Date:        July 1, 2018
Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
e-mail:      RBA AT

This is the Rare Bird Alert for Sunday, July 1 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)

NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families
has changed.
Tundra Swan (Eagle)
Common Goldeneye (*Chaffee)
Hooded Merganser (Boulder, Larimer)
Northern Bobwhite (Jefferson)
Dusky Grouse (Clear Creek)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (*Larimer)
Greater Roadrunner (El Paso)
Black Swift (Boulder, Pueblo)
Chimney Swift (Jefferson)
Rufous Hummingbird (Douglas)
Calliope Hummingbird (Boulder)
Black Rail (Weld)
Virginia Rail (Pitkin)
American Coot (Phillips)
Sandhill Crane (Weld)
Black-necked Stilt (Kiowa)
Snowy Plover (Kiowa)
Mountain Plover (Weld)
Upland Sandpiper (Prowers)
Marbled Godwit (Jefferson)
Willet (Jefferson)
Caspian Tern (Boulder)
Forster’s Tern (Kiowa)
Common Loon (Kiowa)
Little Blue Heron (*Boulder)
Cattle Egret (Jefferson, Pueblo)
Green Heron (Arapahoe)
Black-crowned Night-Heron (Kiowa)
Mississippi Kite (Kiowa, Larimer)
Sharp-shinned Hawk (Larimer)
Northern Goshawk (*Jefferson)
Lewis’s Woodpecker (La Plata, Mesa)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Logan)
Acorn Woodpecker (La Plata)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Logan)
Williamson’s Sapsucker (*Jefferson)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Boulder, Clear Creek, *Larimer)
Peregrine Falcon (Adams, Weld)
Willow Flycatcher (Garfield, Mesa)
Least Flycatcher (Boulder, *Jefferson, Larimer)
Hammond’s Flycatcher (Weld)
Gray Flycatcher (*Gunnison, *Mesa)
Cordilleran Flycatcher (*Arapahoe)
Eastern Phoebe (*Boulder, Chaffee)
Cassin’s Kingbird (La Plata)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (Arapahoe)
Yellow-throated Vireo (Weld)
Red-eyed Vireo (Weld)
Canada Jay (Gray Jay) (El Paso)
Pacific Wren (Larimer)
Marsh Wren (*Gunnison)
Swainson’s Flycatcher (Garfield)
Curve-billed Thrasher (El Paso)
Brown Thrasher (Boulder)
Sage Thrasher (*Adams)
Red Crossbill (Clear Creek,* Jefferson)
Lesser Goldfinch (Boulder)
Chestnut-collared Longspur (Weld)
McCown’s Longspur (*Larimer, Weld)
Cassin’s Sparrow (Boulder)
Chipping Sparrow (*Arapahoe)
Brewer’s Sparrow (Clear Creek, *Gunnison, La Plata)
Field Sparrow (Larimer, Weld)
Lark Sparrow (El Paso)
Sagebrush Sparrow (*Gunnison, La Plata)
Lark Bunting (Boulder)
Grasshopper Sparrow (*Jefferson, Weld)
Fox Sparrow (Clear Creek)
White-throated Sparrow (Weld)
Bobolink (Mesa)
Orchard Oriole (Weld)
Ovenbird (Larimer)
Virginia’s Warbler (Park)
American Redstart (Kiowa)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (*Boulder, Douglas)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Weld)
Grace’s Warbler (*Mesa)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Weld)
Indigo Bunting (Boulder, Montrose, Weld)
Dickcissel (*Douglas, *Jefferson, Mesa, Weld)

---On June 28 at Morrison Nature Center at Star K Ranch, G Stacks reported
5 Bushtits.
---On June 29 at Barr Lake—Bird Conservancy of Rockies Office Area and
below dam, Santiago Tabares and Gabriel Wiltse reported Peregrine Falcon.
---On June 30 at Lowell Ponds (Clear Creek Valley Park), Diane Roberts
reported Sage Thrasher.

