On 10/12/2008, at 07:36 , John Love wrote:


http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Multithreading/RunLoopManagement/chapter_6_section_5.html#/ /apple_ref/doc/uid/10000057i-CH16-SW7

I've got several questions since I'm just starting to investigate Mach Ports.

1) Why is +LaunchThreadWithPort: so designated, ie, a class method. It seems to me that as far as the specific code listings presented, a class method is not required? For example, [workerObj sendCheckinMessage:distantPort] could be replaced with [self sendCheckinMessage:distantPort] if LaunchThreadWithPort would be changed to an instance method.

2) Maybe the real question #1 is: What exactly is the object in the background thread, named workerObj ??

Class object can be used as any other object, it means they don't have to create an instance. It is the Class/Factory object MyWorkerClass you can treat them the same as any other object they are just created automatically for you. When you send a message you do not disquish between class objects and instance objects it is only when defining the class you use the +/- syntax to say which object(s) the method is for, the single class object or the multiple instance objects.

I don't know if this helps but if you where to implement this kind of thing in C, then each class would have two struct definitions one for the class object and one for the instances that would contain a pointer to the class object.

3) I've saved my most general question to last, at least for this trip: currently when I enter my method to start up my background thread or threads, I simply call (several times if I have multiple threads:

[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(bgCalcThread:) toTarget:self withObject:nil]

If I have multiple background threads, I can use a NSMutableDictionary with multiple keys for inter-thread communication

As long as you use a lock yes, the point of this example is NSRunLoop and using NSPort, doing it this way mean you can have a thread wait for to be triggered on mutliple inputs source one of which is data through your port you could not do this with just passing data directly between two threads and using locks.

One use for this prior to 10.4? is that you could use this to invoke methods in the main thread, my NDRunLoopMessager class did this and there was another on the net somewhere, there is now an NSObject method to do this for you, it probable uses this technique. You could not do this with a straight locks very well because you either have to use I timer so the runloop can keep polling until there is data for it to handle or it waits on a lock until the data is ready, holding up the GUI thread.

So, what do Mach Ports give me that the above doesn't?

John Love
Touch the Future! Teach!


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