Las Animas, Weld)
Willet (Alamosa, Jackson, Weld)
Lesser Yellowlegs (Kiowa)
Red-necked Phalarope (*Larimer)
Least Tern (Delta)
Caspian Tern (Jackson)
Common Loon (Bent)
Cattle Egret (*Pueblo)
Green Heron (Kiowa)
Glossy Ibis (*Boulder)
Mississippi Kite (*El Paso, Kiowa)
Lewis’s Woodpecker (*Mesa)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Bent, Kit Carson, Logan)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Pueblo)
Ladder-backed Woodpecker (*Pueblo)
Downy Woodpecker (Eastern) (Larimer)
Peregrine Falcon (Denver)
Alder Flycatcher (Larimer)
Least Flycatcher (Boulder, Eagle, Grand)
Hammond’s Flycatcher (Weld)
Gray Flycatcher (Gunnison, Kit Carson)
Cordilleran Flycatcher (*Arapahoe)
Eastern Phoebe (*Boulder)
Ash-throated Flycatcher (*El Paso, Larimer)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Logan)
Cassin’s Kingbird (*Arapahoe, Bent, Otero, *Pueblo)
Eastern Kingbird (Gunnison)
Purple Martin (Mesa)
Tree Swallow (Kiowa)
Bank Swallow (Kiowa)
Juniper Titmouse (Las Animas)
Bushtit (*Adams)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (Arapahoe)
Bell’s Vireo (Logan, *Pueblo)
Gray Vireo (Huerfano)
Yellow-throated Vireo (Weld)
Cassin’s Vireo (*Larimer)
Warbling Vireo (Western) (Kit Carson)
Red-eyed Vireo (Weld)
Pinyon Jay (*El Paso)
Common Raven (Weld)
Canyon Wren (Otero)
Marsh Wren (Gunnison)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Las Animas)
Eastern Bluebird (El Paso)
Veery (Boulder, Logan)
Lesser Goldfinch (Adams)
McCown’s Longspur (*Larimer)
Cassin’s Sparrow (Adams)
Chipping Sparrow (Logan, Montezuma)
Brewer’s Sparrow (*Jefferson)
Field Sparrow (Kiowa, Kit Carson, Larimer)
Lark Sparrow (El Paso)
Grasshopper Sparrow (*Jefferson, Larimer)
Fox Sparrow (Jackson. *Mesa)
White-throated Sparrow (Weld)
Yellow-breasted Chat (*Broomfield)
Bobolink (*Mesa)
Orchard Oriole (*Broomfield)
Baltimore Oriole (Logan, *Otero, *Prowers, Weld)
Ovenbird (Boulder, *El Paso, Kit Carson)
Northern Waterthrush (Jackson, Kiowa)
Orange-crowned Warbler (Logan)
American Redstart (El Paso, Kiowa)
Northern Parula (Larimer)
Magnolia Warbler (Cheyenne, El Paso)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Jefferson, Larimer)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Weld)
Yellow-throated Warbler (*Pueblo)
Grace’s Warbler (Las Animas, *Mesa)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Rio Grande)
Lazuli Bunting (Adams)
Dickcissel (Bent, Kiowa)

—On June 1 at Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR First Creek, John Breitsch
reported 2 Lesser Goldfinch.
---On May 29 at Barr Lake SP west side, Connie Lintz and Candice Johnson
reported Hooded Merganser and Lesser Goldfinch.
---On May 29 at Ken Mitchell Park and Open Space, Bill Kaempfer reported f
Hooded Merganser.
---On May 30 at Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR, George Ho reported Lazuli
---On May 31 on her BBS route, Cynthia Madsen reported several Cassin’s
Sparrows along her route.
---On June 3 at McKay Lake, Matt Hofeditz reported 3 Bushtit.

---On May 31 at Little Dry Creek near High Line Canal Trail, Jared Del
Rosso reported Cordilleran Flycatcher.
---On June 1 at High Line Canal Trail – S Elati to W Ridge Road (Lee
Gulch), Troy Becker reported Red-breasted Nuthatch.
---On June 1 at Littleton Cemetery, David Suddjian reported Red-breasted
---On June 1 at St Mary’s Catholic Church in Littleton, David Suddjian
reported 2 Red-breasted Nuthatch.
---On June 1 in Littleton Lee Gulch Trail – Prince to Windermere (East
half), David Suddjian reported 5 Red-breasted Nuthatch.
---On June 3 at Richmil Ranch OS, David Hill and Cynthia Madsen reported 2
Cassin’s Kingbirds.
---On May 30 at John Martin Reservoir, Finny Fantetti reported Common Loon,
2 Red-headed Woodpeckers, 2 Cassin’s Kingbirds, and 3 Dickcissel.
---On June 3 on High Line Canal Trail—S University Blvd to E Orchard, Jared
Del Rosso reported Cordilleran Flycatcher.

