On Nov 24, 2008, at 4:40 PM, Carlos Eduardo Mello wrote:

I started with the document based template in Xcode, and now I want to organize my resources in nib files. Here is a list of ideas/ questions I have about this whole plan. Please do comment and/or help me figure out which way to go.

First off, the questions you are asking lead me to believe that you do not quite understand the document-based application architecture. If you haven't already, you should ready Apple's "Document-Based Applications Overview" conceptual document: <file:///Developer/Documentation/DocSets/com.apple.ADC_Reference_Library.CoreReference.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Documents/Documents.html > (this is the local URL).

1. Create all my views (both canvas and item views) programmatically and use nib files only for the document window where I can set up buttons an other controls to be wired in IB with actions, etc.

2. Create a separate nib file for each type of view and load the nib's as needed when a new view is required during execution. From everything I've heard on this list and read in books and documentation, this seems like a more Cocoa-like approach (?) However I fail to see how I would benefit from this since the looks of my views will be determined at runtime, pending user actions. Their structure is really simple (just collored rectangles), but their behavior/dimensions will vary... Also if I go this route, how do I reach the individual nibs when it's time to load them?

I don't know whether #2 is more "Cocoa-like", as it doesn't really have to do with Cocoa per se. IMHO, code gives you far more control than nibs, but objects in nibs are easier to construct and require less configuration code. The best I can recommend is to start with code alone, and then consider nibs after the fact. Nib loading is expensive and IMHO is a bit more cumbersome to work with from a purely programmatic standpoint.

3. What is the correct way for an NSDocument subclass to access it's associated window in order to add/remove views to the window's content view? I see it contains an NSWindow instance, but I could find no accessors. In all the examples I've tried so far, the views were already contained in the nib file's window.

The window is owned by the window controller, although NSDocument has a write-only accessor for its own purposes. You should access the window through the window controller (which contrary to your expressed belief above you must have). Have you looked at the "Sketch" sample application?* Although not what you are doing, shows, among other things, a document-based architecture with drawing.

4. My idea is to have my document controller declare an array of canvas controllers, in order to hanldle each canvas view and its contained items. My GUI needs to organize the canvas views as trasnslucent layers of different colors on top of each other so that the position of every loaded canvas's items can be compared. The app would then move a view to the front when it's items need to be edited.

5. One other thing I am still confused about is when, in a document based application, do I need to declare an instance of the NSDocument subclass in the nib and when not to.

There is no rule about this, other than as necessitated by approach. The "Sketch"* example, as well as the "TextEdit" example*, do not have a nib owned by the NSDocument subclass, but "iSpend"* does. All are document-based, but approach the issue differently. It is common in the "basic" setup to have a nib owned by the document subclass, and is probably the simpler approach. When you are able to compare and contrast the implementations of the sample apps I mention, you will be able to know fully when and why.

* Sample apps should be in /Developer/Examples/ . These I reference are in /AppKit/ .


Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
"Demystifying technology for your home or business"


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