After spending a good deal of time with Uncle Google and some of his 
friends, I still have unanswered problems using NSXMLParser with an XML file 
that has entities in it. It appears that most of my questions have been asked 
over the last few years, but I haven't found any postings about a resolution to 
them. I'm hoping that someone can enlighten me as to whether I'm doing 
something wrong, or there's some unresolved bug in the class.

        The XML files I'm working with have HTML-like entities, such as   
and " in them. Without any changes to my XML delegate, this chokes it with 
the expected NSXMLParserUndeclaredEntityError (26) as I try to parse them. For 
example's sake, let's say I have this XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <question>Why are there so many blank spaces?</question>
        <answer>Because I love to use &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  in addition to 
regular spaces</answer>

        With this, I get my error #26 after the first &nbsp; entity. My first 
attempt to remedy this was to implement 
-parser:resolveExternalEntityName:systemID: in my delegate object. This is 
successfully called, and I return (for these testing purposes) an NSData object 
to contain &#160; (using [@"&#160;" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] to 
build the data).

        Looking in my -parser:foundCharacters: method I can see that this value 
gets passed back and the characters are "found" by the parser. But immediately 
after that I still get the undeclared entity error, and parsing fails. I tried 
this both with the parser set to resolve external entities and without, with 
the same results.

        I next looked to setting up the entities in a DTD, and references that 
directly in the XML file. I borrowed a DTD I found online that defined the HTML 
entities I needed (basically one that included &nbsp; for this test) and added 
the necessary lines in the XML to have it included. This had 3 effects:
        1. I got notifications in my delegate for the 
foundInternalEntityDeclarationWithName notification.
        2. My delegate stopped having its resolveExternalEntityName method 
called (not surprising given the fact that the parser was telling me that it 
was finding internal declarations).
        3. I no longer got parse errors.

        BUT, nothing is being substituted in for the entities. I even went so 
far as to set up the DTD so that nbsp mapped to "a big test string", and 
confirmed that no substitutions were happening.

        My current stopgap is to do string replacements for the entities that I 
know are showing up. I would prefer to let the parser handle it, rather than 
have to look for and replace hundreds of HTML entities that most likely don't 
exist, but could. I'd greatly appreciate any help on resolving this; it seems 
like such a basic task that it shouldn't be a bug in NSXMLParser, but I can't 
see where I'm doing things wrong. Hopefully I've given enough information for 
someone to chip in and give me a hand.

        Thanks in advance.



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