
New Message on cochindotnet

From: VBGUru
Message 1 in Discussion

 www.aravinda.in Driven by values; Powered by Passion Forwards * Fun * Code * 
Knowledge * Shimoga   Serviced Component   
In .Net COM+ components are referred to as serviced components, 
Namespace: System.EnterpriseServices; 
<o:p> </o:p> 
Advantage of Serviced Components:       object pooling,         database 
connection pooling,    sharing resources,      role based security,    
distributed transaction processing monitoring(COM+ )    Use the component 
registered on other servers  
<o:p> </o:p> 
That means that         You can re use a component, thus avoiding the creation 
of the component each time its requested.        You can set the permissions so 
that you can control the users\groups who can create and invoke component \ 
functions \ methods          For ex: you can set that users\accountsusers  to 
invoke a finance component and users\accountmangers to invoke 
finance.CreateBudget method.     You can control the tranasactions via 
components on multiple servers. i.e Billing component will be succesfull after 
only the sales component is successful, and sales component is successful only 
after the stocks component.  
<o:p> </o:p> 
<o:p> </o:p> 
You can run \ activate serviced component  in two ways 
ActivationOption.Library.-( in-process) serviced component will be activated in 
the client's process space by specifying the value 
<o:p> </o:p> 
ActivationOption.Server.-( out-of-process)  assembly will be activated in the 
COM+ executable process space by setting the ApplicationActivation attribute to 
The above information must be specified in AssemblyInfo. 
COM+ server application ( serviced component )  runs in the process space of 
the COM+ executable (dllhost.exe). 
<o:p> </o:p> 
<o:p> </o:p>    Comvisible should be set to true        StrongName for the 
<o:p> </o:p> 
Running the application: 
<o:p> </o:p> 
Net creates the Serviced component itself if you run the application in Net 
Activation by server method:  
·         Open component services from Administrative Tools. You have to set 
the permissions  
by adding the roles called User and CreatorOwner  to the roles folder of the 
component. To those roles add the userid \ groups who can access the component 
and set the identity in the Properties of the component, the component will 
take the identity specified to activate. 
·         Also you need to call the gacutil utility with command switch i as 
arguments for the serviced component dll. 
Activation by Library method:  
Net IDE will take everything for you 
<o:p> </o:p> 
Generally there are three ways of deploying a .serviced component:      Using 
the Regsvcs command line utility
This command line utility takes the name of the assembly as the input, creates 
a type library by reading the assembly, and finally registers the object with 
COM+.      Using the automatic registration mechanism provided by the .NET 
At runtime, the CLR (Common Language Runtime) automatically creates a type 
library based on the assembly and COM+ uses the information present in the type 
library to install the objects. This is called lazy registration and this 
method works only for library applications.        Using the RegistrationHelper 
class that is part of the System.EnterpriseServices namespace.
The InstallAssembly method of the RegistrationHelper class can be used to 
programmatically register .NET objects with COM+.  
Steps for depolyment: 
Server Activation:      You have to call regsvcs for the serviced component 
dll.        call the regasm for the serviced component dll.         call the 
gacutil utility with command switch i as arguments. for the serviced component 
dll. Make sure its installed in Windows\Assembly Folder.        Open component 
services from Administrative Tools. You have to set the permissions  
by adding the roles called User and CreatorOwner  to the roles folder of the 
component. To those roles add the userid \ groups who can access the component 
and setting the indentity in the Properties of the component, the component 
will take the identity specified to activate. 
Library Activation:     You have to call regsvcs for the serviced component 
Creation of Proxy: 
To invoke Serviced component  available on system A from system B, create a 
proxy out of the registerd com+ (serviced component) available on System A and 
register the proxy on System B. 
Library Activation: 
You can directly run the component and debug in .Net IDE 
Server Activation: 
You have to debug by attaching to the  the process of dllhost.exe and your 
break point will be hit in the .NetIDE 
How Serviced component works:   First, it registers the CLR assembly as a COM 
component (as if you had run the Assembly Registration Utility, regasm.exe).    
  Second, it emits a COM type library (as if you had run the Assembly to Type 
Library Converter, tlbexp.exe) and uses it to deploy the configured classes 
(that are present in the assembly) in the COM+ catalog.         Then it creates 
the target application described in the assembly's ApplicationName and 
ApplicationActivation attributes by default.     Finally, it uses the .NET 
Reflection APIs to interrogate the meta-data for the configured classes in the 
assembly and uses that information to programmatically update the COM+ catalog 
so that each class will have the appropriate declarative attribute settings. If 
a configured class does not have a particular declarative attribute, 
regsvcs.exe will use a default value instead.  


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