I am implementing a non-editable custom table view cell (a bit similar to
the network connection listing in the System Preferences Network preference
pane) in a single-column, no header NSTableView.

The cell consists of an image, another image, two stacked strings (left
aligned), another string (right aligned) and a custom-drawn graphic:

      .------..--------------------------.                   .------.
  .--.|      ||                          |.-----------------.|      |
  !__!|      ||--------------------------|!_________________!|      |
      !______!!__________________________!                   !______!

  Img  Image   Strings                                String  Drawn

At this point, I've all the icons and graphics drawing correctly and the
text displaying with attributes (i.e. inverting when selected, etc.) using

However, with regard to the strings, particularly concerning the
right-alignment of the non-stacked string, nudging around the X points to
achieve the proper right-alignment seems like the wrong way to approach this
and that I should be specifying NSTextAlignment in some way when the string
is drawn.

In addition, paragraph style attributes (NSRightTextAlignment or
NSLineBreakByTruncatingMiddle) seem (perhaps unsurprisingly) to not apply to

Do I need to create or should I instead be creating three NSTextViews, one
for each string, and adding them as subviews to my custom cell's view rather
than trying to use drawAtPoint:withAttributes:?


Grant Erickson


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