Op 8 okt 2010, om 09:57 heeft Kyle Sluder het volgende geschreven:

> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 12:04 AM, Remco Poelstra <re...@beryllium.net> wrote:
>> Ah, I see. I hoped it was 'the new way to go'. I like to more than checking
>> for nil, but I might be a bit lazy :)
> Checking for nil and assigning to self should be reflexes. You can
> combine the two if you like. Whenever I write an -init method, I
> always follow the same pattern. I don't even need to think about it:
> - (id)init {
>  if (!(self = [super init]))
>    return nil;
>  // do other initialization
>  return self;
> }
> To my brain, it might as well be required syntax.

Yes, but in the rest of my code I've to do the check as well, so this is 
actually not a good thing to do:
[someObject doSomethingWithObject:[CustomClass 

Assuming there is also a convenience class method that calls that same init as 


Remco Poelstra_______________________________________________

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