Seeing code and how you have things visually laid out will help, but most 
likely what you think are black backgrounds may be clear backgrounds showing 
through to another view or super view that has black as its background color. 
You may have very valid reasons for doing this in code, but before doing that, 
try working through things in Interface Builder first so you get an idea of 
what you need to do.
Gary L. Wade (Sent from my iPad)

> On Dec 14, 2016, at 7:47 AM, Andreas Falkenhahn <> 
> wrote:
> I'm creating my GUI programmatically. It simply consists of a UILabel,
> a UITableView and two UIButtons.
> When creating those three controls I've noticed that they all seem to
> use different color schemes by default which makes the GUI look rather
> silly.
> Here are my observations:
> 1) By default, UILabel seems to set both background and text color to
> black, i.e. nothing is readable before you change the colors to some
> more meaningful values.
> 2) By default, UITableView appears with a gray background and black
> text on top.
> 3) By default, UIButton appears with a black background and blue (!)
> text on top.
> Is there any rationale why all three controls seem to use entirely
> different color schemes by default here? 
> When writing desktop GUIs it's bad practice to use custom color schemes
> because they might clash with the user's theme settings. Doesn't such
> a paradigm apply to iOS as well? Or am I really forced to explicitly
> set foreground and background colors for each UI control? I'd really
> prefer to use the default iOS look instead. On Android I don't have to
> set background and foreground colors either, the OS will automatically
> use some meaningful and consistent (!) default colors.
> This makes me wonder if there is a default iOS color scheme for apps
> at all? Or are all apps supposed to define their own color scheme?
> If there is a default iOS color scheme, why don't the controls use
> it then when not specifying any colors?
> It's all quite confusing... I hope somebody can shed some more light
> onto this. But please no lectures on that I should use Interface Builder,
> Storyboard, or whatever it is called now instead, I really like to do
> things manually - always have, always will ;)
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Andreas Falkenhahn                


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