Today I was accompanied by Lynne Miller and Dale Pate on a foray up to
Clear Creek County. The Bard Creek Road area near the ponds, south of
Empire, had a *Northern Waterthrush* (no other eBird records for the
county; we were able to obtain a recording of the call), an *Eastern
Kingbird* (eBird shows 2 spring migrant records for county, but none from
fall migration), and many other species including scads of *Violet-greens*
massed there in migration. Nearby Empire was quite birdy, with *Evening
Grosbeaks*, *Cassin's Finches*, *Bullock's Oriole* (no other Aug records in
eBird), *Green-tailed Towhee*, and of course, *Red Crossbills*. Crossbills
of *Types 2 and 5* were widespread in small parties, with Type 2 more
frequently encountered.

Waterbirds were few, as expected. At Bard we noted *Great Blue Heron*,
Teal*, *Mallard, kingfisher, *and *Spotted Sandpiper*. Echo Lake had an
eclipse male *Nor. Shoveler*, *Mallard*, and the continuing *Barrow's
Goldeneye* female and brood, now reduced to 3 two-thirds-grown ducklings (I
counted 5 young on 8/6).

David Suddjian
Ken Caryl Valley
Littleton, CO

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