On Jun 9, 2008, at 6:51 AM, Chris Hanson wrote:

On Jun 9, 2008, at 12:56 AM, John Engelhart wrote:

The semantics are preserved and identical results are calculated (the 'meaning' is the same). The semantics do not require square() to literally be called each time.

Yes, that is very clear, because the compiler can have full knowledge that

In the same sense, there is no requirement that a message literally be sent each time it appears in the source code as long as it can be shown that the results would be identical.

This is where you're incorrect. A message MUST be sent, literally, each time it appears in the source code. Under the Objective-C semantics it CANNOT be shown at compile time that the results of "the same" message send will be identical.

Yes, and "under the semantics of ANSI C it CANNOT be show at compile time that the results of the same C library function call in succession will be identical".

The const and pure attributes tell the compiler 'but in this case, despite what the rules strictly say, I'm saying that it doesn't apply in this particular case.' By adding the attribute to a functions prototype, you take responsibility for the problems it may cause if at some later point this turns out to not be true, like say linking to a different version of a C library.

This isn't rocket science. There ARE risks to overriding the conservative, guaranteed to work defaults. You CAN break things, even when this feature is limited to just plain C. If a newer version of a library invalidates the requirements of the attributes as they were declared for its prototype, yes, you're probably going to have some serious breakage. And yet the last time you fired up the compiler, it cranked out code that could, just maybe, break with some future version of libSystem.

For an extreme example, you can replace method definitions at run- time. This is done in real, production code; it's not hypothetical.

You've missed an important point: "as long as it can be shown that the results would be identical.". If you change things in such a way that the results would no longer be identical, then yes, a message would have to be sent each time.

Strictly speaking, under Objective-C semantics, it CANNOT be shown that a message to an object will return a result of the type indicated by its compile time prototype. Or that the argument types accepted indicated by the prototype remain the same as those that are ultimately accepted at run time.

If I declare a method

-(id)mySuperMethod __attribute((const));

And then you choose to swap out the code for my method that violates the prototypes attribute, why is this the fault of __attribute((const))? I, the author of mySuperMethod have certified via my prototype that __attribute((const)) applies to the code that I wrote, and it returns a type of id. You can not just swap and swizzle things without any regard for the original prototype. Otherwise I'm free to swizzle in a chunk of code that returns a double and complain that it's not my fault.

The run time dynamic dispatch nature of objc makes such 'inter- message dispatch optimizations' much, much harder, especially at compile time. Ultimately, though, they are fundamentally the same in terms of optimization.

No, really, they aren't. They are fundamentally different because you cannot know, from one Planck-time tick of the Universe's clock to the next, whether such an optimization is possible. (I hope you don't mind if I also indulge in a bit of hyperbole...)

For example, a whole-program JIT optimizer could theoretically generate some code that inlines a message dispatch, or even eliminates it entirely, but it can't change the semantics of the surrounding code based on the fact that it has done so. (Which is what eliminating the second [data self]; would do.) Essentially, it must preserve knowledge that an invocation of [self data] MIGHT be present at that effective location, because it MIGHT actually have to invoke it after all if a method is swizzled, a category is loaded, and so on.

Such a theoretical JIT compiler would have all the information required to successfully determine if removing the sending of the message 'self' to object 'data' would alter the meaning of the code.

If the JIT compiler can successfully reason that the whole process of dispatching the 'self' message to 'data' results in no side effects and alters no global state, then it follows it can remove the statement without changing the meaning (the semantics) of the code.

If it can be shown that removing a line of code can not possibly alter the meaning, effects, global state, or results of code in question, then by definition the JIT compiler can remove '[data self]' without altering the semantics of what was written since it has proven that executing that line of code or not executing that line of code can not have any effect what so ever.

Consider the case of '[data release]; [data release];' There is absolutely no plausible way (w/o GC) that the compiler or JIT would reach the conclusion that it could send the release message any more or less than the two times specified.

The simple statement '[data self];' on the other hand, it's easily conceivable that the compiler or JIT could reason the statement away. The result isn't even saved off in to a variable, or used in the comparison of anything.

Can you at least provide an example which at least demonstrates this alleged 'semantically completely different' behavior using the following example?

@interface MyObject : NSObject { int startInt; }
-(MyObject)myFunkyMethod __attribute((const));

@implementation MyObject
-(int)start { return(startInt); }
-(MyObject)myFunkyMethod { return(self); }

-(int)doWork:(int)work with:(MyObject)obj
  int r = [obj start];
  for(int x=0; x<10; x++) { r += work; }
  [obj myFunkyMethod];
  [obj myFunkyMethod];

If your assertion is true, it should be a simple matter to show how changing the number of times myFunkMethod is dispatched (including removing it entirely) alters 'the semantics' of the code which results in a change in the value returned by doWork.

