Hello birders,

At this same location today, a friend and I saw:

2 stilt sandpipers
2 killdeer
2 red-necked phalaropes
1 pectoral sandpiper
1 least sandpiper
1 white-faced ibis
several Wilson's phalaropes, American avocets, black-necked stilts, 
long-billed dowitchers, yellow-headed blackbirds, and red-winged blackbirds

Lauren Hyde

On Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 11:30:29 AM UTC-6, paulopler wrote:
> Evi and I had a bunch of shorebirds at this shallow wetland yesterday. 
> Among the large number of long-billed dowitchers were 2 stilt sandpipers. 
> On May 9th at the same place there was a black-bellied plover. 
> Paul Opler, Loveland, CO 
> On May 11, 2020 at 2:20 AM cob...@googlegroups.com <javascript:> wrote: 
> cobirds@googlegroups.com 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email#!forum/cobirds/topics>
>  Google 
> Groups 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email/#!overview>
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email/#!overview>
> Topic digest 
> View all topics 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email#!forum/cobirds/topics>
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_0> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - Black Vulture soaring over Canon City 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_1> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - Migration Weather Advisory: Monday (May 11) Northern Front Range 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_2> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - Black-headed Grosbeak in west Centennial, Arapahoe County 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_3> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - Scissor-tailed flycatcher? 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_4> 
>    - 2 Updates 
>    - Western tanager, Roxborough Park, DougCo 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_5> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - Magnolia Warbler, Blackpoll Warblers, Summer Tanager, and others at 
>    Poudre Ponds (Weld Co.) 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_6> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - Summer Tanager Boulder 5/10 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_7> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - El Paso County Black-necked Stilt 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_8> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - East campus Boulder 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_9> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - Monte Vista Global Big Day Results 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_10> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - Black-chinned Hummingbird - Weld 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_11> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - Norhern Cardinal, Arapahoe County 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_12> 
>    - 2 Updates 
>    - Tennessee, black-and-white warblers continue at CU East, Boulder 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_13> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - Willets Galore at Union Res - Weld CO 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_14> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - Cliff Swallows - Delaney Community Farm , Arapahoe County 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_15> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - Bay-breasted Warbler 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_16> 
>    - 1 Update 
>    - Leucistic Yellow-headed Blackbird - Boulder County 
>    <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_group_thread_17> 
>    - 1 Update 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/93829b8f35ab5d83?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> DAVID A LEATHERMAN <daleat...@msn.com <javascript:>>: May 11 06:11AM 
> Date: Monday, May 11, 2020
> Email: RBA AT cobirds.org<http://cobirds.org/>
> Compiler: Dave Leatherman, daleatherman@msn.<dot> com
> _________________________________________
> The Colorado Rare Bird Report is an informational service.
> Because of statewide coronavirus “Stay at Home” and “Safer at Home” orders 
> (depending on where you live), the purpose of this report is to keep 
> homebound readers abreast of rare bird sightings across the state during 
> spring migration. It does NOT endorse or encourage illegal travel to see or 
> "chase" rare birds beyond your own permitted area.
> We urge readers to respect state and local restrictions on non-critical 
> travel and limits on outdoor activities that include birding. Please do all 
> you can to ensure the safety of others and yourself while birding, 
> including appropriate PPE and distancing.
> _______________________________________
> Birders have been helpful by reporting updates to COBirds. Thanks!
> CAPITAL LETTERS denote very rare species, as listed by the Colorado Bird 
> Records Committee at the CFO website.
> (*) indicates new information on a species.
> For more information on birds seen today, go to cobirds.org<
> http://cobirds.org/> and scroll to the bottom for “Recent eBird 
> Sightings.”
> _______________________________________
> Spring migration notes:
> Either it has been an exceptional migration and/or “stay local” has its 
> benefits, as the roster below verifies. Suffice it to say certain birds we 
> would all be proud to find/see are seemingly “everywhere”. In the interest 
> of shortening this report, the following species listed recently are being 
> removed: White-eyed Vireo, Yellow-throated Vireo, Chestnut-sided Warbler, 
> Tennessee Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Palm 
> Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, Northern Parula, and Summer Tanager. Keep 
> reporting these birds on COBIRDS.
> ________________________________________
> Rare birds and some out-of-place or out-of-season birds are listed below.
