
New Message on cochindotnet

From: mathai
Message 2 in Discussion

Suppose your forms are Form1 and Form2 and that you are creating a new instance of 
Form2 named f2  from your Form1 instance. To access the first form you have to have a 
reference to it in the  second form.   If you are using ShowDialog to display f2, you 
can pass the first form as an argument and the  owner property of f2 can be cast into 
form1 to access it
        Dim f2 As New Form2
        f2.ShowDialog(Me) 'Me is the first form          Then from f2 whenever you 
want to access the first form use
       Ctype(f2.Owner,Form1)   Another way is to define a new constructor in form2(or 
change the default constructor) as follows       private _form1 as Form1       public 
sub New(byval f as Form1)
             New 'Call if you have defined this as a second constructor
      end sub
      you can use _form1 to access objects in the first form.         And in the first 
form use
      Dim f2 as new Form2(Me)   Instead of a constructor you can define a method which 
accepts the first form as an argument        private _form1 as Form1       public sub 
SetParent(byval f as Form1)
      end sub
     And in the first form use
     Dim f2 as new Form2()
     f2.Show()   Hope this helps


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