The direct_declarator rule and the direct_abstract_d rule are
present in the C parser. Add similar rules to the SmPL parser so that
declarators are parsed as they are in the C parser.

For the type ParenType, direct_declarator and direct_abstract_d only
allow the following productions:

        ( * id  [ .* ] ) ( params )

i.e. a function pointer or an array of function pointers. The compromise
is flexibility in the range of productions, mainly because collateral
evolutions needed by having a flexible rule are very large and

Replace usage of the older d_ident rule in the SmPL parser with the
above mentioned rules. All usages of d_ident, however, have not been
removed due to reduce/reduce conflicts.

Remove rules/productions that parse function pointers with usage of
direct_declarator and direct_abstract_d.

Signed-off-by: Jaskaran Singh <>
 parsing_cocci/parser_cocci_menhir.mly | 239 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 116 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

diff --git a/parsing_cocci/parser_cocci_menhir.mly 
index 26958f63..fade830f 100644
--- a/parsing_cocci/parser_cocci_menhir.mly
+++ b/parsing_cocci/parser_cocci_menhir.mly
@@ -1116,33 +1116,17 @@ struct_decl_one:
        { let (mids,code) = t in
          (Ast0.ConjField(P.id2mcode lp,code,mids, P.id2mcode rp)) }
-    | t=ctype d=d_ident_option bf=struct_bitfield? pv=TPtVirg
+    | t=ctype d=direct_decl_option(disj_ident) bf=struct_bitfield? pv=TPtVirg
         { let (id,fn) = d in
         Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Field(fn t,id,bf,P.clt2mcode ";" pv)) }
-    | t=ctype lp1=TOPar st=TMul d=d_ident_option rp1=TCPar
-       lp2=TOPar p=decl_list(name_opt_decl) rp2=TCPar
-       bf=struct_bitfield? pv=TPtVirg
-        { let (id,fn) = d in
-        let t =
-         Ast0.wrap
-           (Ast0.FunctionPointer
-              (t,P.clt2mcode "(" lp1,P.clt2mcode "*" st,P.clt2mcode ")" rp1,
-               P.clt2mcode "(" lp2,p,P.clt2mcode ")" rp2)) in
-        Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Field(fn t,id,bf,P.clt2mcode ";" pv)) }
-     | cv=ioption(const_vol) i=pure_ident_or_symbol d=d_ident_option
+    | cv=ioption(const_vol) i=pure_ident_or_symbol
+      d=direct_decl_option(disj_ident)
         { let (id,fn) = d in
         let idtype = P.make_cv cv (Ast0.wrap (Ast0.TypeName(P.id2mcode i))) in
         Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Field(fn idtype,id,bf,P.clt2mcode ";" pv)) }
-        { None, (fun x -> x) }
-     | d=d_ident {
-       let (id, fn) = d in
-       (Some id, fn)
-    }
    c=TDotDot e=expr { (P.clt2mcode ":" c, e) }
@@ -1529,17 +1513,9 @@ storage:
        | s=Tregister    { P.clt2mcode Ast.Register s }
        | s=Textern      { P.clt2mcode Ast.Extern s }
-decl: t=ctype i=disj_ident a=list(array_dec)
-       { let t = P.arrayify t a in Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Param(t, Some i)) }
+decl: t=ctype d=direct_declarator(disj_ident)
+       { let (i,fn) = d in Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Param(fn t, Some i)) }
     | t=ctype { (*verify in FunDecl*) Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Param(t, None)) }
-    | t=ctype lp=TOPar s=TMul i=disj_ident rp=TCPar
-       lp1=TOPar d=decl_list(name_opt_decl) rp1=TCPar
-        { let fnptr =
-         Ast0.wrap
-           (Ast0.FunctionPointer
-              (t,P.clt2mcode "(" lp,P.clt2mcode "*" s,P.clt2mcode ")" rp,
-               P.clt2mcode "(" lp1,d,P.clt2mcode ")" rp1)) in
-       Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Param(fnptr, Some i)) }
     | TMetaParam
        { let (nm,cstr,pure,clt) = $1 in
        Ast0.wrap(Ast0.MetaParam(P.clt2mcode nm clt,cstr,pure)) }