> Trumpeter Swan (Las Animas)
> Long-tailed Duck (Arapahoe)
> Common Tern (Montezuma)
> Neotropic Cormorant (*Bent)
> Ruby-throated Hummingbird (*Park, *Pueblo)
> Whimbrel (Delta)
> Short-billed Dowitcher (*Bent)
> Arctic Tern (Jackson)
> Reddish Egret (Mesa)
> Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Arapahoe, Denver)
> Mississippi Kite ((Arapahoe)
> Red-tailed Hawk (Adams)
> Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Jefferson, *Weld)
> Gray Vireo (Teller)
> Philadelphia Vireo (*Cheyenne, Jefferson)
> Winter Wren (*Larimer)
> Gray-cheeked Thrush (*Baca, *Bent, Prowers)
> Varied Thrush (*Arapahoe, Bent)
> Bohemian Waxwing (Boulder)
> Common Redpoll (*Gunnison)
> Field Sparrow (Boulder, Broomfield, El Paso, Larimer)
> Sagebrush Sparrow (Denver)
> Golden-crowned Sparrow (Denver)
> Canyon Towhee (Routt, Teller)
> Baltimore Oriole (Boulder, *Eagle)
> Worm-eating Warbler (Kiowa)
> Golden-winged Warbler (Jefferson)
> Blue-winged Warbler (Baca, *Fremont, Otero)
> Prothonotary Warbler (Chaffee, Jefferson, LaPlata, Larimer)
> Mourning Warbler (Bent, *Prowers)
> Kentucky Warbler (*Chaffee)
> Hooded Warbler (Chaffee, *Jefferson, Kiowa, *Larimer)
> Cape May Warbler (Baca, *Bent, *Prowers)
> Pine Warbler (*Prowers)
> Yellow-throated Warbler (Broomfield, Jefferson, Pueblo)
> Magnolia Warbler (Boulder, Jefferson, *Larimer, Mesa)
> Bay-breasted Warbler (*Larimer, Pueblo)
> Black-throated Blue Warbler (Jefferson, Kiowa, Pueblo)
> Black-throated Green Warbler (Jefferson)
> Prairie Warbler (Larimer)
> Scarlet Tanager (Fremont, Rio Grande)
> Northern Cardinal (*Arapahoe, Boulder)
> Painted Bunting (*Baca)
> ___________________________________________
> --On May 9 a rare Krider’s Red-tailed Hawk was reported from Rocky 
> Mountain Arsenal Prairie Trail by Cathy Sheeter.
> --On May 10 a heard only Northern Cardinal was reported from Platte River 
> Park-Northern Wildlife Area by Brian Johnson.
> --On May 10 a Varied Thrush was reported as being “present at feeders for 
> last 3 days” at a private residence in Greenwood Village by Ann Coe. Refer 
> to her eBird post.
> --On May 9 a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron was reported by Rajkumar 
> Manikandan from Cherry Creek Ecological Park.
> --On May 8 a Mississippi Kite was seen soaring over Littleton Cemetery by 
> David Suddjian. [The compiler overlooked this report on the day it was 
> reported and apologizes].
> --On May 8 a very late Long-tailed Duck was on Quincy Res, first reported 
> by G. Stacks.
> --On May 7 a Mississippi Kite was found by David Suddjian
> --On May 10 at least one of two female type Painted Buntings first 
> reported from below the dam at Two Buttes Res on May 8 by Joey Kellner, 
> were refound.
> --On May 8 a Blue-winged Warbler was reported from below the dam at Two 
> Buttes Reservoir by Joey Kellner.
> --On May 8 a Gray-cheeked Thrush was reported by Joey Kellner below the 
> dam at Two Buttes Res.
> --On May 5 a heard-only Cape May Warbler was reported high in the trees by 
> Steve Mlodinow below the dam at Two Buttes Reservoir.
> --On May 5 a Gray-cheeked Thrush was reported by Steve Mlodinow at Turk’s 
> Pond SWA.
> --On May 10 Duane Nelson reports the Neotropic Cormorant he found at Lake 
> Hasty below the John Martin Res dam on March 31 is still present.
> --On May 10 two Short-billed Dowitchers were reported with a small flock 
> of Long-billed Dowitchers at John Martin Reservoir by John Haycroft and 
> Donna Stumpp.
> --On May 10 one of two Gray-cheeked Thrushes were refound, first reported 
> by the Phenegers at Tempel Grove on May 6.
> --On May 8 a Mourning Warbler was reported by Glenn Walbek at Tempel Grove.
