On Tue, 27 Oct 2020, Markus Elfring wrote:

> > It doesn't matter.  The purpose is just to select files that are relevent
> > for consideration.  If a file is selected for two reasons instead of one
> > reason, it doesn't matter; it's still selected.
> The software “git grep” probably supports also short-circuit evaluation
> for the discussed use case (because command parameters were selected in the 
> way
> that this special functionality would not be excluded).
> https://github.com/git/git/blob/e8ab941b671da6890181aea5b5755d1d9eea24ec/grep.c#L1294
> Under which circumstances would potentially measurable effects become more 
> interesting
> so that the reordering of the mentioned identifiers would be reconsidered?
> elfring@Sonne:~/Projekte/Linux/next-patched> /usr/bin/time git grep --threads 
> 4 -l -w -e 'for_each_node_by_type' -e 'for_each_matching_node_and_match' -e 
> 'for_each_compatible_node' -e 'for_each_available_child_of_node' -e 
> 'for_each_child_of_node' -e 'for_each_matching_node' -e 
> 'for_each_node_by_name' -e 'for_each_node_with_property' -- '*.[ch]' > 
> /dev/null
> 1.55user 0.74system 0:01.24elapsed 183%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 
> 78760maxresident)k
> 216inputs+0outputs (3major+30006minor)pagefaults 0swaps
> elfring@Sonne:~/Projekte/Linux/next-patched> /usr/bin/time git grep --threads 
> 4 -l -w -e 'for_each_child_of_node' -e 'for_each_available_child_of_node' -e 
> 'for_each_compatible_node' -e 'for_each_node_by_name' -e 
> 'for_each_node_by_type' -e 'for_each_matching_node' -e 
> 'for_each_matching_node_and_match' -e 'for_each_node_with_property' -- 
> '*.[ch]' > /dev/null
> 1.55user 0.72system 0:01.24elapsed 183%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 
> 74380maxresident)k
> 0inputs+0outputs (0major+31030minor)pagefaults 0swaps

As far as I can see, you are showing that the times are the same.  Why are
you wasting your time on this?

Although I didn't know that git grep was parallelizable, although since
the used time and the elapsed time are almost the same, maybe it doesn't
help much.

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