---On May 29 at Hecla Lake, Ryan Bushong reported m Hooded Merganser.  On
May 31 at Hecla Lake, Rob Cassady and Ted Floyd reported m Hooded Merganser
---On May 29 at Waneka Lake/Greenlee Preserve, Ted Floyd reported Hooded
---On May 29 on Twin Lakes Trail, Elena Klaver reported singing Veery; Luke
and Tracy Pheneger, Dan Zmolek and Leslie S were able to see and hear the
---On May 29 on Yellowstone Rd in Longmont, Mary and Paulette Ache reported
8 Hooded Mergansers (1f, 7 juv).
---On May 29 at St Vrain River Cross at 63rd St. John Rutenbeck reported
Eastern Phoebe.
---On May 30 at Bridge at Left Hand Canyon, Luke Pheneger and Maikel Wise
reported Eastern Phoebe.  This is private property so bird from road.
---On May 30 at Teller Farm and Lakes, Richard Trunker reported Hooded
---On June 1 at Walden Ponds, Kat Braley-Bennett reported Glossy Ibis.
---On June 2 at Old S St Vrain Road in Lyons, Kat Bradley- Bennett reported
---On June 2 on White Rocks Trail, Dan Zmolek and Leslie S reported Least
---On June 3 at Boulder Creek at 75th St, Dan Zmolek and Leslie S reported
2 Eastern Phoebe flycatching near a White Barn.

---On June 3 at 2850 Big Dry Creek Drive, Eric Zorawawicz reported
Yellow-breasted Chat and Orchard Oriole.

---On June 1 at Sands Lake SWA, Jeff Guy reported pair of Common Goldeneye.

---On May 29 at Sweitzer Lake, Sandy Beranich reported a possible ANHIHGA.
On May 30 at Sweitzer Lake, Betty Fenton reported Least Tern.

---On May 29 at Denver City Park, Ferril Lake Keith Suter reported Clark’s
---On May 31 at 18th and Lawrence, Megan Miller reported Peregrine Falcon.

---On June 1 at Clear Spring Ranch, Michael Springer reported Magnolia
Warbler which was banded by Steve Brown on May 23.
---On June 2 at Adams Open Space, Cathy Bondy reported 3 Mississippi
Kites.  On June 3 at Adams Open Space, David and Chery Hubbard reported 5
Mississippi Kites and Brook Nelson reported 1 Mississippi Kite.
---On June 2 along Bear Creek 1.1 mi upstream from Nature Center, Steve
Getty reported singing American Redstart.
---On June 3 at Aiken Canyon Preserve, Jim Merritt reported Ash-throated
---On June 3 at Cheyenne Mountain SP, Roger Massey reported Ash-throated
Flycatcher along Blackmer Loop and Ovenbird; Tim Leppek reported Pinyon Jay.

---On May 31 on ponds near Rifle Garfield airport (View from road), JoAnn
Riggle reported 2 Hooded Mergansers and Common Goldeneye.

---On May 31 at Rocky Mountain NP – Timber Lake Trail, Jamie Simo reported
Least Flycatcher.

---On May 30 in town of Gunnison, Jennifer Gardner reported Eastern
---On June 1 at McCabes Lane Wetland, Holly Annala reported Marsh Wren.

---On May 30 NE of Gardner Butte, Marcel Such reported 3 Gray Vireo.

---On June 2 in Rand (Town), Steve Mlodinow reported 3 Northern Waterthrush
and  8 Slate-colored Fox Sparrow.
---On June 2 on CO 125, Steve Mlodinow reported Long-billed Curlew.
---On June 2 at Pole Mountain Lake Area, Steve Mlodinow reported 2 Caspian
Tern and Slate-colored Fox Sparrow.

---On May 31 at Belmar Park, Amy Fredrickson reported Greater White-fronted
---On June 1 at North Table Mountain Park, Brian Johnson reported 4
Grasshopper Sparrows.
---On June 3 at 10494 – 10622 Plainview Road in Golden, Frank Farrell
reported Brewer’s Sparrow and 6 Grasshopper Sparros.

