
For the last 24 hours approximately, a GORGEOUS adult male Kentucky Warbler 
has been hanging out in a small irrigation ditch just north (30-75 yards) 
of the Mountain Avenue and North Bryan Avenue intersection.  The ditch runs 
parallel to North Bryan on it's west side. This bird was found by EJ Raynor 
right behind his townhome.  I was wondering why he had not posted it here 
but found out he is not part of this listserv.  I am posting on his 
behalf.  Many people viewed the bird last evening and this morning before 
it was flushed by some birders who decided to get into the ditch for better 
photos earlier today.  This is what was relayed to me and other than 
alerting COBirders who don't get regular Ebird alerts to it's presence, is 
the purpose of this post.  

This is why we can't have nice things, fellow birders!  This bird has been 
through enough just to get here.  He's way off course having come from as 
far away as Colombia.  This bird is far more important than you getting 5' 
closer for a photo.  I say this because that ditch isn't more than 20' 
wide.  The bird is never far away and has stayed remarkably constant in the 
same spot.  Several of us last night stood right on the edge of the ditch 
and got excellent photos.  Sometimes we birders get lucky and the birds 
come in close on us.  I had a stunning male Summer Tanager land on my scope 
at Rigden Reservoir the other day.  Awesome!   Let the birds do it, not the 
other way around.  Please exercise caution and use discretion and don't 
abuse the bird share.

I guess this is just the bi-annual COBirds reminder for all of us to be 
better.  I certainly include myself in that.   Any further violations will 
end viewing opportunities for this bird.

The bird did finally return this evening.  EJ is still cool with people 
coming by as long as they stick to staying out of the ditch and not 
engaging in behavior that would otherwise make this bird leave.  There are 
several apartments here so please be courteous to the other residents.  
They are aware and know about the bird.  There is plenty of parking on 
Mountain Avenue (note: this location is just east of the entrance to 
Grandview Cemetery).  Walk north on the west side of the ditch.  If you 
have any other questions about access, EJ is good with people emailing 
him.  His address is   He is taking part in the 
CFO/Ebird big day tomorrow so responses may be delayed.

The bird has been observed eating an earthworm and Sawflies or their 
larvae.  Dave Leatherman was collecting them and can certainly expound on 
this if he so chooses.  I don't know enough about the insects and it's too 
close to Grandview to invade his territory (wink wink) to say more than 

Thanks for reading and I hope everyone is enjoying this maddening and 
exciting Spring Migration!

Bird is the word!

Josh Bruening
Fort Collins

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