On Sat, 5 Jun 2021, Jason A. Donenfeld wrote:

> Hi Julia,
> Holy mackerel, that's amazing. Thank you so much! Very fancy embedding
> the ocaml in there, and just using a hash table. Neat idea.
> I'm running it (well, a modified version, pasted below) on a codebase
> and finding that it fails to replace the "struct rwlock x" with "struct
> mtx x" in most cases, except one, which is strange. I wonder if it's the
> parser choking on macros it doesn't understand in the code? Or on
> something else?
> Code is here, if you're curious:
> $ git clone https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-freebsd
> $ cd wireguard-freebsd/src
> $ spatch.opt --sp-file doit.cocci -j 4 --recursive-includes 
> --include-headers-for-types --include-headers --in-place .
> I'll keep playing with it to see what's happening...

Thanks for the link to the code.  Maybe you need a -I option to tell it
where the header files are?  To check for parsing problems, you can say
spatch --parse-c wireguard-freebsd.  You may need to remove any limit on
the stacksize.


> Jason
> == doit.cocci ==
> virtual after_start
> @initialize:ocaml@
> @@
> let has_write_table = Hashtbl.create 101
> let has_read_table = Hashtbl.create 101
> let ok i m =
>   let entry = (i,m) in
>   Hashtbl.mem has_write_table entry && not(Hashtbl.mem has_read_table entry)
> @hasw depends on !after_start@
> identifier i,m;
> struct i x;
> @@
> (
> rw_wlock(&x.m)
> |
> rw_wunlock(&x.m)
> )
> @script:ocaml@
> i << hasw.i;
> m << hasw.m;
> @@
> Hashtbl.replace has_write_table (i,m) ()
> @hasr depends on !after_start@
> identifier i,m;
> struct i x;
> @@
> (
> rw_rlock(&x.m)
> |
> rw_runlock(&x.m)
> )
> @script:ocaml@
> i << hasr.i;
> m << hasr.m;
> @@
> Hashtbl.replace has_read_table (i,m) ()
> @finalize:ocaml depends on !after_start@
> wt << merge.has_write_table;
> rt << merge.has_read_table;
> @@
> let redo ts dst =
>   List.iter (Hashtbl.iter (fun k _ -> Hashtbl.add dst k ())) ts in
> redo wt has_write_table;
> redo rt has_read_table;
> let it = new iteration() in
> it#add_virtual_rule After_start;
> it#register()
> (* ----------------------------------------------------------- *)
> @ty2 depends on after_start@
> identifier i;
> identifier m : script:ocaml(i) { ok i m };
> @@
> struct i {
>   ...
> - struct rwlock m;
> + struct mtx m;
>   ...
> }
> @depends on after_start disable fld_to_ptr@
> identifier m;
> identifier i : script:ocaml(m) { ok i m };
> struct i x;
> @@
> - rw_wlock
> + mtx_lock
>    (&x.m)
> @depends on after_start disable fld_to_ptr@
> identifier m;
> identifier i : script:ocaml(m) { ok i m };
> struct i x;
> @@
> - rw_wunlock
> + mtx_unlock
>    (&x.m)
> @depends on after_start disable fld_to_ptr@
> identifier m;
> expression e;
> identifier i : script:ocaml(m) { ok i m };
> struct i x;
> @@
> - rw_init(&x.m, e);
> + mtx_init(&x.m, e, NULL, MTX_DEF);
> @depends on after_start disable fld_to_ptr@
> identifier m;
> identifier i : script:ocaml(m) { ok i m };
> struct i x;
> @@
> - rw_destroy
> + mtx_destroy
>    (&x.m)
> @depends on after_start disable fld_to_ptr, ptr_to_array@
> identifier m;
> identifier i : script:ocaml(m) { ok i m };
> struct i *x;
> @@
> - rw_wlock
> + mtx_lock
>    (&x->m)
> @depends on after_start disable fld_to_ptr, ptr_to_array@
> identifier m;
> identifier i : script:ocaml(m) { ok i m };
> struct i *x;
> @@
> - rw_wunlock
> + mtx_unlock
>    (&x->m)
> @depends on after_start disable fld_to_ptr, ptr_to_array@
> identifier m;
> expression e;
> identifier i : script:ocaml(m) { ok i m };
> struct i *x;
> @@
> - rw_init(&x->m, e);
> + mtx_init(&x->m, e, NULL, MTX_DEF);
> @depends on after_start disable fld_to_ptr, ptr_to_array@
> identifier m;
> identifier i : script:ocaml(m) { ok i m };
> struct i *x;
> @@
> - rw_destroy
> + mtx_destroy
>    (&x->m)
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