Our 44th annual Fall Count recorded 10,823 birds of 162 species. Count of 
individuals lower than average, species count up 7 from average. We had 3 new 
species: Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Common Tern, and Dickcissel.    Say's Phoebes 
have increased over the years, with the 66 seen last weekend far more than any 
previous year. 17 Solitary Sandpipers, highes count by one. 506 Western Grebes, 
 which seems to have increased over the years. 
    Only one Franklin's Gull, lowest count except two years when we didn't 
record any. Half the duck species dropped from average: Ruddy, Com. Merganser, 
Green-winged Teal, Mallard, Wigeon, even Canada Goose. Redheads show a drastic 
drop, which started in 2013: 11 this year, average 96. But 207 Shovelers, third 
highest in 43 years, topped the average of 94.


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