On Nov 17, 2008, at 11:51 PM, mmalcolm crawford wrote:

On Nov 17, 2008, at 7:12 PM, Brian Stern wrote:

On Nov 17, 2008, at 9:11 PM, mmalcolm crawford wrote:

One other consideration, particularly in iPhone applications, is where you might have outlets to subviews of a main view that might be released in sime situations -- e.g. a UIViewController whose view is released in didReceiveMemoryWarning. To ensure that you don't prolong the lifetime of objects you got from the nib, you should set (use your accessor methods to) set those variables to nil in the relevant method, e.g.:

@interface MyController : UIViewController {
UILabel *label;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UILabel *label;


- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
 self.label = nil;
 [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];

OK, this issue has come up for me very recently. It appears that on iPhoneOS IBOutlets are retained, regardless of the presence of properties.

No, on iPhone outlets are consistently *not* retained -- which is precisely why you do need to retain top-level objects on iPhone. But absent accessor methods, connections are made using KVC...
This is documented here:
<http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/LoadingResources/CocoaNibs/chapter_3_section_4.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000051i-CH4-SW6 >

That's the vague documentation that I referred to. What you're telling me is that where it says should in that paragraph it really means must. OK, that's what I figured out a few days ago.

Where it says that it "retains the object by default if no setter method is available", that seems to contradict what you say about outlets not being retained. Actually I didn't really absorb that statement before. It means that if there's no property then the outlet will be retained. OK.

My experience with the assign property is contrary to what the docs seem to be saying. I think the outlet is retained even if there is an assign property.

As I stated originally, following the pattern I describe above makes memory management consistent in all situations.

I simply don't need properties for all my Outlets, except for this issue. I also don't really like making all my outlets implicitly public. But I'm forced to do that.

Brian Stern


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