> --On May 9 a Cape May Warbler was refound by mob, first reported by 
> Brandon Percival at Tempel Grove on May 6.
> --On May 5 a Hermit Warbler was reported by the Phenegers at Tempel Grove 
> west of the CR35 bridge. Despite much effort, this bird has not been 
> refound.
> --On May 4 a male Varied Thrush was reported along the north side of the 
> parking/equipment area w of CR35 at Tempel Grove by John Malenich.
> --On May 9 a male Baltimore Oriole was at a private residence along Apple 
> Valley Road, first reported by Sue Riffe on May 8, seen by many.
> --On May 9 a small flock of Bohemian Waxwings, rare along the Front Range 
> the last few years, was reported by Duwayne Worthington and Andy Angstrom 
> at Thorne Nature Experience. The birds flew off and should be looked for in 
> the area.
> --On May 9 a Magnolia Warbler was found by Bryan Guarante at Garden Acres 
> Park.
> --On May 9 a Northern Cardinal continues at the Linden and 21st Street 
> stakeout location.
> --On May 8 a Field Sparrow was at Waneka Lake/Greenlee Preserve by Art 
> Reisman.
> --On May 6 a Field Sparrow was reported in the Big Dry Creek and Willow 
> Run Open Space in Broomfield by Jason Cole.
> --On May 10 a Kentucky Warbler was refound at Sands Lake SWA, first 
> reported by Jeff Guy on May 8.
> --On May 6 a Prothonotary Warbler was reported from Sands Lake SWA by 
> Tyler Wilson.
> --On May 5 a Hooded Warbler was reported from Sands Lake SWA by Tyler 
> Wilson.
> --On May 8 a Philadelphia Vireo was reported from Mitchek Ranch (pvt, bird 
> from the road), site of Golden-crowned Warbler fame, by Donna Stumpp.
> --On May 7 a Whimbrel was reported from Fruit Growers Res by Martha 
> Springer.
> --On May 8 a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron first reported by John Breitsch at 
> First Creek At Green Valley Ranch (Dunkirk and 53rd) on May 6, continues.
> --On May 5 a Sagebrush Sparrow was reported at Westerly Creek Park by 
> Jason Bidgood.
> —On May 4 a Golden-crowned Sparrow was reported at Sand Creek (Havana St 
> to Westerly Creek). First reported on April 19 by Jake Shorty. There are no 
> previous eBird records for Denver County.
> --A Baltimore Oriole was reported by Marjorie Westermann at her feeders on 
> Tenneessee Park. See her eBird report.
> --On May 6 a Field Sparrow was banded at Clear Springs Ranch by Steven 
> Brown.
> Note: Chico Basin Ranch is closed to the public, except for dues-paying 
> members of the birding, hunting and fishing clubs. At the request of CBR, 
> posts about birds seen there have been removed from the CO RBA.
> --On May 9 a MEXICAN WHIP-POOR-WILL was reheard on the Oak Creek Grade 
> Road (a continuation of 6th Street in Canon City, which going south out of 
> town becomes 143 Road and is later called Oak Creek Grade), about 6 miles 
> south of Canon City, first heard on May 6 by Jerry DeBoar Since there will 
> probably be much interest in this bird, birders are asked to refrain from 
> tape playing.
> --On May 10 a Blue-winged Warbler between Sell Lake and Raynolds on the 
> Canon City Riverwalk, continues, first found on May 9 by Jerry DeBoar.
> --On May 9 a male Scarlet Tanager was along the Canon City Riverwalk 
> between Sell Lake and Raynolds, found by Mark Peterson.
> --On May 9 a male Scarlet Tanager was photographed at a feeder in Lincoln 
> Park (pvt residence) by SeEtta Moss on May 9.
> --On May 10 an interesting report of a well-described Common Redpoll came 
> from Drew Kelly who was hiking/climbing in the Raggeds Wilderness Area of 
> Daisy Pass on his way to Mineral Point. This is about 7 miles nw of Crested 
> Butte.
> --On May 9 an Arctic Tern was reported from Walden Res by Steve Mlodinow.
> --On May 10 a Hooded Warbler was refound at Tucker Gulch and seen by many, 
> first found May 9 by Bill Eley.
> --On May 9 a Prothonotary Warbler put Tucker Gulch in Golden even more 
> prominently on the map, found by Michael Lester.
> --On May 9 a Golden-winged Warbler was refound by many at Tucker Gulch, 
> first found by Terrance Wells on May 7.