@@ -1547,14 +1523,6 @@ decl: t=ctype i=disj_ident a=list(array_dec)
       decl  { $1 }
-    | t=ctype lp=TOPar s=TMul rp=TCPar
-       lp1=TOPar d=decl_list(name_opt_decl) rp1=TCPar
-        { let fnptr =
-         Ast0.wrap
-           (Ast0.FunctionPointer
-              (t,P.clt2mcode "(" lp,P.clt2mcode "*" s,P.clt2mcode ")" rp,
-               P.clt2mcode "(" lp1,d,P.clt2mcode ")" rp1)) in
-       Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Param(fnptr, None)) }
       Tconst       { P.clt2mcode Ast.Const $1 }
@@ -1684,13 +1652,15 @@ decl_var:
     t=ctype pv=TPtVirg
       { [Ast0.wrap(Ast0.TyDecl(t,P.clt2mcode ";" pv))] }
   | TMetaDecl { [P.meta_decl $1] }
-  | s=ioption(storage) t=ctype d=comma_list(d_ident) pv=TPtVirg
+  | s=ioption(storage) t=ctype
+      d=comma_list(direct_declarator(disj_ident)) pv=TPtVirg
          (function (id,fn) ->
            Ast0.wrap(Ast0.UnInit(s,fn t,id,[],P.clt2mcode ";" pv)))
          d }
   | f=funproto { [f] }
-  | s=ioption(storage) t=ctype d=d_ident a=attr_list q=TEq e=initialize
+  | s=ioption(storage) t=ctype d=direct_declarator(disj_ident)
+    a=attr_list q=TEq e=initialize
       {let (id,fn) = d in
@@ -1711,18 +1681,6 @@ decl_var:
       let idtype = P.make_cv cv (Ast0.wrap (Ast0.TypeName(P.id2mcode i))) in
       [Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Init(s,fn idtype,id,a,P.clt2mcode "=" q,e,
                           P.clt2mcode ";" pv))] }
-  /* function pointer type */
-  | s=ioption(storage)
-    t=ctype lp1=TOPar st=TMul d=d_ident rp1=TCPar
-    lp2=TOPar p=decl_list(name_opt_decl) rp2=TCPar
-    pv=TPtVirg
-      { let (id,fn) = d in
-        let t =
-         Ast0.wrap
-           (Ast0.FunctionPointer
-              (t,P.clt2mcode "(" lp1,P.clt2mcode "*" st,P.clt2mcode ")" rp1,
-               P.clt2mcode "(" lp2,p,P.clt2mcode ")" rp2)) in
-        [Ast0.wrap(Ast0.UnInit(s,fn t,id,[],P.clt2mcode ";" pv))] }
   | s=ioption(storage) d=decl_ident o=TOPar e=eexpr_list_option c=TCPar
       { [Ast0.wrap(Ast0.MacroDecl(s,d,P.clt2mcode "(" o,e,
@@ -1735,56 +1693,25 @@ decl_var:
               (s,d,P.clt2mcode "(" o,e,
                P.clt2mcode ")" c,P.clt2mcode "=" q,i,
                P.clt2mcode ";" p))] }
-  | s=ioption(storage)
-    t=ctype lp1=TOPar st=TMul d=d_ident rp1=TCPar
-    lp2=TOPar p=decl_list(name_opt_decl) rp2=TCPar
-    q=TEq e=initialize pv=TPtVirg
-      { let (id,fn) = d in
-        let t =
-         Ast0.wrap
-           (Ast0.FunctionPointer
-              (t,P.clt2mcode "(" lp1,P.clt2mcode "*" st,P.clt2mcode ")" rp1,
-               P.clt2mcode "(" lp2,p,P.clt2mcode ")" rp2)) in
-      [Ast0.wrap
-         (Ast0.Init(s,fn t,id,[],P.clt2mcode "=" q,e,P.clt2mcode ";" pv))]}
-  | s=Ttypedef t=typedef_ctype id=comma_list(typedef_ident) pv=TPtVirg
+  | s=Ttypedef t=typedef_ctype
+      d=comma_list(direct_declarator(typedef_ident)) pv=TPtVirg
       { let s = P.clt2mcode "typedef" s in
-         (function id ->
-           Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Typedef(s,t,id,P.clt2mcode ";" pv)))
-         id }
-  | s=Ttypedef t=typedef_ctype id=typedef_ident
-      l=TOCro i=eexpr r=TCCro pv=TPtVirg
-      { let s = P.clt2mcode "typedef" s in
-        let t = P.arrayify t [(l,Some i,r)] in
-       [Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Typedef(s,t,id,P.clt2mcode ";" pv))] }
-  | s=Ttypedef t=typedef_ctype id=typedef_ident
-      l=TOCro i=eexpr r=TCCro
-      l2=TOCro i2=eexpr r2=TCCro pv=TPtVirg
-      { let s = P.clt2mcode "typedef" s in
-        let t = P.arrayify t [(l,Some i,r)] in
-        let t = P.arrayify t [(l2,Some i2,r2)] in
-       [Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Typedef(s,t,id,P.clt2mcode ";" pv))] }
