I have been using ScriptingBridge to script my AppleScriptable Cocoa app using Python and Ruby. Today I noticed that commands defined on the main application do not work with error message that the application has no such attribute. I checked the header file created by the ScriptingBridge and see that all commands are defined in a generic GEDitCOM_IIItem that is subclass of SBObject:

// A scriptable object.
@interface GEDitCOM_IIItem : SBObject

@property (copy) NSDictionary *properties; // All of the object's properties.

- (void) closeSaving:(GEDitCOM_IISavo)saving savingIn:(NSURL *) savingIn; // Close an object.
- (void) delete;  // Delete an object.
- (void) duplicateTo:(SBObject *)to withProperties:(NSDictionary *) withProperties; // Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.

(The rest of the commands including all my defined commands)


While all my scripting objects subclass this GEDitCOM_IIItem, the main application object does not. It is defined as subclass of SBApplication:

// An application's top level scripting object.
@interface GEDitCOM_IIApplication : SBApplication
+ (GEDitCOM_IIApplication *) application;

- (SBElementArray *) documents;
- (SBElementArray *) windows;

@property (readonly) BOOL frontmost; // Is this the frontmost (active) application? @property (copy, readonly) NSString *name; // The name of the application. @property (copy, readonly) NSString *version; // The version of the application.

- (GEDitCOM_IIDocument *) open:(NSURL *)x;  // Open an object.
- (void) print:(NSURL *)x printDialog:(BOOL)printDialog withProperties: (GEDitCOM_IIPrintSettings *)withProperties; // Print an object.
- (void) quitSaving:(GEDitCOM_IISavo)saving;  // Quit an application.


The net result seems to be that commands defined at the application level will not work. In other words, the AppleScript

tell application "GEDitCOM II"
   set someResult to myCommand argument arg1
end tell

which in python would be

gedit = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_ ("com.geditcom.GEDitCOMII")

should both work. For me the AppleScript method works (verifying my command is defined correctly), but the python one does not work. Is this a bug in the ScriptingBridge framework?

John Nairn
Genealogy Software for the Mac


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