> --On May 7 a Magnolia Warbler was reported from Tucker Gulch by Timo 
> Mitzen.
> —A male Black-throated Blue Warbler first reported by Michael Lester on 
> May 2 at Tucker Gulch in Golden (stakeout hotspot) was most recently seen 
> May 5.
> NOTE: Red Rocks Park is closed indefinitely because of the COVID-19 
> outbreak.
> --On May 9 a Black-throated Blue Warbler was at Upper Queens Res (west end 
> of CR C), first found by Brandon Percival on May 7.
> --On May 9 a Worm-eating Warbler was refound by mob, first reported by 
> Brandon Percival at Upper Queens Res.
> --On May 4 a Hooded Warbler was reported from Upper Queens Res by John 
> Malenich.
> --On May 6 a Prothonotary Warbler first reported May 4 from Pastorius Res 
> by David Dunford was reported as continuing.
> --On May 7 a Trumpeter Swan was reported at Pinon Lake Res by John 
> Vanderpoel.
> --On May 10 a Winter Wren was reported from a vegetation tangle in the dry 
> ditch at the southwest corner of Sheldon Lake at City Park in Fort Collins 
> (intersection of W. Mountain Ave and Bryan) by E.J. Raynor.
> --On May 10 a Magnolia Warbler was reported by Philip Carnehl from Seven 
> Lakes Park hotspot in Loveland.
> --On May 10 a Hooded Warbler first reported on May 9 along CR5 between Rd 
> 82 and Rd 92 by Nick Komar and Caleb Alons was refound.
> --On May 10 a Summer Tanager was found in the northwest corner of the 
> Environmental Learning Center, first reported by Rob Sparks on May 9.
> --On May 9 a Field Sparrow was at Mariana Buttes NA in Loveland by 
> Christine Sparks.
> --On May 9 a Bay-breasted Warbler was refound at Morey Wildlife Reserve 
> near the bridge off Cedar Valley Rd in Loveland, first found May 5 by Nick 
> Komar.
> --On May 7 a Field Sparrow was at Greyrock Commons in nw Fort Collins by 
> Doug Schwarz.
> --On May 6 a Piping Plover was reported flying from n side to the nw side 
> of Cobb Lake (pvt, view from 56Rd) by Josh Bruening.
> --On May 8 a Prothonotary Warbler continues Prospect Ponds NA , first 
> found by Joshua Keller at the diversion dam on May 5.
> --On May 4 a Prairie Warbler in an off-limits portion of Cottonwood Hollow 
> NA was heard from across the river to the west in Prospect Ponds NA by 
> Matthew Webb.
> —On May 4 a Hooded Warbler first reported from just east of Hamilton 
> Reservoir (40.84861, -105.00980) by Matthew DeSaix was seen by the mob. The 
> nickname for this small wetland is “The Oasis”. The legality of access to 
> this area needs clerification.
> --On May 9 a Magnolia Warbler was reported at Horsethief Canyon SWA near 
> the kiosk by Carol Ortenzio.
> --On May 5 a white morph Reddish Egret was nicely discerned among other 
> white wader species at the Redlands Parkway Ponds w of Grand Jct. by Carol 
> Ortenzio.
> —On May 9 a LUCY’S WARBLER at the hotspot “Gateway Cottonwoods” west of 
> Gateway (town), first found here on April 26 by Kathleen McGinley, 
> continues and may be nesting. BIRDERS ARE ASKED NOT TO PLAY TAPES.
> --On May 9 a Common Tern was reported in the west end of McPhee Res by 
> Glen Dunmire.
> --On May 7 the Phenegers report a Vermilion Flycatcher, Blue-winged 
> Warbler and Summer Tanager from Higbee Valley Road south of LaJunta.
> --On May 10 a Ruby-throated Hummingbird was reported coming to a private 
> feeder in Pueblo by Chuck Telotte. See his eBird report.
> --On May 10 a Cape May Warbler was found in Willow Creek Park in Lamar by 
> Brandon Percival.
> --On May 10 a Pine Warbler was reported as “continuing” at Fairmount 
> Cemetery in Lamar by Brandon Percival.
> --On May 10 a Mourning Warbler was reported from the Lamar Community 
> College Woods by Brandon Percival and others.
> --On May 8 a Gray-cheeked Thrush was reported from the Lamar Community 
> College Woods by the Phenegers.
