Thanks for the response. There is definitely a lot of goofiness in that code. I 
started from the apple xml performance demo, which had run-loop code that led 
me to believe that I had to run the NSURLConnection run loop in a thread. It's 
great that that's not the case (I re-read the example[1] and the only reason 
they have it is to do some blocking). I can drop all block use except the 
completion block, which should be a really nice cleanup.

I'll play around with the autorelease pool. The apple example had manual 
autorelease pool management during parsing. I'm going to just drop that 
entirely since I don't think my app is _that_ performance sensitive.

The odd init-at-a-distance code was because I originally had the connection 
start upon init, which meant that I had a chicken and egg problem wrt 
initializing the handler (with a completion block that needed the connection) 
and the connection (which needed the handler). Now that start is manually run I 
can clean that up too. Thanks again,



On Jun 21, 2010, at 10:48 AM, Kevin Wojniak wrote:

> NSURLConnection already does its work asynchronously, there is no need to run 
> it on a separate thread. However if you still want to, you should use 
> [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop], which returns the run loop associated with that 
> thread.
> In your code you are not creating your objects properly. You should use the 
> form [[Class alloc] init] then operate on that object:
>> NSURLConnection *connection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] 
>> initWithRequest:urlRequest delegate:handler startImmediately:NO];
> Also I don't believe you need to create the autorelease pool. I think GCD 
> does it for you.
> Lastly, you should run the thread's run loop until your delegate method gets 
> called indicating the NSURLConnection is done.
> On Jun 20, 2010, at 1:42 PM, John Heitmann wrote:
>> On Feb 9, 2010, at 3:01 PM, Keith Duncan wrote:
>>> should create a 'concurrent' NSOperation as described in the 
>>> documentation, and schedule your NSURLConnection on +[NSRunLoop 
>>> mainRunLoop]. This will allow your NSOperation -start method to exit 
>>> immediately and the thread to return to the pool.
>> I had a working async NSURLConnection scheme where I initialized the 
>> connection in a new thread and pumped its run loop manually on that thread 
>> until I saw the delegate set a completion flag. I thought I'd convert it to 
>> blocks since it cleans up some ugly code there. I'm 95% of the way there and 
>> things look good, but there are some lingering problems in my code that I 
>> don't understand. The above tip helped with one of my problems: the 
>> automatic block thread didn't pump the NSURLConnection run loop, so I 
>> scheduled the connection in the main run loop like Keith suggested and 
>> things worked. My first question is: doesn't this block the main loop with 
>> io? I have another version which uses a block to manually pump, but then 
>> this ties up an automatic block thread, which are supposed to be 
>> short-lived. Is it really a good practice to drive the NSURLConnection from 
>> the main loop?
>> My second question is: How do I memory manage the autorelease pool that the 
>> delegate uses? Here's a rough idea of what I have now:
>>   dispatch_queue_t queue = 
>> dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
>>   dispatch_async(queue, ^{
>>       __block NSAutoreleasePool *autoReleasePool = [[NSAutoreleasePool 
>> alloc] init];
>>       NSURLConnection *connection = [NSURLConnection alloc];
>>       ResponseHandler *handler = [ResponseHandler alloc];
>>       [handler initWithDelegate:delegate
>>                 completionBlock:^{dispatch_async(queue, ^{
>>           [connection release];
>>           [handler release];
>>           [autoReleasePool release];
>>           [delegate release];            
>>       });}];
>>       [connection initWithRequest:urlRequest delegate:handler 
>> startImmediately:NO];
>>       [connection scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] 
>> forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
>>       [connection start];
>>   });
>> ResponseHandler is pretty simple. It processes the data and calls the 
>> completionBlock when done. With that code I get "attempt to pop an unknown 
>> autorelease pool". When I drop the release altogether the error goes away, 
>> but that seems like a leak.
>> John_______________________________________________
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