Since my previous post, I have been able to get the functionality I
was hoping for with the following code in my "Department" subclass. I
would greatly appreciate some feedback as to whether this is an
appropriate way to implement the functionality or if there is a more
efficient or cleaner way.

KVO doesn't have an easy way to observe a collection's contents, so the NSNotification approach is your best bet.

- (void)awakeFromFetch {
   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
selector:@selector(managedObjectContextDidChange:) name:
NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification object:[self

- (void)awakeFromInsert {
   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
selector:@selector(managedObjectContextDidChange:) name:
NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification object:[self

Most people use a 3rd object to do this instead of having the individual managed objects. You can have an innocent bystander observe the NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification, see if any interesting objects have changed, and then ping them to recompute whatever you need. Much easier to manage registering and unregistering observers.

- (void)managedObjectContextDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification {
   // Get a set containing ALL objects which have been changed
   NSSet *insertedObjects = [[notification userInfo]
   NSSet *updatedObjects = [[notification userInfo]
   NSSet *deletedObjects = [[notification userInfo]
//this method of gathering changed objects is because the final set
was always null if the first set was null
   NSSet *changedObjects;
        if([insertedObjects count] > 0){
changedObjects = [insertedObjects setByAddingObjectsFromSet:updatedObjects]; changedObjects = [changedObjects setByAddingObjectsFromSet:deletedObjects];
                if([updatedObjects count] > 0){
changedObjects = [updatedObjects setByAddingObjectsFromSet:deletedObjects];
                        changedObjects = [NSSet setWithSet:deletedObjects];

        if([changedObjects intersectsSet:[self employees]]){
               //if an employee in this department changed, indicate
that the totalSalary attribute should be refreshed
                [self willChangeValueForKey:@"totalSalary"];
                [self didChangeValueForKey:@"totalSalary"];

That's the basic idea, but it's easier and faster to do that once, in one master observer, than in each managed object.

- Ben


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