Friday July 26, 2019

E-mail:  RBA AT<>

Compiler:  David Leatherman;

Phone:  970.690.2257(cell)

Please report observations and updates to COBirds. Thanks.

CAPITAL LETTERS denote very rare species, as listed by the Colorado Bird 
Records Committee (“at the CFO website.

(*) indicates new information on this species.

For more information on birds seen today, go to<> and scroll to the bottom for “Recent eBird 

Rare, out-of-place and out-of-season species include:


Least Tern (Otero)

Great Egret (Jackson)

Bell's Vireo (Prowers)


Black-throated Sparrow (Otero)

PAINTED BUNTING (*Jeffco, Otero)

[Set of northern US prairie species (Larimer)]

[Southbound migrating warblers which breed outside CO are beginning to show up 
already, particularly in the northwest corner of the state (Nashville, 


—-On July 20 a (m) Costa’s Hummingbird was reported near the west end of 
Jackson CR 22 by Steve Mlodinow.  It was perched on a thin wire on right side 
of road (as one is headed northwest) about 15 feet above scraggly line of 
willows. The first first house on the right side, occupied by somewhat hostile 
humans, has a hummingbird feeder. The second house (100-200 yards past) had 
very friendly occupants who rehab injured birds. Costa’s was between two 
houses, unfortunately, nearer first house and flew in that direction.

---On July 24 Brad Steger reported a Great Egret at 18 Island Reservoir off 
US34 about midway between Walden and Muddy Pass/Rabbit Ears Pass.


---On the morning of July 23 a cooperative male Painted Bunting was found by 
Claire H. at the Chatfield State Park Audubon Center feeders.  It continues to 
appear off and on thru July 25.  If the feeders are down in early morning or in 
the evening, be sure to check for the bird in trees, shrubs and on the ground 
in vicinity of feeder poles. As interest in this accessible individual is high, 
please provide COBIRDS with updates (including its food preference at the 


---Of late, Andy Bankert and Matthew Webb of BCR report Sprague's Pipit 
(singing, confirmed), Eastern Meadowlark and multiple Baird's Sparrows from the 
non-public areas within Soapstone Natural Area/Meadow Springs Ranch north of 
Fort Collins.  These birds cannot be pursued by birders because of their 
locations but Andy wishes to let birders know of them because of the 
possibility other individuals might be spotted on the plains (for example, 
prairie areas east and west of I-25 from Wellington north to the WY line.


—On July 20 (2) LUCY’S WARBLERS were reported at Gateway Cottonwoods.  Two 
birds have been seen several times at this location, although there is no 
confirmed breeding.  First reported  on July 16 by Nic Norte with credit to 
Mark and Denise Vollmar and Eileen Cunningham who discovered them during their 
Bluebird Box Survey.


—On July 21 a Least Tern was reported at Cheraw Lake by Kevin Williams.

---On July 23 a male Painted Bunting and adult Black-throated Sparrow were 
reported as "continuing" along Higbee Valley Road by Kevin Keirn.  Both were 
photographed.  No details provided as to where along the road these birds were 
seen but in the past these birds have been at least a mile west of Highway 109. 
 Higbee Valley Road (shown but unnumbered in some DeLorme Atlases, in some 
listed as Otero CR804) goes sw off SR109 about 12 miles south of LaJunta.  Also 
seen along this road were Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Summer Tanager, 
Ash-throated Flycatcher and Mississippi Kite.


---On July 23 a Bell's Vireo was reported as "continuing" at Granada SWA by 
Tony Leukering.  This sighting, about 4 miles east of the town of Granada, was 
ne of the curve in  28 Road where it changes from e-w to n-s.

Upcoming DFO Field Trips...trip details on<>

Audubon Nature Center

Saturday, July 27

8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Alison Kondler  (<>; 

Staunton State Park (Jefferson County)

Sunday, July 28

6:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Chris Gilbert (<>; 804-214-1508)

Louviers (town) and DuPont Open Space (Douglas County)

Sunday, July 28

6:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Patrick O'Driscoll (<>; 

Walden Ponds Wildlife Habitat/Sawhill (Boulder County)

Friday, August 2

7:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Chuck Hundertmark (<>; 

Enjoy your birding!

David Leatherman

Fort Collins

970.690.2257 (cell)

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