
New Message on BDOTNET

From: SecCode
Message 1 in Discussion

Came across this recently from a member of the Microsoft CLR team, thought
you all would find this interesting...

From: Brad Abrams [MSFT] 
Subject: Perf trade off: lots of small assemblies or fewer bigger

As Rico would say, nothing is 100%, you have to measure, but the census of
the CLR perf folks is that fewer bigger assemblies are better.

Lot of assemblies in the managed world is bad for the same reason lot of
dlls are bad in the unmanaged world. The OS has a per-dll cost which is
reduced by combining assemblies.  In addition, inlining can be more
aggressive within an assembly

The biggest reason that assemblies are expensive is because we try very hard
to make everything else 'light'.  Thus we try to push everything that can be
shared to the assembly level that we can (thus it is shared among all
classes in the assembly).    Similarly, we try to optimize class loading at
the expense of assembly loading, since we expect more class loads.  If you
have lots of small assemblies, you ruin this heuristic.  

Assemblies are also the unit of enforcing security.   Thus when doing cross
assembly calls inlining is more constrained.    

You are also fighting the OS heuristics.   The File system is very good at
prefetching data that is contiguous, however if you have lots of DLLs, they
are not likely contiguous, which means disk moves, and significant loss of
startup time.  

Also, because of compatibility issues, changing assembly boundaries is
painful.   Thus it is worth some time 'up front' to insure that you can live
with your present setup for a very long time.  


BTW, Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability from the
Microsoft PAG  is now available as a PDF download.
You can get it @

- Anil
- http://SecureCoder.com
- Architecture & Security in an Imperfect World


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