---On June 25 on High Line Canal Trail – S University Blvd to E Orchard Rd,
Cynthia Madsen reported 2 Cordilleran Flycatchers.  On June 26 on High Line
Canal Trail – S University Blvd to E Orchard Rd, Jared Del Rosso reported 2
Cordilledran Flycatchers.  On June 27 on High Line Canal Trail – S
University Blvd, to E Orchard Rd, Jared Del Rosso and Cynthia Madsen
reported 2 Cordilleran Flycatchers; Madsen also reported Red-breasted
Nuthatch.  On June 28 on High Line Canal Trail – S University Blvd to E
Orchard Rd, Jared Del Rosso reported 2 Cordilleran Flycatchers.  On June 29
on High Line Canal Trail – S  University Blvd to E Orchard Rd, Cynthia
Madsen reported 2 Cordilleran Flycatchers.
---On June 30 at Littleton Cemetery, David Suddjian reported 2 Chipping
Sparrows.  On June 30 at Littleton Cemetery, David Suddjian reported 5
Chipping Sparrows.
---On June 26 at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens, Jared Del Rosso reported
Red-breasted Nuthatch.
---On June 28 at Parker Jordan Centennial Open Space, Cynthia Madsen and
David Hill reported Green Heron.
---On June 30 at Littleton Lee Gulch Trail – Prince to Windermere – east
half, David Suddjian reported Cordilleran Flycatcher.
---On June 30 on Front Range Road (west side of loop), David Suddjian
reported 3 Chipping Sparrows.

---On June 25 at Walden Ponds/Cottonwood Marsh, Tim Ryan and Chris Brown
reported imm Little Blue Heron.  On June 26 at Walden Ponds/Cottonwood
Marsh, John Haycraft and Robert Thoren reported imm Little Blue Heron.  On
June 27 at Walden Ponds/Cottonwood Marsh, Markyu Mutchler reported imm
Little Blue Heron.  On June 29 at Walden Ponds/Cottonwood Marsh, Sarah
Spotten and Alan de Queiroz reported imm Little Blue Heron.  On June 30 at
Walden Ponds/Cottonwood Marsh, Diane Roberts, David Haskell, and Katie
Lehman reported imm Little Blue Heron.
---On June 16 at South Mesa Trail Parking Lot, Dan Zmolek and Leslie S
reported m Chestnut-sided Warbler, pair of Indigo  Bunting and 4 Lesser
Goldfinch.  On June 25 at South Mesa Trail, Rob Cassady reported
Chestnut-sided Warbler.  On June 26 at South Mesa Trail, Gregg Goodrich and
Anna Troth reported Chestnut-sided Warbler.  On June 30 at South Mesa
Trail, Chris Brown reported Chestnut-sided Warbler.
---On June 25 at Golden Ponds Sarah Spotten and Luke Pheneger reported
Eastern Phoebes.  On June 26 at Golden Pond Park, Sarah Spotten reported 2
Eastern Phoebe.  On June 27 at Golden Ponds, Luke Pheneger reported Eastern
---On June 25 at Izaak Walton Park in Longmont, Sarah Spotten reported 3
juv Hooded Mergansers.  On June 27 at Izaak Walton Park, Luke Pheneger
reported 3 Hooded Mergansers.
---On June 26 at Rocky Mountain NP Wild Basin, Candice Johnson reported
Least Flycatcher.  On June 27 at Rocky Mountain NP Wild Basin, Dan Zmolek
and Leslie S reported Calliope Hummingbird and 7 Black Swifts.
---On June 27 On Indian Peaks BBS at Rainbow Lakes, Elena Klaver and Topi
Martinez reported American Three-toed Woodpecker.
---On June 28 at Rabbit Mountain, Johanna Beam and Ted Floyd reported Brown
----On June 29 at Lagerman Reservoir, John Rutenbeck reported Caspian Tern.
---On June 30p at St V rain River Crossing at 63rd St, Steve Frye reported
2 Eastern Phoebe.

---On June 26 at Frantz Lakw SWA, Jack Harlan reported 2 Eastern Phoebe.
---On June 28 in San Isabel NF S Cottonwood Drainage, David Olmstead
reported f Dusky Grouse.
---On June 30 at Sands Lake SWSA, Samuel Meeker reported f Common Goldeneye.

