
New Message on cochindotnet

From: VBGUru
Message 1 in Discussion

Driven By Values; Powered by Passion<o:p></o:p><o:p></o:p>  
http://code.aravinda.in , http://fun.aravinda.in, http://kedge.aravinda.in,  
The below article is from 
 Bar Code Printing 
Load the Barcode Font ( you can download from any website)      Create an image 
object          Draw a string into that image using a code39 barcode font       
Return that image serialized.   Print the image  
See the sample below to print bar codes. 
  The Barcode Generation 
You can write a code39 barcode generator that mimics the algorithm for the 
barcode representation 
Or  use one of the freely available barcode fonts to produce the barcode 
(http://www.squaregear.net/fonts/free3of9.shtml). Using the Code39 Font... 
The way to use a font in windows is simple, all you have to do is install it 
(by copying it to the c:\WINDOWS\Fonts - under XP) and just use it. 
Unfortunately, the ASP.NET graphic context does not allow you to use any font  
(free3of9.ttf for example) because .NET GDI only uses/enumerates OpenType 
fonts. So what you have to do is create a temporary font object. 
This method is very straighforward, as you can see in the code sample below:// 
Create a private font collectionobjectPrivateFontCollection pfc=new             
    PrivateFontCollection(); // Load in the temporary barcode     
fontpfc.AddFontFile("c:\\barcodefont\\free3of9.ttf"); // Select the font family 
to useFontFamily family=new                 FontFamily("Free 3 of 9",pfc); // 
Create the font object with size     30Font c39Font=new                 
With this easy way, you get a font object mapped to the barcode font so that 
you can create the barcode. Creating the Barcode Image Container 
The image creation is very simple. .NET classes allow you to generate images on 
the fly. So, in order to create a image large enough to accommodate the 
barcode, first you need to determine the size that will be occupied by the code 
string drawing, using the barcode font. 
You can do it using the MeasureString method:// Create a temporary 
bitmap...Bitmap tmpBitmap =              new 
Bitmap(1,1,PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);objGraphics = 
Graphics.FromImage(tmpBitmap);// measure the barcode size...SizeF 
The returned type barCodeSize has the width, and the height that will be 
occupied by the code string drawing. Draw the Barcode 
So now we need to draw the barcode. We will use the code39 barcode font object 
instantiated earlier. 
Assuming the the barcode variable holds the barcode string, the required code 
is:// Draw the barcodeobjGraphics.DrawString(barCode, Code39Font, new 
Please note that usualy the code39 barcodes are represented concatenating  the 
char (*) at the beginning and end of the barcode stringÂ…meaning that code 
123456 has to be written as *123456*. But I will leave that to your experience. 
Serialize/Deserialize the Image 
In order to return the image from the web service method, you now have to 
serialize the image, meaning that your web method has to return an array of 
This way, you have to create a stream from the bitmap image, and return it as 
an array of bytes. Once again, the .NET framework makes it easy for us do 
perform that task:// Create stream....MemoryStream ms =              new 
MemoryStream(); // save the image to the streamobjBitmap.Save(ms 
,ImageFormat.Png); //return an array of bytes....return ms.GetBuffer(); 
On the other end (the client side) when you are consuming the web service, you 
need to be able to deserialize the array of bytes back to the image:Byte[] 
imgBarcode; // Call the webservice to create     the barcode... // Create a 
stream....MemoryStream memStream =          new MemoryStream(imgBarcode); // 
Recreate the image from the stream
             Bitmap bmp=new Bitmap(memStream); 
A final note about the sample code attachedÂ… 
After creating the barcode web app that will be your webservice, you need to 
configure the web.config file in order to specify where your barcode font is 
located. Search for the following section and make your changes accordingly.    
 <appSettings>        <add key="BarCodeFontFile" 
value="c:\temp\font\FREE3OF9.TTF" />        <add key="BarCodeFontFamily" 
value="Free 3 of 9" />                 </appSettings>
Driven By Values; Powered by Passion<o:p></o:p><o:p></o:p>
http://code.aravinda.in , http://fun.aravinda.in, http://kedge.aravinda.in,  
The below article is from 


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