
New Message on cochindotnet

From: Hari.G
Message 1 in Discussion

Currently we are migrating our .NET1.1 Application to .NET2.0 and we are facing 
some strange issue with Usercontrols.<o:p></o:p> 
We are using a Usercontrol for Calender with 3 textboxes for Date, Month and 
year respectively. ( ID's for these textboxes are 
We are dynamically loading this user control more than once in one of our .aspx 
file using the below code.<o:p></o:p> 
WPDTCalendarControl CalEffectiveEndDate = 
In our 1.1 Appliocation when we execute the page where we are dynamically 
loading the calendercontrol it generates UNIQUE Id's for all the 3 
_ctl10:txtDay, _ctl10:txtMonth, _ctl10:txtYear <o:p></o:p> 
When the same usercontrol is loaded for second time in the same page it again 
generates 3 different unique ID's.......Like<o:p></o:p> 
_ctl13:txtDay, _ctl13:txtMonth, _ctl13:txtYear <o:p></o:p> 
Now the Issue is after migrating out code to .NET 2.0 , when the same page is 
executed where the user control is dynamically loaded , it is not generating 
the UNIQUE Id's for the textboxes.<o:p></o:p> 
the ID is always txtDay,txtMonth,txtYear.<o:p></o:p> 
_ctl is not getting appended with the ID.<o:p></o:p> 
We tried using UNIQUEID,CLIENTID properties of textbox, since the ID is not 
Unique when the controls are rendered....all the properties gives me the same 
id....i.e txtDay,txtMonth,txtYear<o:p></o:p> 
Any help on this would be a great help!!!!!!!!!<o:p></o:p> 


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