-  | s=Ttypedef
-    t=typedef_ctype lp1=TOPar st=TMul id=typedef_ident rp1=TCPar
-    lp2=TOPar p=decl_list(name_opt_decl) rp2=TCPar pv=TPtVirg
-      { let s = P.clt2mcode "typedef" s in
-        let t =
-         Ast0.wrap
-           (Ast0.FunctionPointer
-              (t,P.clt2mcode "(" lp1,P.clt2mcode "*" st,P.clt2mcode ")" rp1,
-               P.clt2mcode "(" lp2,p,P.clt2mcode ")" rp2)) in
-       [Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Typedef(s,t,id,P.clt2mcode ";" pv))]}
+         (function (id,fn) ->
+           Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Typedef(s,fn t,id,P.clt2mcode ";" pv)))
+         d }
     t=ctype pv=TPtVirg
       { Ast0.wrap(Ast0.TyDecl(t,P.clt2mcode ";" pv)) }
   | TMetaDecl { P.meta_decl $1 }
-  | s=ioption(storage) t=ctype d=d_ident a=attr_list pv=TPtVirg
+  | s=ioption(storage) t=ctype d=direct_declarator(disj_ident)
+      a=attr_list pv=TPtVirg
       { let (id,fn) = d in
         Ast0.wrap(Ast0.UnInit(s,fn t,id,a,P.clt2mcode ";" pv)) }
   | f=funproto { f }
-  | s=ioption(storage) t=ctype d=d_ident a=attr_list q=TEq e=initialize
+  | s=ioption(storage) t=ctype d=direct_declarator(disj_ident)
+      a=attr_list q=TEq e=initialize
       { let (id,fn) = d in
@@ -1802,18 +1729,6 @@ one_decl_var:
       let idtype = P.make_cv cv (Ast0.wrap (Ast0.TypeName(P.id2mcode i))) in
       Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Init(s,fn idtype,id,a,P.clt2mcode "=" q,e,
                           P.clt2mcode ";" pv)) }
-  /* function pointer type */
-  | s=ioption(storage)
-    t=ctype lp1=TOPar st=TMul d=d_ident rp1=TCPar
-    lp2=TOPar p=decl_list(name_opt_decl) rp2=TCPar
-    pv=TPtVirg
-      { let (id,fn) = d in
-        let t =
-         Ast0.wrap
-           (Ast0.FunctionPointer
-              (t,P.clt2mcode "(" lp1,P.clt2mcode "*" st,P.clt2mcode ")" rp1,
-               P.clt2mcode "(" lp2,p,P.clt2mcode ")" rp2)) in
-        Ast0.wrap(Ast0.UnInit(s,fn t,id,[],P.clt2mcode ";" pv)) }
   | s=ioption(storage) d=decl_ident o=TOPar e=eexpr_list_option c=TCPar
       { Ast0.wrap(Ast0.MacroDecl(s,d,P.clt2mcode "(" o,e,
@@ -1826,19 +1741,103 @@ one_decl_var:
                (s,d,P.clt2mcode "(" o,e,
                 P.clt2mcode ")" c,P.clt2mcode "=" q,i,
                 P.clt2mcode ";" p)) }
-  | s=ioption(storage)
-    t=ctype lp1=TOPar st=TMul d=d_ident rp1=TCPar
-    lp2=TOPar p=decl_list(name_opt_decl) rp2=TCPar a=attr_list
-    q=TEq e=initialize pv=TPtVirg
-      { let (id,fn) = d in
-        let t =
-         Ast0.wrap
-           (Ast0.FunctionPointer
-              (t,P.clt2mcode "(" lp1,P.clt2mcode "*" st,P.clt2mcode ")" rp1,
-               P.clt2mcode "(" lp2,p,P.clt2mcode ")" rp2)) in
-      Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Init(s,fn t,id,a,P.clt2mcode "=" q,e,P.clt2mcode ";" pv))}
+    ident_type
+      { ($1, function x -> x) }
+  | o=TOPar m=list(TMul) d=direct_declarator(ident_type) c=TCPar
+      { let (id,fn) = d in
+        (id,
+         function t ->
+          let ty =  fn (P.pointerify t m) in
+          let _ =
+           match Ast0.unwrap ty with
+            Ast0.Pointer(ty1,_) ->
+             (match Ast0.unwrap ty1 with
+               Ast0.FunctionType(ty2,_,_,_) -> ()
+             | _ ->
+              raise (Semantic_cocci.Semantic "expected function pointer"))
+           | Ast0.Array(ty1,_,_,_) ->
+              (match Ast0.unwrap ty1 with
+                Ast0.Pointer(ty2,_) ->(
+                 match Ast0.unwrap ty2 with
+                  Ast0.FunctionType(ty3,_,_,_) -> ()
+                 | _ ->
+                  raise (Semantic_cocci.Semantic "expected function pointer"))
+             | _ ->
