Hi Ulf,
You're probably calling -setFlipped: on the images somewhere else.  Don't do

The flipped attribute of NSImage is widely misunderstood.  It describes the
orientation of the internal coordinate system of the NSImage.  Just as a
superview never cares about the flippedness of its subviews, a user of an
NSImage should not care about its flippedness.  It's expected to be called
only just after initialization by the person who created the image, if at

A typical way people get confused here is to try to call [image
setFlipped:[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] isFlipped]] just prior to
drawing, but this does not accomplish the intended goal.  If called before
caching, then representations end up caching upside down, and the flip is
absorbed into the cache.  If called after caching, it has no effect- the
cached representation is already supposed to incorporate any necessary

In particular, if the NSImage is drawn anywhere else later, it ends up
upside down in _that_ place, which is also confusing because the bug and the
expression of the bug are far apart.

The alternative is to manipulate the graphics context instead of ever
calling isFlipped.

Here's some code (er, not tested, sorry), that will draw an image respecting
isFlipped from the context.  FYI, -[NSGraphicsContext isFlipped] matches
-[NSView isFlipped] when drawing in a view (and not intentionally messing
with things).

@implementation NSImage (RespectFlipped)

- (void)my_drawInRect:(NSRect)rect fromRect:(NSRect)fromRect
operation:(NSCompositingOperation)op fraction:(CGFloat)delta
    NSAffineTransform *xAxisReflection = nil;
    NSRect destRect = rect;
    BOOL needReflection = shouldRespectContextIsFlipped &&
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] isFlipped];
    if (needReflection) {
        xAxisReflection = [NSAffineTransform transform];
        [xAxisReflection scaleXBy:1.0 yBy:-1.0];
        [xAxisReflection concat];
        destRect.origin.y = -rect.origin.y - rect.size.height;
    [self drawInRect:destRect fromRect:fromRect operation:op
    if (needReflection) {
        [xAxisReflection concat];


Cocoa Frameworks

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 10:31 PM, Ulf Dunkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Noone out there who could give me a hint?
> ---snip---
> I wonder what I could have done wrong that all document and folder icons
> which are automatically remembered and shown in our app's Open Recent
> menu are shown upside down.
> As we didn't change anything related with openDocument: and don't
> manipulate the Open Recent menu ourselves, I have no idea why the app
> shows this behaviour under Leopard. Other apps don't show their document
> or folder icons upside down in the Open Recent menu, so I really wonder
> if we have forgotten to adjust some parameters for Leopard here.
> ---snap---
> +bestRegards:Ulf
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