Hi again,

> There is no commons/.depend in the clean checkout state I start from.

Oh, okay.

> Just in case, I run it again, checking there was no commons/.depend.
> Same result. Logs attached.

Okay. After you have run make there should be a commons/.depend, though.

Could you please send it?

> > On 20 Jan 2015, at 14:22, Sébastien Hinderer <sebastien.hinde...@inria.fr> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> >> I’ve removed gnused, and applied this last patch on top of the previous 
> >> one you sent yesterday.
> >> Still the error about wrong assumptions in bytes interface.
> > 
> > Can you please do
> > 
> > rm commons/.depend
> > 
> > and run make again?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Sébastien.
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