> --On May 10 a Ruby-throated Hummingbird was reported coming to a private 
> feeder in Pueblo by Alanna Fenlon. See her eBird report.
> --On May 10 a Yellow-throated Warbler first reported from RoselawnCemetery 
> in Pueblo on May 7 by Evan Carlson was refound.
> --On May 7 a Black-throated Blue Warbler was reported from the Rock Creek 
> area below the Pueblo Res Dam on the north side of the Ark. River by Chris 
> Knight.
> Note: Chico Basin Ranch is closed to the public, except for dues-paying 
> members of the birding, hunting and fishing clubs. At the request of CBR, 
> birds seen there have been removed from the CO RBA.
> --On May 7 John Rawinski found a male Scarlet Tanager at Home Lake SWA.
> --On May 9 a pioneering Canyon Towhee was photographed at the Yampa River 
> Preserve by Noah Brinkman. This has to be one of the northernmost records 
> of this species in CO.
> --On May 9 a Nashville Warbler was at Yampa River Preserve by Noah 
> Brinkman.
> --On May 9 a Gray Vireo was reported among many Plumbeous Vireos on the 
> Shelf Road by Scott Schaum.
> --On May 9 Scott Schaum reports a Canyon Towhee on the Shelf Road at 
> Keyhole Rock.
> --On May 10 a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was photographed in Frederick 
> between CR11 and CR13 north of Godding Hollow near the Frederick Skate 
> Park, which is still under construction (40.118, -104.954) by Kristen Davis.
> Crow Valley Campground is closed to all human activity (per USFS District 
> Office).
> ____________________________________
> PLEASE NOTE: Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Denver Field Ornithologists 
> and other CO birding clubs have suspended all field trips scheduled for May 
> and June, including the annual Colorado Field Ornithologists convention in 
> Pueblo (reset for May 2021).
> Dave Leatherman, Fort Collins
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Black Vulture soaring over Canon City 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/35b148a3999db905?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> "SeEttaM ." <see...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 10 10:11PM -0600 
> While I was birding the Canon City Riverwalk today I spotted this Black
> Vulture soaring high above. I dont what is creating the conditions for all
> the many rarities these past couple days (ie did climate change cause the
> oceans to rise so much that southern Colorado is now a Gulf Coast state)
> but keep bringing it on.
> SeEtta Moss
> Canon City
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Migration Weather Advisory: Monday (May 11) Northern Front Range 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/ea0bf5bc5f1a1a0a?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Bryan Guarente <bryan....@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 10 09:35PM -0600 
> COBirders,
> Tomorrow morning (6am) is one of those times that I hope to be really right
> because it looks amazing for bird migration into the Northern Front Range
> (from Denver through Fort Collins). The low-level winds are funneling into
> the Northern Front Range. Think of the Northern Front Range as the small
> end of the funnel. The opening of the funnel (the other end) is from
> Houston to Del Rio, TX. Let me show it to you here:
> https://earth.nullschool.net/#2020/05/11/1200Z/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-105.10,40.19,3000/loc=-105.000,40.000
> (Boulder
> is the green circle)
> Track any single streamline that touches the Northern Front Range to its
> "origin" and you will get what I mean. I will also attach a few images as
> well to show you the funnel at different times.
> Now, this could mean just that the winds happen to be opened up to
> migration at that time only, which would be a bummer. But, lo and behold,
> the winds are like this starting tonight around Midnight.
> https://earth.nullschool.net/#2020/05/11/0600Z/wind/isobaric/850hPa/orthographic=-105.10,40.19,3000/loc=-105.000,40.000
> (Boulder
> is the green circle)
> I think there are multiple other places along the Front Range that have a
> chance of getting migratory turnover (most of Eastern CO) and some areas of
> lesser convergence (between Pueblo and Rocky Ford) but the best convergence
> is up here in the Northern Front Range and points directly into the
> mountains which is really nice for meeting the greatest population
> densities.
> If you wonder about whether this is starting to occur or not, you can go
> check the radar and see how it looks for migration. An easy way to do that
> is with Cornell Lab's birdcast:
> https://birdcast.info/live-migration-maps/
> This is derived from radar imagery and gives you some clear indication that
> this is going to be the case tomorrow morning as the winds are starting to
> come into line with what is posted in the midnight link above.
> So, my recommendation, as usual, is to get out birding locally (abiding by
> all social distancing and local regulations). Prove me right or wrong.
> More datapoints = more clarity. Best of luck with the winds and I wish you
> great birding tomorrow!
