Hey COBorders,

Wow. What a strange fall migration season this has been. It is a rare day that 
I band more birds than either the Chico Basin or Barr Lake stations! I had a 
whopping total of 15 birds today, and may have had more if I hadn’t been blown 
out about 945.  There were actually a lot of birds around today, and many 
moving in the willows, up until the time the nets were perpendicular to the 
poles!  I also saw more flocks moving down the creek than I have all season - 
several of smaller birds, and one flock of 250+ RW Blackbirds. Plus low fly-bys 
of Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s Hawks.

This follows 10 birds on Wednesday, and 7 birds Thursday. Sigh.

Banded today:

RC Kinglet
RB Nuthatch (2)
Chipping Sparrows (2). Most years I’ve had about 1000 by now - this year - 150.
FOS Savannah Sparrow
Spotted Towhee (2)
Orange-crowned Warbler
Com Yellowthroat
Wilson’s Warbler (5, incl 2 ad F)

Have a good weekend,
Steve Brown
Colo Spgs

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