John Love wrote:

I am trying to convert as much as I can of my former Studio code over to Obj-C and thanks to this Mailing List I have been successful so far .. but here's a stumper or two:

Here are 2 AppleScript statements that work in Studio:

-- #1 works in Obj-C, so my question is = isn't there a more *direct* Obj-C call to do the same thing, -- rather than call NSAppleScript's executeAndReturnError method? It just seems that a one or two
-- system calls should effect the same result?

1) tell application "System Events" to return (name of every application process contains "Microsoft Excel") -- see ExcelAppActive below

If you use objc-appscript (I won't suggest the sdef/sdp/Scripting Bridge toolchain as an alternative as I know it has problems with Excel), you can check if Excel is running by calling the MEApplication object's -isRunning method:

        // To create glue:  osaglue  -o MEGlue  -p ME  Microsoft\ Excel

MEApplication *microsoftExcel = [MEApplication applicationWithBundleID: @""];
        if ([microsoftExcel isRunning]) {
                // do stuff here...

-- If I hard-code the actual name of the file stringByAppendingString:@"some title" (see theWorkbookActive method below),
-- everything works dandy.
-- But ... this name is actually a instance parameter, NSString* itsFileName, defined in my .h file, and dynamically set in my .m file. -- So, I type stringByAppendingString:itsFileName -- but then my app crashes.

Code generation is fundamentally evil; if you need to pass values to a script, pack them into an NSAppleEventDescriptor and pass them to a handler in a compiled script via -[NSAppleScript executeAppleEvent:error:].

That said, appscript should suffice for general Apple event IPC, so the only time you should need to mess about with NSAppleScript is if you need to execute user-supplied scripts (appscript is pretty handy for that too, btw).

2) tell application "Microsoft Excel" to return (name of every window contains "some title")

I would suggest doing:

tell application "Microsoft Excel" to return (exists window "some title")

as it's a bit clearer in meaning. The objc-appscript equivalent would be:

        MEReference *ref = [[microsoftExcel windows] byName: @"some title"];
        id result = [[ref exists] send];
        BOOL windowExists = [result boolValue];

The ASTranslate tool on the appscript website is very handy if you need help translating application commands from AppleScript to ObjC syntax; there's also ASDictionary for exporting application dictionaries in appscript format.


Control AppleScriptable applications from Python, Ruby and ObjC:


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