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From: VishalRJoshi
Message 1 in Discussion

 Split Functions in .Net

There are multiple Split functions available in .NET... 

U can use System.String.Split if you need to split a string based on a
of specific characters. Each individual character is its own delimiter. Here
there are chances of getting white spaces when you would not expect them to

Use System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegEx.Split to split based on some
specific formats... You can use this in case the earlier one does not work
for you...

At the end if you remember the good old days you can reference the
Microsoft.VisualBasic assembly in your program and can use the Strings.Split
function to split a string based on a word... The favorite way of VB6
programmer... :-)
Vishal Joshi
Microsoft MVP .Net
       If You Think YOU CAN... You Can...
http://VishalJoshi.Blogspot.com  (This is where you can find archives of
previous tips)

PS: Feel free to post comments when you feel something is wrong in the tip,
it's always good to make corrections at the right time... Drop in your mail
ids when you put in a comment in my blog...


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