
New Message on cochindotnet

From: spark
Message 1 in Discussion

The Open 
source .Net implementation has finally been released as version 1.0. 

The project was code 
named Mono as many of you already know. Mono ships with a C# compiler, a full 
CLR implementation, a large part of teh base class libraries that are avilable 
as teh commercial .Net framework on Windows, Webservices, ASP.Net, ADO.Net (a 
whole pile of providers), somethings that are not available for Windows 
(portable GTK# libraries to replace Windows forms) and more.
There is also a IDE 
under development by a different group that is called MonoDevelop. MonoDevelop 
presently supports Xwindow systems on various Unixes and Mac OS. It has support 
for some esoteric languages for Nemerle is addition to C#. The IDE however is 
not near the official release version. (http://www.monodevelop.com/)
Here is a snippet 
from Miguel De Icaza's blog (Miggy is the lead developer of the Mono project) 

We vastly 
underestimated the Slashdot effect. There were 85k hits in the first hour since 
we went live, and then the machine collapsed under the weight and has remained 
in that state despite repeated attempts to get some data out of it. 

None of the betas really had this problem, we got some mild load, 
but today the load on the machine was insane. 
I made a few posts 
today: New 
Windows.Forms plan, the new cvs 
rules in the post 1.0 world and finally a thank 
you note to developers. 
Mike Kestner has posted an 
update on Gtk# 
in the release. 
You can download Mono from http://www.go-mono.com/ (whenever the 
server comes up)
Roshan (yet 
another .Net hacker) James


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