---On June 25 on Guanella Pass, Bob Andrewss and Micahel Kiessig reported 3
Brewer’s Sparrows at the summit of the pass.
---On June 27 at Chicago Lakes Trail 2s, Chris Wood reported Red Crossbill
(Lodgedpole Pine or Type 5).
---On June 27 at Chicago Lakes Trail – Idaho Springs Reservoir, Chris Wood
reported American Three-toed Woodpecker and 2 Red Crossbills (Lodgepole
Pine, or type 5).
----On June 27 at Chicago Lakes Trail 3s, Clear Creek starting at
Wilderness Chris Wood reported Dusky Grouse, Fox Sparrow (Slate-color), Red
Crossbill (Lodgepole Pine, or type 5).
---On June 28 at Beaver Meadows TR 44 2c, Chris Wood reported 3 Red
Crossbill (Ponderosa Pine, type 2).

---On June 25 at Castlewood Canyon SP, Randall Nelson reported Rufous
---On June 26 at Roxborough SP, Wendi Fisher reported Chestnut-sided
Warbler on Fountain Valley Trail.
---On June 30 at Winkler Ranch, Hugh Kingery reported Dickcissel.

---On June 28 at Spring Park Reservoir, Babs Buck reported Tundra Swan.

---On June 25 at Fountain Creek Regional Park – Nature Center/Cattail
Marsh, Rod Schmidt reported Mississippi Kite.
---On June 27 at Hanover Road, Tanja Britton and Jim Merritt reported 4
Curve-billed Thrashers.  On June 29 on 16831 – 16959 Hanover Road, David
and Tammy McQuade reported 3 Greater Roadrunners and Curve-billed Thrasher.
---On June 29 on Pikes Peak, Alan and Mary Lynne Ketcham reported Canada
(Gray) Jay.

---On June 28 on South Fork of White River near Budges, Vic Zerbi reported
15 Swainson’s Thrush and 20 Willow Flycatchers.

---On June 30 on Hwy 30 S of Gunnison, Gaylee and Richard Dean reported
Gray Flycatcher, 2 Brewer’s Sparrows and 2 Sagebrush Sparrows.
---On June 30 at McCabes Lane Wetland, Dave Hawksworth reported 3 Marsh

---On June 25 at Coal Creek OS, Steve Rash and Frank Farrell reported
Dickcissel; Eric DeFonso reported 3 Dickcissel and 7 Grasshopper Sparrows.
On June 26 at Coal Creek OS, Brian Johnson, Gregg Goodrich, Anna Troth,
Alison Field, and Stephen Greenwood reported Dickcissel and Grasshopper
Sparrows.  On June 27 at Coal Creek OS, Meg Reck and Marky Mutcher reported
Dickcissel; Mutcher also reported 3 Grasshopper Sparrows.  On June 30 at
Coal Creek OS, Timo Mitzen reported 3 Grasshopper Sparrows and 2 Dickcissel.
---On June 26 on Coal Creek Canyon Dr, Mark Chavez reported Cattle Egret.
---On June 28 at Staunton SP, Rebecca Laroche and Burke Angstman reported
Northern Goshawk, 2 Williamson’s Sapsuckers and Red Crossbill.  On June 30
at Staunton SP, Rebecca Laroche and her DFO Field Trip reported Northern
Goshawk, 11 Williamson’s Sapsuckers (4 nests), and 2 Red Crossbills;
Christine Alexander also reported Least Flycatcher.
---On June 25 at Massey Draw, Chris Courtney reported Northern Bobwhite.
---On June 27 at Standley Lake, David Chernak reported 19 Willets.  On June
28 at Standley Lake, David Chernak reported 6 Marbled Godwits.

---On June 25 at Lower Queens Reservoir, Jeff Calhoun reported 4
Black-crowned Night-Heron, and Snowy Plover.
---On June 25 at Neenoshe Reservoir, Jeff Calhoun reported 5 Black-necked
Stilt and 5 Forster’s Terns.
---On June 26 at Neegronda Reservoir, Jeff Calhoun reported 2 Black-necked
---On June 28 at Upper Queens/Neeskah Reservoir, Doug Faulkner reported
Common Loon in alternate plumage.

---On June 28 on Rancho Durango Road, Jim Beatty reported 4 Cassin’s
Kingbirds, 2 Brewer’s Sparrows and Sagebrush Sparrow.
---On June 29 at Meadow Road, Rafter J Subdivision, David Dunford reported
Lewis’s Woodpecker and 2 Acorn Woodpeckers.

