Thanks for continuing to share interesting back yard bird stories.  Its a 
nice effort to combine all the results!  My birds may not help
lengthen the species count effort,  but I persist! 

  My own Longmont yard is rather ordinary,  the same ten main birds
with a total list of about 48.   But why do I persist in these little eBird 
lists for my yard?  Of course I AM obsessed, we feed the birds,
and I love seeing what the birds are doing today.  So today, it was my 
flicker hitting a metal vent on my roof, to out perform
the other flicker across the back fence.  The goldfinches are back, and the 
robins are coursing through
the big trees!  I have been able to figure out ID marks for my yard 
juvenile Sharp-shinned Hawk with help from my friendly
eBird reviewer, and now can focus on their pencil thin LEGS to be helpful 
to figure out Coopers versus Sharpie.  I do 
get nice flyovers headed to Lagerman, but I am most interested in what the 
nuthatches and HOFI are up to today, what they sound like and look like, 
and I even enjoy my pair of starlings as they are my relatively rare bird!  
 One year I had a Brown Creeper live here all winter,
and I have even had a one week visit from a Hermit Thrush in Nov. 2020,  
and an occasional warbler in the fall.  
There is always hope, as the 2018  Blackburnian Warbler  stake-out eBird 
hot spot  is only a block or two from my yard! 

Pat Cullen
Longmont, CO 

On Monday, March 18, 2024 at 11:30:17 AM UTC-6 Thomas Heinrich wrote:

> Excellent--thanks Doug!  No statute of limitations on this list :-)
> Thanks for sharing!
> --Thomas
> On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 11:00 AM Doug Ward <> wrote:
>> Tom,
>> Just back into cell/internet range and getting caught up on your “little” 
>> yard list project.  It’s been fun reading folks encounters and amazing 
>> finds in their respective yards.  Figured I wouldn’t have anything to add 
>> to the master list, but thanks to your needs list, I was wrong!  Depending 
>> on your statute of limitations, you can add GREATER SAGE-GROUSE which used 
>> to come and feed under our feeder in the winter when we lived on a ranch in 
>> Axial Basin (south central Moffat Co.) in the late ‘70s.  So now you are up 
>> to 386, truly an incredible number!
>> Good Birding,
>> Doug
>> *From:* <> *On Behalf Of 
>> *Thomas 
>> Heinrich
>> *Sent:* Monday, March 18, 2024 9:15 AM
>> *To:* Colorado Birds <>
>> *Subject:* [cobirds] Colorado Combined Yard List update
>> Hi all,
>> Just a quick update:
>> Total species now: 385
>> Total number of contributors: 60, make that 61 with Larry M
>> Needs list total (see below): 135 species
>> Still working on getting all who have contributed represented in the 
>> list. If you have any new species to add to the list, I'm happy to include 
>> them. I'll try to include those submitting species already listed from now 
>> forward, if I have time. Definitely have my hands full. But please keep 
>> posting--it's been really interesting and a lot of fun to read about 
>> everyone's experiences and to connect with others across the state (and out 
>> of state, as well). 
>> Thanks!
>> Thomas
>> Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
>> Fulvous Whistling-Duck
>> Pink-footed Goose
>> Barnacle Goose
>> Garganey
>> Eurasian Wigeon
>> Mexican Duck
>> American Black Duck
>> Mottled Duck
>> Tufted Duck
>> Harlequin Duck
>> White-winged Scoter
>> California Quail
>> Ruffed Grouse
>> White-tailed Ptarmigan
>> Greater Sage-Grouse
>> Gunnison Sage-Grouse
>> Sharp-tailed Grouse
>> Greater Prairie-Chicken
>> Red-necked Grebe
>> Groove-billed Ani
>> Eastern Whip-poor-will
>> Mexican Whip-poor-will
>> Vaux's Swift
>> King Rail
>> Common Gallinule
>> Purple Gallinule
>> Yellow Rail
>> Black Rail
>> Limpkin
>> Whooping Crane
>> Black-bellied Plover
>> American Golden-Plover
>> Piping Plover
>> Snowy Plover
>> Eskimo Curlew
>> Hudsonian Godwit
>> Marbled Godwit
>> Ruddy Turnstone
>> Red Knot
>> Ruff
>> Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
>> Curlew Sandpiper
>> Dunlin
>> Purple Sandpiper
>> White-rumped Sandpiper
>> Buff-breasted Sandpiper
>> Semipalmated Sandpiper
>> Short-billed Dowitcher
>> Willet
>> Red Phalarope
>> Pomarine Jaeger
>> Parasitic Jaeger
>> Long-tailed Jaeger
>> Long-billed Murrelet
>> Ancient Murrelet
>> Black-legged Kittiwake
>> Ivory Gull
>> Sabine's Gull
>> Black-headed Gull
>> Little Gull
>> Ross's Gull
>> Laughing Gull
>> Short-billed Gull
>> Western Gull
>> Slaty-backed Gull
>> Glaucous-winged Gull
>> Kelp Gull
>> Sooty Tern
>> Least Tern
>> Arctic Tern
>> Royal Tern
>> Sandwich Tern
>> Black Skimmer
>> Red-throated Loon
>> Arctic Loon
>> Pacific Loon
>> Yellow-billed Loon
>> Wood Stork
>> Magnificent Frigatebird
>> Brown Booby
>> Neotropic Cormorant
>> Brown Pelican
>> Least Bittern
>> Tricolored Heron
>> Reddish Egret
>> White Ibis
>> Glossy Ibis
>> Roseate Spoonbill
>> Black Vulture
>> White-tailed Kite
>> Common Black Hawk
>> Harris's Hawk
>> Variable Hawk
>> Red-shouldered Hawk
>> Zone-tailed Hawk
>> Snowy Owl
>> Spotted Owl
>> Barred Owl
>> Red-breasted Sapsucker
>> Crested Caracara
>> Gyrfalcon
>> Dusky-capped Flycatcher
>> Brown-crested Flycatcher
>> Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher
>> Tropical Kingbird
>> Couch's Kingbird
>> Thick-billed Kingbird
>> Fork-tailed Flycatcher
>> Acadian Flycatcher
>> Buff-breasted Flycatcher
>> Gray Vireo
>> Yellow-green Vireo
>> Cave Swallow
>> Cactus Wren
>> Pacific Wren
>> Sedge Wren
>> Bendire's Thrasher
>> Rufous-backed Robin
>> Sprague's Pipit
>> Cassia Crossbill
>> Smith's Longspur
>> Black-chinned Sparrow
>> LeConte's Sparrow
>> Nelson's Sparrow
>> Baird's Sparrow
>> Henslow's Sparrow
>> Chihuahuan Meadowlark
>> Louisiana Waterthrush
>> Swainson's Warbler
>> Lucy's Warbler
>> Tropical Parula
>> Grace's Warbler
>> Golden-crowned Warbler
>> Hepatic Tanager
>> -- 
>> Thomas Heinrich
>> Boulder, CO
>> -- 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Colorado Birds" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> * All posts should be signed with the poster's full name and city. 
>> Include bird species and location in the subject line when appropriate.
>> * Join Colorado Field Ornithologists
>> --- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Colorado Birds" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
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>> .
>> -- 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Colorado Birds" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> * All posts should be signed with the poster's full name and city. 
>> Include bird species and location in the subject line when appropriate.
>> * Join Colorado Field Ornithologists
>> --- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Colorado Birds" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> <>
>> .
> -- 
> Thomas Heinrich
> Boulder, CO

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