For reference: 


Many functions do not examine any values except their arguments, and have no effects except the return value. Basically this is just slightly more strict class than the pure attribute below, since function is not allowed to read global memory. Note that a function that has pointer arguments and examines the data pointed to must not be declared const. Likewise, a function that calls a non-const function usually must not be const. It does not make sense for a const function to return void.

If I write

- (void)doSomething:(NSArray *)array {
  NSUInteger count1 = [array count];
  NSUInteger count2 = [array count];
  NSLog(@"%u", count1);
  NSLog(@"%u", count2);

the compiler can't collapse those into a single invocation of - count. After all, it could be passed a subclass of NSArray for whom -count has side-effects. Think about a "thread-safe array" (as bad as the concept might be) for example.

Well, in the case of your example, you have a bug: You have statically typed the class to NSArray, not your subclass.

This is not a bug. This is fundamental to how object-oriented programming works! You should always be able to pass an instance of a subclass wherever an instance of the superclass is expected.

You're mistaken. You have statically typed the object. Consider the following:

@interface MySuperArray : NSArray

If we use your example of -(void)doSomething:(NSArray *)array; and send it an object of class MySuperArray, you're going to get some surprising results. Again, this is 100% legitimate, nothing weird going on. There is no 'but you're returning a different type than the parent class and that's illegal!' No, it's perfectly legal, and will compile without any warnings. It highlights the fact that not all subclasses of NSArray are necessarily equal to the base class.

Switching to -(void)doSomething:(id)array;, as it should be if you are going to be sending object types other than just NSArray, THEN the compiler will let you know that you might be in for some trouble:

test.m: In function 'foo':
test.m:51: warning: multiple methods named '-count' found
/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Headers/NSArray.h:15: warning: using '-(NSUInteger)count'
test.m:11: warning: also found '-(NSRange)count'

This lets you know that there are classes that may return a result of a different type than the one you're expecting.

Consider the fact that all the methods for init* and various convenience init + autorelease all declare their return types as (id), and not the base class. +(id)array and +(NSArray *)array mean two different things. By declaring the method as +(NSArray *)array, you are declaring that only objects of the class NSArray will be returned by the +array method, which is obviously not true. The same applies to your method: By declaring it as (NSArray *)array, you are specifying that only NSArray class objects are to be accepted.

Just as '+(NSArray *)array' does not mean "and any possible subclasses", neither should your prototype of "-(void)doSomething: (NSArray *)array". The declaration '+(NSArray *)array' obviously means 'Only of class NSArray' and is the reason why it's not declared as such because +array may return an object of a different class, even though that class is a subclass of NSArray.

Consider your statement "You should always be able to pass an instance of a subclass wherever an instance of the superclass is expected." in the context of '-(void)doSomething:(NSObject *)array' NSArray is a subclass of NSObject. Nobody interprets this to mean 'NSObject or any of its subclasses'.

If one applies the 'attribute only applies to the class it was specified for' rule:

By statically typing the class to NSArray, you have certified to the compiler that no other object type will be received as an argument. When you passed it an object of a different type, even a subclass, you broke your promise to the compiler.

This is simply wrong.

You're encouraged to read the section "Enabling Static Behavior - Static Typing" in the Objective-C manual. This is what allows for subclasses to return different types for the same method. By statically typing a declaration as NSArray, you've told the compiler that the object is a NSArray (only) class object, and only the methods for NSArray apply. If the compiler thought you meant 'This is an object of NSArray class or any of its known subclasses, and only methods for the NSArray class and any of its known subclasses apply' then you would get a warning in the case where there exists the possibility of different return types for the same message, like in the example above. The fact that you don't seems to be a pretty clear indication that at least the compiler thinks that you've communicated your intention that 'only objects of the NSArray class need apply, no subclasses.' The manual leans this way too. The fact that object instantiation methods return 'id' and not the base class are further evidence that this is indeed the case.

You also can't send messages declared in a subclass of NSArray to a 'NSArray *array;' object without getting a warning. Again, further evidence that the compiler believes that only the explicitly named class is applicable, and not 'any and all subclasses'.

As soon as the method declaration is changed to -(void)doSomething: (id)array, then the compiler steps in and warns you that all might not be well in the land of -count. Again, further evidence that the compiler thinks you mean something very different than what you're claiming is the case with '(NSArray *)'. If your interpretation were correct then the compiler would be obligated to inform you of potential subclass return type mismatches.

The evidence would seem to lean in favor of my interpretation.

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