Yet in the time you spent wasting keystrokes on this thread, you both could 
easily have filed bugs. 

> On Jul 15, 2015, at 8:38 PM, Alex Zavatone <> wrote:
> Same here. I ran QA for one of the Director and Shockwave teams at Macromedia 
> back in the mid 1990s.
> Based on the result of effort put in to reporting bugs and amount fixed, 
> there is no way I can justify reporting bugs even if I had the time to afford 
> to do it.  The time lost (that our employers pay for) from an issue does not 
> magically give us the free time to write up an issue we hope will be fixed, 
> but probably won't.
> I can't afford the luxury to report any more bugs.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 15, 2015, at 3:18 AM, Michael David Crawford <> 
>> wrote:
>> Please understand that I do not wish to get anyone in trouble.  It is
>> common for heads to roll over product defects.  That is not even
>> remotely my objective.
>> To be perfectly clear: this is a widespread, systemic problem in many
>> industries but in my own experience and that of many others it is
>> particularly bad in the computer industry.
>> The problem I see is that users pay for features not for quality.
>> That's what users believe anyway; it's not hard to convince them
>> otherwise but it's uncommon for high-tech products to obtain market
>> share because they are good, rather they succeed because they are
>> first to market.
>> I once consulted for Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications because they
>> once owned the smartphone market with Windows CE devices but then
>> Apple ate their lunch with the iPhone due to Sony Ericsson's poor
>> quality.
>> I have many gripes with Apple's product but this eMail is not the
>> place to discuss them.  However I request that Apple's engineers and
>> managers read every Radar bug I have ever filed -
>>, also from my and Apple IDs.
>> I was a Senior Engineer working in the role of "Debug Meister" for
>> Apple's Traditional OS Integration team in 1995 and 1996; despite my
>> love for my work I requested an internal transfer to PowerBooks
>> because I gave up all hope that our bugs would all be fixed.  I was
>> offered an internal transfer to Copland but declined it because I had
>> the sense that Copland would never ship.
>> While I was at first hired as a contract Script Monkey for MacTCP
>> 1.0.1 in 1989, I was able to get sign-off to debug the test tool
>> because, as my Newfie ex-wife would say, "strm_echo was a piece of
>> work."
>> I went on to find a code generation bug in the MPW C compiler; while
>> regressing it I found that increasing the number of characters in
>> certain source code symbols led MPC C to crash.  To be clear: my
>> program didn't crash, MPW C crashed while building my source.
>> A couple years later I received a developer CD whose MPW release notes
>> clearly explained my bug then said "Don't do that".
>> By then I was with Working Software; it was on the ropes when I hired
>> on, and ultimately failed because my predecessor made a piece of work
>> out of QuickLetter, sued Working Software for failing to pay his
>> ransom but lost, stole the source code then shipped a competing
>> products with many of the exact same bugs as QuickLetter had at the
>> time he left the company.
>> In 1993 I wrote data analysis code for a particle physics experiment
>> at CERN.  I required seven weeks to come to grip with CERNLIB and its
>> associated tools such as PATCHY, sort of like a cross-platform JCL
>> only undead exhumed and reanimated.  I required three days to write my
>> own patch then four days to run my Monte Carlo simulation that
>> calculated the acceptance, or sensitivity of our detector.
>> Particle physicist require all manner of software but are hardly ever
>> to actually obtain any.  Every law of physics other than general
>> relativity - gravity - is to be found in CERNLIB yet despite decades
>> of wandering its Gordian Labyrinth I have yet to actually find any.
>> When my own patch was cooked and so ready to serve I asked my
>> collaboration's grad students and postdocs to have a look at my
>> source.  At the time I was still an undergraduate but had worked in
>> the software industry for six years.  They were all stunned at my
>> FORTRAN source's eloquence and beauty.
>> "The reason particle physics software is so hard," I growled angrily,
>> After Vietnam my father left the Navy, studied for his MSEE at the
>> University of Idaho in Moscow then worked as a Civil Service engineer
>> at Mare Island Naval Shipyard until he retired at thirty.
>> He wrote test plans.
