
I have a simple window with a WebView and an NSButton that I want to display as 
a modal window. The window is loaded from a NIB using MyCompanyAlertController, 
that also acts as the WebView's delegate (set in the NIB).

When run as a sheet in my main window (using method showAlertInSheet: below) 
the webView loads its contents and calls its didFinishLoadForFrame: delegate 
method as expected. I cannot make it work when I am trying to display the 
window as an NSApp modal window with method showAlertModal: below. What is that 
I am missing? I am using Xcode 7.1 on OS X 10.11.1 and deployment target is set 
to 10.9.

Thanks for any help,

- Christos Konidaris

- (void) showAlertInSheet: (NSDictionary *) alertDict
        MyCompanyAlertController        *alertWC = [[MyCompanyAlertController 
alloc] initWithAlert: alertDict];
        NSWindow *alertWindow = [alertWC window];
        [alertWC initLoading];

        [self.window beginSheet: alertWindow completionHandler: 
^(NSModalResponse returnCode) {
                [alertWindow orderOut: nil];
                [alertWindow close];
                [self performSelector: aSelector];

- (void) showAlertModal: (NSMutableDictionary *) alertDict
        MyCompanyAlertController        *alertWC = [[MyCompanyAlertController 
alloc] initWithAlert: alertDict];
        NSWindow *alertWindow = [alertWC window];
        [alertWC initLoading];

        NSModalSession  theSession = [NSApp beginModalSessionForWindow: 
        NSInteger               response = NSModalResponseContinue;
        while (response == NSModalResponseContinue)
                response = [NSApp runModalSession: theSession];
                [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode 
beforeDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 0.1]];
        [NSApp endModalSession: theSession];
        [[alertWC window] orderOut: nil];

- (void) initLoading
        NSString *messageUrl = [self.alertDict objectForKey: @"message-url"];
        self.window.title = [alertDict objectForKey: @"title”];
        [theWebview setPolicyDelegate: self];
        if ((messageUrl != nil) && ([messageUrl length] > 0))
                NSURL *reqURL = [NSURL URLWithString: messageUrl];
                [[theWebview mainFrame] loadRequest: [NSURLRequest 
requestWithURL: reqURL]];


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