---On May 29 at Neenoshe Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported 4 Black-crowned
Night Heron, 31 Black-necked Stilts, 3 Stilt Sandpipers, 71 White-faced
Ibis, 2 Bank Swallow, 1 Snow Goose, 3 Snowy Plover, 3 Sanderling, 62
White-rumped Sandpipers, Red-headed Woodpecker and Dickcissel.
---On May 29 at Upper Queens/Neeskah Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported
Pectoral Sandpiper, 8 Warbling Vireo (Eastern), Great Crested Flycatcher,
Mississippi Kite, 7 White-rumped Sandpiper, Northern Waterthrush, American
---On May 29 at Neegronda Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported 2 White-faced
Ibis and 5 Stilt Sandpipers.
---On May 29 at Lower Queens Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported 3 Lesser
Yellowlegs, 5 Pectoral Sandpipers, 6 Stilt Sandpipers, 4 Western
Sandpipers, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, and Field Sparrow.
---On May 28 CR p to CR 41 W of US 287, Steve Mlodinow reported
Yellow-billed Cuckoo and Willow Flycatcher.
---On May 30 on his Lamar BBS route, Dave Leatherman reported 3 Lesser
Prairie Chicken on CR 62 south of CR G.

---On May 29 at Flagler Reservoir SWA, David Suddjian reported Stilt
Sandpiper, 2 White-rumped Sandpipers, 3 Red-headed Woodpeckers, 2 Warbling
Vireo (Western), Ovenbird, and Field Sparrow.

---On May 29 at Arapahoe Bend Natural Area—Rigden Reservoir (Strauss Cabin
Lake), Lori Pivonka reported Ruddy Turnstone.
---On June 1 at Soapstone Prairie NA, Paul Dougherty reported BAIRD’S
SPARROW, McCown’s Longspur, and 4 Grasshopper Sparrows.  On June 3 at
Sopatone Prairie NA, Jay  Breidt, Gabriel Wiltse, and Pablo Quezada
reported 3 BAIRD’S SPARROWS and 2 McCown’s Longspurs.
---On May 30 at West Estes Park, Jim Nelson reported Downy Woodpecker
---On June 2 at Devils Backbone, David Wade and Georgia Doyle reported
Ash-throated Flycatcher; Nick Komar reported Ash-throated Flycatcher.
---On May 29 at Lory SP, Danny Motalvo reported 2 Chestnut-sided Warblers.
---On June 2 at Wellington SWA—Cobb Lake Unit, Andy Bankert and Caroline
Olson reported Alder Flycatcher and Chukar.
---On May 30 at North Shields Pond NA, Doug Swartz reported Yellow-billed
Cuckoo; Nick Komar and Georgia Doyle reported Northern Parula.
---On May 30 at Wellington SWA—Schware Unit & Morris Reservoir, Nick Komar
and Andy Bankert reported White-rumped Sandpiper.  On May 31 at Wellington
SWA –Schware Unite & Morris Reservoir, Georgia Doyle reported White-rumped
---On May 31 at Estes Park, Jim Nelson reported a possible Ruby-throated
---On June 1 at Fossil Creek Reservoir and Regional Open Space, Andy
Bankert reported f Hooded Merganser.
---On June 1 at Loveland Riverwalk, John Riechhardt reported f Hooded
---On June 2 on CR 5 from CR 82 to CR 92 (bird from road), David Wade
reported Upland Sandpiper.
---On June 3 at Wellington SWA Schware Unit & Morris Reservoir, Art Hudak
and Gwen Moore reported Red-necked Phalarope.
---On June 3 at Meadowbrook NA, Christine Sparks reported 3 Hooded
Mergansers (1 f, 2 young).
---On June 3 at Well Gulch Nature Trail, Jay Breidt reported Cassin’s Vireo.
---On June 3 at Stuck Creek – Laramie River conflux and field, Preston V
reported 2 Sandhill Cranes.

---On May 29 at Spanish Peaks SWA – Beebe Trail, Marcel Such reported 6
Grace’s Warblers.
---On May 31 in his Ninaview BBS route, Dave Leatherman reported
White-winged Dove, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 2 Long-billed Curlew and
White-throated Swift.
---On June 1 on his Villegreen BBS route, Dave Leatherman reported
Long-billed Curlew at 4 stops and Juniper Titmouse at stop 50.

