
New Message on cochindotnet

From: Amit_Bansal_PWI
Message 1 in Discussion

Hi Friends, 
Many of you already know that I am at TechED in Orlando. There is a wonderful 
opportunity that I have got here and you all can be a part of that. I am going 
to meet the SQL Server product development team from Microsoft on Friday. Many 
of them are already here and some are coming from Redmond on Friday. I am going 
to have a one-to-one discussion with the guys who have built the product. That 
includes the program managers, project managers and the team leads amongst 
You all can now post your questions on SQL Server to me and I will try to get 
answers for all of you. You can post questions on SQL Server 2000, 2005 and the 
upcoming SQL Server 2008 code named ‘Katmai’. I request you to ask conceptual 
questions and not ‘How To’s’. 
For example, you can ask questions like ‘why can’t we create an index only on a 
single partition of a table’? Conceptual questions that will make you 
understand the internals. Please do not ask questions like ‘How to setup 
Database Mirroring?’ or similar stuff. Because, answers to these questions are 
available at a number of places including Books online. However, if you are 
sure that answer to a particular question is not available in books online, 
then do post  it. I am trying to restrict How Tos and encouraging more 
conceptual questions because I will have limited time with the product guys and 
I already have questions piling up. 
Friends, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to get your answers straight 
from the product guys at Microsoft. Don’t miss the opportunity. I am 
representing the Indian IT community here and I am proud of the fact that I can 
get lots of stuff back to India including this QA. I am also going to conduct 
sessions on SQL Server 2005 and Katmai for all user groups in India. I also 
plan to organize SQL Server specific events. That would be my way of 
contributing to the community from which I have come ?<o:p></o:p> 
So, how and where do you post the question? 
1.    Please become a member of my user group at 
2.    If you are a trainer, you can also become a member of 
3.    You can use your existing .NET passport a/c. 
4.    Post the question. 
I am requesting you to become a member so that I have all the questions at a 
central place and answering them becomes easy. 
I am meeting Sira, Christian, Sanjay, Paul and many other product group guys. I 
have also met Kimberly Trip, whose labs I have used for many of my SQL Server 
sessions in India. She will also be there to answer my questions. 
So, please become a member immediately and post your question. First come, 
first serve ?<o:p></o:p> 
<o:p> </o:p> 
I request the group managers to get in touch with me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] so 
that I can conduct a few sessions for the user groups on SQL Server 2005 and 
Katmai based on what I do at TechED. 
Those who want to know more about me, you can visit 
You can also subscribe to my blog at http://ABwrites.blogspot.com 
<o:p> </o:p> 
Keep smiling. Cheers. 
Amit Bansal 
<o:p> </o:p> 


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