From what you've said below, you probably should be creating a custom cell type based on UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle and add the third label to your class. At least in NSTableView (I haven't yet played with the iPhone), a cell class determines what is drawn at a particular row/column location. Right now it sounds like you're fighting UITableView rather than working with it.

On Jul 20, 2009, at 1:35 AM, WT wrote:

I'm trying to reuse (with some modifications) UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle cells, which have two left-aligned labels. I want to have both labels and add a right-aligned text field. All three views must be as wide as roughly half the available content view width.

It should be a trivial task: just add the text field to the cell's content view, and resize all frames. The problem is that the detail text label is stubbornly obscuring the text field, even after being resized and sent to the back. (see attached picture)

I realize that any frame adjustments must be done in -tableView: willDisplayCell: forRowAtIndexPath: rather than in the method that creates/reuses cells, but I wasn't expecting the order of content view subviews to change between those two methods. I verified that bringing the text field to the front in -tableView: cellForRowAtIndexPath: has no effect because the detail text label is brought to the front between that method and willDisplayCell. Maybe there is a reason for that, but I don't see it.

But there's more...

In the willDisplayCell method, I resize the text field and both labels, bring the text field to the front, and even send the detail text label to the back. I know that all that is done correctly, because on exit from -tableView: willDisplayCell: forRowAtIndexPath: the cell's content view's subviews array is:

cell.contentView.subviews on exit from willDisplayCell:
<UILabel: 0xd36770; frame = (11 24; 135 18); text = 'Detail Label Detail Label...'; clipsToBounds = YES; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0xd36160>>, <UILabel: 0xd35de0; frame = (11 2; 135 22); text = 'Text Label Text Label Tex...'; clipsToBounds = YES; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0xd360b0>>, <UITextField: 0xd30220; frame = (155 10; 135 23); text = 'Text Field Text Field Tex...'; clipsToBounds = YES; opaque = NO; autoresize = LM; tag = 1; layer = <CALayer: 0xd30680>>

Note how all the frame rectangles are correctly set and note also that the text field is above both labels, in the subview order. Yet, the cell displays as in the picture: both labels have the correct size but display as if they extended across the entire content view. Moreover, the detail text label refuses to be displayed in the back, even though it *is* in the back by the time the willDisplayCell method exits.

Given how common something like this must be (reusing standard cells, with frame changes) and how fundamentally important the view hierarchy is, I'm inclined to think that the behavior I'm seeing isn't a bug but, rather, the result of something trivial that I'm missing. Yet, I can't see anything wrong with my code, so I'd appreciate if someone looked at the sample project I created, which can be downloaded from

To summarize, there are 3 strange behaviors that I'm seeing:

a. the subview order for the subviews of the cell's content view changes between exiting -tableView: cellForRowAtIndexPath: and entering -tableView: willDisplayCell: forRowAtIndexPath:

b. the label frame rectangles are resized but the labels display as if the frames had not been changed.

c. setting a specific subview order has no effect on how the labels are displayed.

If I'm not missing anything obvious, I'll file a bug report.

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