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> Bryan Guarente
> Meteorologist/Instructional Designer
> UCAR/The COMET Program
> Boulder, CO
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Black-headed Grosbeak in west Centennial, Arapahoe County 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/54aeaf554712800e?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> kevyg...@aol.com <javascript:>: May 11 03:12AM 
> Hello Fellow Birders,
>    Today a male Black-headed Grosbeak showed up at the feeders in my 
> little townhouse yard near Holly & Arapahoe in west Centennial.  He seemed 
> to prefer the peanut pieces, also ate some suet.  Picture attached.
> Keep Smilin',Kevin Corwinwest Centennial, Arapahoe County
> Sent from my Remington Rand Typewriter via my Rotary Dial Wall Phone
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Scissor-tailed flycatcher? 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/ea899f925243ed6c?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Kristen Davis <davis...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 10 09:46AM -0600 
> Hi!
> I saw this bird on a walk near my house in Frederick today. A rare sight,
> indeed!
> Caleb A <caleb...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 10 08:10PM -0700 
> Hello, Kristen,
> That is indeed a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher! Amazing find, and good work 
> getting that IDable photo. Note it's ridiculously long tail, salmon 
> flanks, 
> black and white tail (white seen easier in flight), and light blue back.
> Happy Mother's Day!
> *The birds are happy, and so am I*
> *~Caleb Alons, Larimer County*
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Western tanager, Roxborough Park, DougCo 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/eb77d639a0585e1c?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> John Ealy <jre...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 10 05:12PM -0700 
> This very orange Western tanager has been hanging out with about seven 
> other tanagers in my yard the past two days. Any thoughts on why so 
> orange? 
> It has a yellow rump, as Westerns do, but even the wing bar is part 
> orange, 
> part yellow. Head has very little red in it. The bird is extremely 
> skittish 
> compared to the others. I don't see any hybrids online that look like it. 
> [image: WesternTanager3.jpg]
> Apologies for the poor photo. All I have is a Nikon Coolpix, and it ain't 
> so cool. The pic at least shows the orange/yellow streaking on the breast. 
> I haven't heard him vocalize, so I don't even have that field mark to go 
> by. 
> John Ealy
> Roxborough Park, Douglas County, CO
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Magnolia Warbler, Blackpoll Warblers, Summer Tanager, and others at Poudre 
> Ponds (Weld Co.) 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/ec001e6beba3c430?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Jack Bushong <jcbus...@bvsd.org <javascript:>>: May 10 04:29PM -0700 
> Hi all,
> Today around noon my brother and I observed a stunning male Magnolia 
> Warbler in a flock of Yellow-rumpeds about 20 yards east of N 35th Ave at 
> Poudre Ponds. Further down the trail (closer to N 25th Ave), there were 
> two 
> male Blackpoll Warblers along the river plus a female Summer Tanager. Also 
> at Poudre Ponds were at least three lingering Cackling Geese and a Caspian 
> Tern.
> Other interesting birds of note included a small flock of Short-billed 
> Dowitchers (ID'd by flight call) and three White-rumped Sandpipers at the 
> Weld CR 59 wetlands.
> Good Birding, 
> Jack Bushong,
> Louisville, CO
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Summer Tanager Boulder 5/10 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/feaf46c526d9b5fc?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Luke Pheneger <pheneg...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 10 04:55PM -0600 
> This early afternoon I found a Summer Tanager along Nimbus Rd near N 41st
> street in Boulder County.
> Luke Pheneger
> Longmont
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> El Paso County Black-necked Stilt 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/cc3693de001460c6?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> kickback <bill_...@msn.com <javascript:>>: May 10 03:26PM -0700 
> There was a Black-necked Stilt at Big Johnson Reservoir this afternoon 
> (Sunday) that could be easily seen from the west unpaved area (where all 
> of 
> the birders seem to be) parking lot in the shallows next to the south 
> shore. I have only seen this bird in Galveston previously but I guess they 
> are not that rare for Colorado.
> Happy Mother's Day!
> Bill Kosar
> Colorado Springs
> El Paso County
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> East campus Boulder 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/11857b6cddbb56f2?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> goldenplover <wlfi...@yahoo.com <javascript:>>: May 10 02:40PM -0700 
> On 5-10-20I saw a Nashville warbler about 30 yards up the main 
> trail(heading west) from the small bridge. Happy Mother’s Day! Bill Fink 
> Longmont
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Monte Vista Global Big Day Results 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/4e3c7fc980b80962?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> John Rawinski <mvjo...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 10 12:23PM -0700 
> I spent a full day conducting the Global Big Day in my locality. Weather 
> was wonderful and very few winds. I ended the day with 100 species. All 
> within Rio Grande County. 
