I cannot find any mention of what a view needs to do to support scaled printing, so I thought it would be automatic as long as I adjust things for the current scaling. Unfortunately, the view always prints at 100% despite changing the scale setting in a page layout dialog.

Below is all the code I added for printing a flipped view that may span multiple pages. The view has a bunch of framed subviews, each containing some text and soon graphics, that are connected by lines (a family tree).

The controller first sets the margins to the printable area (to minimize number of pages needed) and then starts printing of the view with

- (void)printChartView:(id)pview
        NSPrintInfo *pi = [[self document] printInfo];
NSPrintOperation *printOp = [NSPrintOperation printOperationWithView:pview printInfo:pi];
        [printOp setShowPanels:YES];
        [printOp runOperation];

The printing uses custom pagination (following Apple's example, but in both directions instead of just vertical direction) and accounts for scaling in the calculations. The knowsPageRange and rectForPage are returning appropriate results for any scale setting, but the view always prints at 100% and thus scaling does not print correctly (an aside: at first I thought I should not even need knowsPageRange and rectForPage and could use auto pagination instead; although it worked, it did not use the margins I set up before printing and therefore used less of each page). This view's drawRect method has nothing special for printing (except to not highlight the currently selected subview).

// Return the number of pages available for printing
- (BOOL)knowsPageRange:(NSRangePointer)range
        NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
        NSSize printSize = [self calculatePrintSize];

        range->location = 1;
        int horiz = NSWidth(bounds)/printSize.width + 1;
        int vert = NSHeight(bounds)/printSize.height + 1;
        range->length = horiz*vert;
        return YES;

// Return the drawing rectangle for a particular page number
- (NSRect)rectForPage:(int)page
        NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
        NSSize printSize = [self calculatePrintSize];

        // hpage 1 to horiz and vpage 1 to vert (horiz and vert defined above)
        int pagesForWidth = NSWidth(bounds)/printSize.width + 1;
        int vpage = page/pagesForWidth;
        int hpage = page % pagesForWidth;
        if(hpage == 0)
                hpage = pagesForWidth;
        return NSMakeRect(NSMinX(bounds)+(hpage-1)*printSize.width,

// Calculate the size of the view that fits on a single page
- (NSSize)calculatePrintSize
        // Obtain the print info object for the current operation
        NSPrintInfo *pi = [[NSPrintOperation currentOperation] printInfo];

        // Calculate the page size in points
        NSSize paperSize = [pi paperSize];
float pageHeight = paperSize.height - [pi topMargin] - [pi bottomMargin];
        float pageWidth = paperSize.width - [pi leftMargin] - [pi rightMargin];

        // Convert size to the scaled view
float scale = [[[pi dictionary] objectForKey:NSPrintScalingFactor] floatValue];
        return NSMakeSize(pageWidth/scale, pageHeight/scale);

John Nairn (1-541-737-4265, FAX:1-541-737-3385)
Professor and Richardson Chair
Web Page: http://woodscience.oregonstate.edu/faculty/Nairn
FEA/MPM Web Page: http://oregonstate.edu/~nairnj


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