>> Nothing but test plans, by hand on paper with a ball-point pen.
>> Here's what happens if you don't get your test plans right:
>>  The Sinking of the USS Gitarro
>> (Actually "Guitarro")
>> What I usually tell people is that "Someone sunk a submarine at the
>> height of the Vietnam War because he didn't read the instructions".
>> In reality, someone sunk a submarine because his test plan failed to
>> provide the instructions.
>> There is lots more I could say but I will write up a more compelling
>> argument than post it at:
>>   Solving the Software Problem
>>   a Taxonomy of Error
>> However I will close with the mail I sent to Richard Stallman just now.
>> He is quite diligent with his email; in 1990 I had the idea he could
>> tell me how to get connected to the Internet.  His reply?  "If you
>> don't have a place to just plug in I really don't know."
>>  **********
>> Richard,
>> The ancient Greek play "Lysistrata" portrays some women who put a stop
>> to a war by refusing to make love to their men.  This has actually
>> been done several times, once recently in south america but I don't
>> recall the details.  I would be happy to produce the [needed citation]
>> but not just now as my dialup doesn't really work.
>> The problems I see with poor quality - not just in software but
>> hardware as well - are not specific to any one codebase.  It is
>> widespread in Free Software, Open Source and proprietary software.
>> For years I have worked diligently to advise others of ways they can
>> fix their code, as well as why they should do so.  My articles, essays
>> as well as mailing list and message board posts are quite popular but
>> also controversial in that there are many who do not welcome my
>> message of quality.
>> Quite a serious problem is that some of these faults are in systems
>> used by law enforcement.  For example some clever fellow escaped from
>> prison by sending an email to an employee at his prison.  Again I
>> don't recall all the details but would be happy to dig them up.
>> Similarly innocent people go to jail or even prison because of software 
>> faults.
>> My jocular outlook on life frequently leads to my own arrest.  Not the
>> last time I was in the slammer but the time just before that, I was
>> promptly ordered released on my own recognizance - that is, without
>> bail.  Even so I was detained for five more months before my case was
>> completely dismissed.  I think the world of the Clark County,
>> Washington Sheriff's Deputies but they were unwilling to release me
>> until they received my release order themselves, which somehow got
>> dropped on the floor.
>> No doubt you've seen Terry Gilliam's "Brazil".  That's happening in
>> real life this days and with increasing frequency and severity.
>> I could detail the problems I experience but there are so many.  It's
>> not just me; consider that Mozilla stored its email in a proprietary,
>> compressed database.  I lost my email database when my filesystem
>> filled up.  I did report the bug at but
>> when I did so I found many other reports as well as gnashing of teeth
>> because that bug had been reported years before but not fixed.
>> While the Mozilla developers - not just the Mozilla corporation but
>> its unpaid volunteers - are among the more-egregious offenders there
>> are many others.
>> Other problems are the introduction of "features" that I and others
>> regard as bug, and the deprecation of features that I and others
>> depend on for our livelihoods.
>> I am well aware of the Free Software community's opposition to Apple's
>> proprietary code, vendor lock-in and other evildoing but at least at
>> one time, Apple Computer produced very high-quality products.
>> But no more, and not for a long time.
>> I discuss this in:
>>  Apple's Deep Insight Into User Interface Design
>> The bug I found in 2012 was trivial to reproduce, however the steps to
>> reproduce it are quite obscure.  While I could help Apple fix just
>> that one bug by filing a report at what I
>> really want is for Apple to clamp down on all the hookers and blow
>> that are readily available within Infinite Loop.
>> Again: these are widespread problems.  I find examples almost
>> everywhere I look.  Free Software is no exception.
>> However:
>> My satirical writing and my harsh, confrontive criticism in meatspace
>> aren't doing the job.  Recently I attempt gentle diplomacy.  To some
>> extent that seems to help, but I'm just one person.
>> Can you help in any way, or recommend something or someone else who can?
>> Ever Faithful,
>> Mike
>> -- 
>> Michael David Crawford, Consulting Software Engineer
>>  Available for Software Development in the Portland, Oregon Metropolitan
>> Area.
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