> Best birds were:
> 2 Scarlet Tanagers (male and female different locations)
> 2 Northern Waterthrushes (2 in different locations. One was at 
> Shriver-Wright SWA)
> 1 Osprey
> 1 Peregrine Falcon
> 6 Red Crossbills
> 1 Gray Catbird
> 1 Sora
> 2 Virginia Rail
> 1 Red-necked Phalarope (MV Refuge)
> 1 Bittern
> John Rawinski
> Monte Vista, CO
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Black-chinned Hummingbird - Weld 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/15f2f9636d4251f6?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Joey Angstman <jangs...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 10 11:35AM -0700 
> Just had a black-chinned hummer visit my feeder in Greeley. I’ve never had 
> any hummingbirds in Weld during Spring before, I’m glad I put my feeder up 
> anyway.
> Joey Angstman
> Greeley, CO
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Norhern Cardinal, Arapahoe County 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/781bec03532e5b09?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Brian Johnson <bunting...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 10 09:01AM -0700 
> I'm currently listening to a Nothern Cardinal singing in the Northern 
> Wildlife area. This is upstream of Reynolds Landing. The bird is somewhere 
> in the deep foliage across the river from the trail in the North West part 
> of the trail. For the life of me I can't locate it however. 
> Good birding 
> Brian Johnson, Englewood, CO
> Brian Johnson <bunting...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 10 09:49AM -0700 
> Just to give an update. This is the wildlife area north of Carson Nature 
> Center. It's a ebird hot spott named Northern Wildlife area. Reynolds 
> Landing is the closest park. I tried calling it and pssing but no luck. Its 
> happy apparently on the other side of the river tormenting me. Its appers 
> to be moving around that area.
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Tennessee, black-and-white warblers continue at CU East, Boulder 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/81527d605661a276?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Laura Steadman <laurams...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 10 10:33AM -0600 
> Good birds continue at CU East Campus / Boulder Creek Path in Boulder.
> *Tennessee Warbler* seen by *many* in a cottonwood at an intersection west
> of the scoreboards.
> *Black-and-white warbler* hanging out just to the west of the confluence
> and skunk creek ponds area, right along the bike path.
> *Northern waterthrush* and *green-tailed towhee *at the little wood bridge
> area near the ponds.
> Lots of bullock’s orioles and western tanagers, too!
> Good birding,
> Laura Steadman
> Boulder
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Willets Galore at Union Res - Weld CO 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/981877f8585e9099?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Susan Rosine <u5b2...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 10 09:16AM -0700 
> Police officers also don't get excited if you tell them there's a 
> Loggerhead Shrike in a tree, and an owl's nest at the intersection. Just 
> sayin'.
> Susan Rosine
> Brighton
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Cliff Swallows - Delaney Community Farm , Arapahoe County 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/be3a15da317af302?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Ken Wat <watk...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 10 09:02AM -0600 
> 100's of Cliff Swallows at the bridge by the farm. Very awesome to watch
> going in and out of the nests there.
> Ken Wat
> Aurora, CO
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Bay-breasted Warbler 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/80c4cfb8ad3c74e7?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Robin Allison <drrobin...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 09 09:28PM -0600 
> Robin Allison Jasper
> Sent from my iPad
> Back to top 
> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
> Leucistic Yellow-headed Blackbird - Boulder County 
> <http://groups.google.com/group/cobirds/t/b44f005107f91712?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email>
> Ted Floyd <tedfl...@gmail.com <javascript:>>: May 09 08:59PM -0700 
> Not all whitish blackbirds are leucistic! Here's an odd one, a common 
> grackle, I found this sunny Sat. morning, May 9, at Greenlee Preserve, 
> Boulder County:
> [image: CoGr.JPG]
> I think it spent the night at the base of a Great Blue Heron rookery...
> Ted Floyd
> Lafayette, Boulder County
> On Saturday, May 9, 2020 at 1:40:48 PM UTC-6, Megan Jones Patterson wrote:
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> <#2007236018.118872.1589391023094@connect.xfinity.com_digest_top> 
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> group. You can change your settings on the group membership page 
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