
New Message on cochindotnet

From: BachiGuddi1
Message 1 in Discussion

hi all ,   In the next UG meeting on 31st march , i will be presenting Windows 
Presentation Foundation (aka WPF ). As u know WPF is one of the four main 
pillars of the .NET 3.0 ( formerly WinFx ).   WPF is designed ground up as the 
latest Graphics Programming library from MS. Moreover MS is introducing  XAML 
as the Markup language (Actually, XAML is a serialization format ) for having a 
unified programming  model for Web application and desktop applications. 
Technichally , by changing one line of code in the MSBuild  input we can 
convert an application to a Web app ( XBAP ). This requires discipline on the 
part of the programmer. As XBAP applications run (most often ) in partial trust 
mode , many of the desktop application features are not available.   Given 
below are some of the Questions u might have about WPF    What is new about WPF 
which was not present in Winforms or GDI+ ?   WPF is projected as the preferred 
API for UI and Graphics programming . There is some substance behind the  hype. 
WPF is a retained mode vector Graphics library ( if u want to know more , come 
for my presentation ) The biggest difference is WPF piggy backs on the (GPU) 
graphics card (through DirectX ). It is having a unified graphics pipeline for 
both 2D and 3D.  Remote desktops will perform better thanks to WPF 
architecture.   What is there in WPF which DirectX or Managed DirectX cannot 
give me ?   Learning curve involved in mastering  DirectX or managed DirectX is 
steep. Those are low level API which require the programmer to be familiar with 
the underlying GPU , Which version of Pixel Shader or Vertex Shader is 
available with GPU etc. Moreover , With DirectX 10 Fixed Function Pipeline is 
phased out. ( Fixed Function Pipeline  used to hide the complexity of the 
graphics pipeline from the programmer )   In sharp contrast , WPF is a much 
"friendly" API . Using some XAML code u can create stunning scaleable graphics 
,  render in 3D and even animate stuff.    Is WPF the solution for all graphics 
problem ?   No , There is scope of DirectX and Managed DirectX ( to be replaced 
with XNA soon ) in the area of visualization , CAD and even applications which 
is having a hierarchichal in-memory database. WPF takes care of organizing the 
data for rendering using a data structure called Scene Graph. Examples of other 
Scene graph APIs are Java3D , OpenSceneGraph , HOOPS ( used by many CAD vendors 
)   Is it true that u can present 3D content in WPF without much Math ?   Yes 
and no. One can jump start in Computer graphics programming. IMHO ,  WPF is the 
best tool around to learn Computer Graphics programming fundamentals. There are 
plenty of examples of 3d content presentation ( The generation of content is 
best left to the artist who are comfortable with low polygon modelling ) . 
Creating  Cube , Cylinder , Sphere and platonic solids are pretty easy.    As u 
progress , u have to encounter the metal. IMHO , 12th standard math is  all 
there is to learn to become  a practicioner of computer graphics ( To become a 
researcher , one requires advanced math )   What is the primary use case of 3D 
content presentation in WPF ?   Using a technique called Texture mapping , one 
can stick a 2D UI screen on a plane. ( Plane , means a Quad formed by stitching 
two triangles together ). Since 3D contains 6 degrees of freedom , ur 2D screen 
will have a 3D effect. That is how all those Vista Demos work.     Is to true 
that WPF applications are single threaded ?   WPF UI mandates that all the 
changes to the UI controls has to happen  in the thread which instantiated the 
Controls. But , that does not prevent us from creating the worker threads. 
There is a class called Dispatcher which will help us to update the UI (through 
a delegate ) from a background thread.   What is XBAP ?   XBAP stands for 
Xtensible Browser Application Program . XBAP application runs inside the 
security sandbox of the IE. The Execution context is provided by the browser. 
The  XBAPs are typically run in partial trust mode. Running XBAP in fully 
trusted mode is  possible , but it is invitation for disaster ( at least for 
security paranoids )   What is WPF/E ?   WPF/E stands for Windows Presentation 
Foundation Everywhere. Basically , the applications contents will be streamed 
to the client in a binary encoded vector format . This can be regarded as the 
MS's take  on Macro Media (Adobe ) Flash file format. MS has got plans to give 
WPF/E run time for other platforms too.    What is the difference between XBAP 
and WPF/E ? XBAP is roughly equivalent to  ActiveX control. We can create rich 
client applications using XBAP. WPF/E is a file format and a run time which 
gives a small subset of WPF to create Rich UI.    In XBAP , u can have WPF 
controls and most of the WPF stuff which is available for the Desktop 
applications. More over , u can have multi assembly applications running inside 
the browser.   In WPF/E it is just optimized vector encoded stuff can be 
contained. WPF/E cannot run  WPF controls ( other than supported by WPF/E ) 
contained in DLL assemblies.   The most important thing is being a cross 
platform solution , it is not possible to have  assemblies loaded on to the 
context of WPF/E host. ( How can one run a Intel binary on Mac OS X running on 
Power PC ? )     Pls. try to make it for the presentation. The whole excersise 
above was just to give  a hint that i know what i am going to talk about.   I 
have been working with WPF for some time now. I am excited about this 
technology. I hope to inculcate some of my excitment to whoever turns up for 
the next UG meeting.       Praseed Pai                        


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