On Oct 9, 2008, at 2:44 AM, Ruotger Skupin wrote:


Since Ron asked, let's move this to an own thread (no pun intended):

Am 08.10.2008 um 18:23 schrieb Ron Lue-Sang:


I have a core data database with two contexts attached to it. One read-only for the main thread and bindings, one read/write for a background thread that takes data from the network and feeds it into the database. I know this is an effed-up design you shouldn't copy, but it won't change. (For why this is a bad idea: http://lists.apple.com/archives/Cocoa-dev/2007/May/msg00066.html but please let's not discuss this here, thx)

Where shall we discuss this then? I have comments  =)

Here. Go ahead!

Ok! From the historical post, there are these items

4. The context seems to lock the store coordinator during a save!!! (ouch!)

Yea. For multi-threaded programming correctness, you want this. The coordinator level snapshots need to be updated, if you have multiple contexts all in different threads and connected to the same coordinator, you really want those contexts to leave the coordinator in a consistent state. So, locking – Yay! And don't forget that when YOUR code is fiddling with the coordinator, you're gonna want to lock it too – like when adding or removing a store.

5. The data of an object is not automatically obtained from the store. When the data is accessed and it's not there, it then is obtained from the store. This is called a fault, firing a fault or faulting. (I haven't got the hang of this part of the terminology yet)

Fault - your managed object when it doesn't have any of your data in it yet.
Firing a fault - filling in your managed object with your data
Faulting - the general technique for making objects cheap by not filling in their data until it's asked for

Read this link.

http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CoreData/Articles/cdFaultingUniquing.html#/ /apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30001202-185436-TPXREF147

Read it like you mean it.

6. The context locks the store coordinator during the firing of a fault (at least partially).

I'm not sure whether this is meant as a bad thing or not. Like item #4 above, it's a necessary thing when doing MT programming. The coordinator keeps a cache of object values. When a fault gets fired, its data comes from the coordinator. The coordinators cache can be updated. The lock is necessary to ensure consistency.

7. Bindings tend to sometimes access an object's data at surprising (or at least uncontrollable) times.

For the most part, if a view is onscreen, its bound properties are going to need data. Your textField bound to your arrayController of Person's showing the selection's firstName – the textField's gonna need to get aPerson object's firstName. If your aPerson object is a fault, when the binding asks [aPerson valueForKeyPath:@"firstName"], that'll fire the fault. Yes, that'll mean locking the context and the coordinator.

Now, after all that, hopefully this next part will make more sense.

If you hate lock contention on your main thread, use a separate CoreData stack for each thread. Not just a different context, a different stack.

See item 2 here
http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CoreData/Articles/cdMultiThreading.html#/ /apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40003385-SW2

You don't get the shared row cache between threads, but the only locking that'll happen is at the store file level, which for the SQLite store is fast (I'm directly disputing item 3 in the post, which I haven't copied here). With this design, long save operations on the background thread shouldn't hang your UI thread.



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