+              raise (Semantic_cocci.Semantic "expected function pointer"))
+           | _ ->
+            raise (Semantic_cocci.Semantic "expected function pointer") in
+          Ast0.wrap
+            (Ast0.ParenType
+               (P.clt2mcode "(" o,
+                ty,
+                P.clt2mcode ")" c))) }
+  | d=direct_declarator(ident_type) a=array_dec
+      { let (id,fn) = d in
+        (id, function t -> let r = P.arrayify t [a] in fn r) }
+  | d=direct_declarator(ident_type)
+      o=TOPar arglist=decl_list(name_opt_decl) c=TCPar
+      { let (id,fn) = d in
+        (id, function t ->
+              let r =
+               Ast0.wrap
+                (Ast0.FunctionType
+                  (t,P.clt2mcode "(" o,arglist,P.clt2mcode ")" c)) in fn r) }
+    o=TOPar m=list(TMul) d=direct_abstract_d c=TCPar
+      { function t ->
+          let ty = d (P.pointerify t m) in
+          let _ =
+           match Ast0.unwrap ty with
+            Ast0.Pointer(ty1,_) ->
+             (match Ast0.unwrap ty1 with
+               Ast0.FunctionType(ty2,_,_,_) ->()
+             | _ ->
+              raise (Semantic_cocci.Semantic "expected function pointer"))
+           | Ast0.Array(ty1,_,_,_) ->
+              (match Ast0.unwrap ty1 with
+                Ast0.Pointer(ty2,_) ->(
+                 match Ast0.unwrap ty2 with
+                  Ast0.FunctionType(ty3,_,_,_) -> ()
+                 | _ ->
+                  raise (Semantic_cocci.Semantic "expected function pointer"))
+             | _ ->
+              raise (Semantic_cocci.Semantic "expected function pointer"))
+           | _ ->
+            raise (Semantic_cocci.Semantic "expected function pointer") in
+          Ast0.wrap
+            (Ast0.ParenType
+               (P.clt2mcode "(" o,
+                ty,
+                P.clt2mcode ")" c))
+      }
+  | a=array_dec
+      { function t -> P.arrayify t [a] }
+  | d=direct_abstract_d a=array_dec
+      { function t -> let r = P.arrayify t [a] in d r }
+  | o=TOPar arglist=decl_list(name_opt_decl) c=TCPar
+      { function t ->
+               Ast0.wrap
+                (Ast0.FunctionType
+                  (t,P.clt2mcode "(" o,arglist,P.clt2mcode ")" c)) }
+  | d=direct_abstract_d o=TOPar arglist=decl_list(name_opt_decl) c=TCPar
+      { function t ->
+              let r =
+               Ast0.wrap
+                (Ast0.FunctionType
+                  (t,P.clt2mcode "(" o,arglist,P.clt2mcode ")" c)) in d r }
+      { (None, function x -> x) }
+  | d=direct_declarator(ident_type)
+      { let (id,fn) = d in
+        (Some id, fn) }
     disj_ident list(array_dec)
       { ($1, function t -> P.arrayify t $2) }
@@ -2151,16 +2150,10 @@ cast_expr(r,pe):
     unary_expr(r,pe)                      { $1 }
   | lp=TOPar t=ctype rp=TCPar e=cast_expr(r,pe)
       { Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Cast (P.clt2mcode "(" lp, t,
+                             P.clt2mcode ")" rp, e)) }
+  | lp=TOPar t=ctype d=direct_abstract_d rp=TCPar e=cast_expr(r,pe)
+      { Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Cast (P.clt2mcode "(" lp, d t,
                             P.clt2mcode ")" rp, e)) }
-  | lp=TOPar t=ctype lp1=TOPar s=TMul rp1=TCPar
-      lp2=TOPar d=decl_list(name_opt_decl) rp2=TCPar rp=TCPar
-      e=cast_expr(r,pe)
-      { let fnptr =
-         Ast0.wrap
-           (Ast0.FunctionPointer
-              (t,P.clt2mcode "(" lp1,P.clt2mcode "*" s,P.clt2mcode ")" rp1,
-               P.clt2mcode "(" lp2,d,P.clt2mcode ")" rp2)) in
-      Ast0.wrap(Ast0.Cast (P.clt2mcode "(" lp, fnptr, P.clt2mcode ")" rp, e)) }
     postfix_expr(r,pe)                   { $1 }

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