Awesome Scott. Another piece of the Boreal Owl puzzle! Great work!!!

On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 8:00:00 AM UTC-6, Scott wrote:

> Hi all, 
> Just wanted to let you know that for the first time. The Boreal Owl has 
> been documented as a nesting species in Rocky Mountain National Park. 
> On April 9th during a owl prowl for Boulder Audubon,  We discovered a 
> vocalizing Boreal Owl. It even went into a cavity then quickly exited. 
> I went back the following day to relocate the nest tree, but was 
> unable.  Therefore, I returned that evening to refind the male 
> vocalizing.  A shrt time later a female arrived and began to vocalize too. 
> The male took his potential mate to the nest site. She late accepted it. 
> The female eventually began nesting in the cavity and ended up raising 
> two owlets. 
> I was able to monitor the nest for weeks, both day and night and 
> documented several prey items. 
> Both owlets fledged, I was there  when the first owlet fledged; they 
> have since moved away from the nest. 
> It was quite the experience! 
> The best part of the entire experience was that I assisted Ron Ryder in 
> the early 1990's with his study of Boreal Owls.  Both Ron Ryder and Dave 
> Palmer documented the first ever nesting Boreal Owls in Colorado in the 
> late 1970's and  I am continuing there research. 
> If you want to see any images of the owls, go to 
> Best, 
> Scott Rashid 
> Estes Park 
> --- 
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