With today's snow came a Chipping Sparrow, our FOY, that feeds in the 
millet-strewn space below our feeders.
Over the past week, Urling & I have counted over 40 species here and on our 
walks along Willow Lake Drive. Notably:
Spotted towhees: after one or two during the winter, we now have at least 6 
singing males.Bushtits: They have started to come in on a regular basis -- 
usually groups of 2 or 3; a few times 7-9.Juncos: Winter brought us 20-30; now 
we have 10 or fewer, mostly Gray-headed.Turkey Vultures: Castlewood Canyon's 
population has returned and we see them regularly - up to a 
dozen.White-throated Swifts: Ditto about Castlewood; we hear and don't see 
them.Swallows: Tree but not any other species.Say's Phoebe: arrived this 
week.Bluebirds: a range of one or two to a dozen; both species.
Fox Squirrels: thriving.Bear: two weeks ago, at night, one plodded through the 
yard without stopping. He had previously visited a yard two houses to the 
north.Chorus Frogs: started peeping this week, including one in our vegetable 
garden - no water.

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