---On May 30 at Tamarack Ranch SWA, Loch Kilpatrick reported a calling
BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO deep in woods by stream and Veery.  On June 1 at
Tamarack Ranch SWA, Bill Eley and Frank Farrell reported 2 Northern
Bobwhite, 7 Red-headed Woodpeckers, Orange-crowned Warbler, and Baltimore
Oriole.  On June 2 at Tamarack Ranch SWA, Doug Faulkner reported Northern
Bobwhite, 4 Yellow-billed Cuckoo in parking areas 1 & 2; BLACK-BILLED
CUCKOO at Parking area 1; Red-headed Woodpecker, Great Crested Flycatcher,
2 Bell’s Vireo, and m Baltimore Oriole
---On June 3 east of Crrok on CR 138 and CR 83, Bez Bezuidenhout reported 5
Upland Sandpiper.

---On May 29 at ME ¾ and 57 Rd, Rodene Harwood, Ronda Woodward, Dee
Harwood, Vice Zerbi, and Mike Henwood reported 3 Bobolink.  On May 30 on ME
¾ Rd W of 57 Rd, Kathleen McGinley and Brenda Sabo reported 3 Bobolink.  On
June 1 at ME ¾ Rd near Collbran, David Price and Phil Lyon reported
---On May 30 at Divide Rd—thimble Point, FR # 417, Mike Henwood reported 3
Grace’s Warblers and 2 Purple Martin.
---On June 3 at Moline.Upper Plateau Creek, Connee Moffat reported 2
---On June 3 at James M Robb (parcel 34), Denise and Mark Vollmar reported
juv Trumpeter Swan.
---On June 3 at Castro Reservoir, Deb Stegall, Rodene Harwood, and Ronda
Woodward reported 2 Grace’s Warblers in Ponderosa Tree around Carson Hole.
---On June 3 at Divide Forks Picnic Spot, Deb Stegall, Rodene Harwood, and
Ronda Woodward reported Lewis’s Woodpecker, 2 Grace’s Warblers, and 2 Fox

---On May 29 at Vogel Canon, Ginny Fantetti and Robert Edelen reported 2
Cassin’s Kingbirds and Canyon Wren.
---On June 3 at 28959 – 29499 CR FF, SeEtta Moss reported m Baltimore

---On May 31 at Box Canyon Falls Park, Niler Pyeatt reported Black Swift.

---On June 3 on S 13th St, Dorothy Russell reported Balitmore Oriole

---On June 2 at Pueblo Reservoir SWA South Side, Tim Leppek reported 2
Cattle Egret (Western)
---On June 2 a Pueblo Reservoir, Rock Canyon below dam, north or river,
Shane Sherwood reported Red-bellied Woodpecker.
---On June 3 at Mineral Palace Park, David Tonnessen reported
Yellow-throated Warbler.
---On June 3 at Valco Ponds SWA, David Tonnessen reported Ladder-backed
Woodpecker, Cassin’s Kingbird, and Bell’s Vireo (Eastern).

---On May 30 at Russell Lakes SWA, Brenda Huffman reported pair of Wood

---On June 2 at ponds near Hwy 9 and CR 180, Jack Bushong reported Sora.

---On June 1 at CR 27 N of CR 90, Shawn Mason reported Common Raven.
---On June 2 at Loloff Reservoir, Doug Faulkner reported 2 Pectoral
---On June 2 at Lower Latham Reservoir Marsh on S side of CR 48 western end
just east of out-of-service Gas Facility, Doug Faulkner reported calling
Black Rail.  On June 3 at Lower Latham Reservoir Marsh, Gene Rutherford,
Shawn Mason, Pablo Quezada, Gabriel Wiltse and Gwen Moore reported calling
Black Rail.  Mason got some photos.  On June 3 around 6:00 PM and later Jim
Nachel, Darren and David Dowell reported hearing 2 Black Rails on on either
side of CR 48 and they reported 3 Sandhill Cranes (2 ad, 1 juv); Dowell has
photos of the cranes.

DFO Field Trips:
For details please visit the DFO website
Fountain Creek Regional Park
Friday, June 8
6:00 AM – 2:30 PM
Diane Roberts (Samatha57 AT; 720-278-9025)

Long day I-25 South
Saturday, June 9
5:45 AM – 6:00 PM
Chris Gilbert (chrisgee9 AT; 804-214-1508)

Eldorado Canyon State Park
Sunday, June 10
5:15 am -2:00 pm
Karen Drozda (drozforte AT; 303-388-0891)

Cherry Creek SP Wetlands Loop
Sunday, June 10
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Karen von Saltza & Bill Wuerthele (kvonslatz AT; 303-941-4881)

Elbert County
Monday, June 11
5:30 AM – 2:00 PM
David Suddjian (dsuddjian AT; 831-713-8679)

Good Birding
Joyce Takamine

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