---On June 22 at Comanche Peak Wilderness,  Creek Falls Trails, Bill and
Margaret Rowe, reported Pacific Wren.  On June 27 on West Creek Trail in
Comanche Peak Wilderness, Bez Bezuidenhout reported Pacific Wren where Nick
Komar described and further downstream Bez found 3 more Pacific Wrens – 2
adults and 1 fledging.
---On June 27 at Soapstone Prairie NA, Andy Bankert reported McCown’s
Longspur.  On June 28 at Soapstone Prairie NA, Andy Bankert reported 2
McCown’s Longspur.  On June 30 at Soapstone Prairie NA, John Shenot
reported 7 McCown’s Longspsurs.
---On June 25 at Rocky Mountain NP Endovazlley—Alluvial Fan/Fan Lake, Matt
Hogan reported Sharp-shinned Hawk
---On June 27 at Rocky Mountain NP Dream and Emerald Lakes, Matt Means
reported Mississippi Kite.
---On June 28 at Fossil Creek Reservoir and Regional Park, Nick Komar
reported 2 f Hooded Mergansers.
---On June 28 at Lorey SP Well Gulch Trail, David Leatherman reported Least
---On June 29 at Rist Canyon (Miles 6 – 9), Georgia Doyle reported Ovenbird.
---One June 30 On N CR 15 where it crosses Boxelder Creek, John Shenot
reported Yellow-billed Cuckoo;
David Wade and Georgia Doyle were able to refind the bird.  N CR 15 crosses
Boxelder Creek between CR 78 and CR 82.
---On June 30 in Rocky Mountain National Park, ½ mile along trail from Bear
Lake to Bierstadt, Bill and Margaret Rowe reported pair of American
Three-toed Woodpeckers.

---On June 25 on ME ¾ Rd W of 57 Rd, Katheleen McGinley, Carol Ortenzio,
and Eileen Cunningham reported m Dickcissel and 3 m Bobolink.  On June 26
on ME ¾ Rd, David Price reported Bobolink and Dickcissel.  On June 27 on ME
¾ and 57 Rd, Rodene Harwood, Ronda Woodward and Mike Henwood reported
Bobolink and 3 Dickcissels.  On June 28 on OE Rd/57 Rd/ME ¾ Rd, Nic Korte
and Vic Zerbi reported Bobolink and Dickcissel.
---On June 27 at Vega Reservoir and Vega SP, Mike Henwood reported 2
Lewis’s Woodpeckers and Willow Flycatcher (southwest)
---On June 28 on Divide Road Thimble Pt FR #417, Mike Henwood reported 2
Grace’s Warblers.  On June 30 on Divide Road thimble Pt, FR #417, Drew
Kelly reported Gray Flycatcher and 4 Grace’s Warblers.
---On June 28 at Jack’s Canyon Area, Mike Henwood reported 2 Grace’s
---On June 29 at Molina/Upper Plateau Creek, Connee Moffatt reported

---On June 26 at Nucla Sewage Lagoons, Brenda Wright and Coen Dexter
---On June 27 on Old Hwy 90 through Silver Hawk Ranch, Brenda Wright and
Coen Dextger reported Indigo Bunting.

---On June 28 at Spruce Grove CG, Lane Quinn reported Virginia’s Warbler.

---On June 27 at Aspen Center for Environmental Studies, Susan Foster and
Catherine Hagen reported Virginia Rail.

---On June 26 on Fencerow Windmill Strip west of US 385 between CR CC and
CR X, Jane Stulp reported 2 Upland Sandpipers.

---On June 28 on Swallow’s Road Cemetery, Alan and Mary Lynn Ketcham
reported 2 Cattle Egret.

---On June 26 at Lower Latham Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported Black
Rail, 3 Sandhill Cranes, and Dickcissel.
---On June 26 at S Platte River at Hwy 60, Steve Mlodinow reported
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, and 3 Orchard Orioles.
---On June 26 on Hwy 14 between CR 77 & CR 79, Johanna Beam reported 23
Mountain Plover, Peregrine Falcon, 2 Chestnut-collared Longspur, 2 McCown’s
Longspur, and 7 Grasshopper Sparrows.

DFO Field Trips
See DFO website for more information

Turkey Creek Ranch and Flying J Ranch
Sunday, July 1
6:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Karen Drozda (drozforte AT; 303-388-0891)

Good Birding
Joyce Takamine

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