I think that tight loop may be one thing, the appropriate scoping of variables 
is another. When writing loops I tend to use lots of local variables that is 
alloc/init'd and that will give clang an extreme good idea about what is going 
on when the loop folds and variables all go out of scope. I don't put 
autorelease pools in loops a lot but my code never had any crazy memory usage.

And if some extreme care of memory is needed in ARC code I will drop to some CF 
objects (like NSMutableArray *arr = (__bridged NSMutableArray 
*)CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, NULL); and this will make a mutable array that 
is not managed by ARC) and bridge cast them to keep ARC out of managing those 
object, and CFRelease them after I am finished with them.

Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 26, 2014, at 7:29 PM, Dave <d...@looktowindward.com> wrote:
>> On 26 Apr 2014, at 08:27, Jim McGowan <jim_mcgo...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> On 25 April, 2014 5:45:24 pm HKT,  Dave <d...@looktowindward.com> wrote:
>>> It’s not dogma! autorealease meant my App peaked at 150MB, whereas it 
>>> needed 10 MB! Autorelease caused 140 MB of data to be useless held in 
>>> memory for the duration of the Thread for no good reason.
>> ‘Autorelease’ wasn’t causing your app to use 150mb, it was your loop that 
>> was causing the memory usage.
> Yes, because of autorelase! Take autorelase out of the equation and it doen’t 
> use 150MB! 
>> If you have a loop where each iteration is going to create/fetch/copy a 
>> significant amount of data, then it is pretty standard practice to have an 
>> autorelease pool inside the loop, as otherwise you are depending on the next 
>> pool in the chain, which is probably the main thread’s pool which is only 
>> popped once per event loop interation.
> Only if you use autorealease in your own code, which I don’t, and most of my 
> code that interfaces to the OS is encapsulated so all I need do is drain the 
> pool at this point. I don’t use autolrelease so I don’t need to worry about 
> draining any pools!
>>> You can’t avoid autorelease, you need to do some work to undo it ASAP to 
>>> stop the memory building up too much. In this case the solution is to copy 
>>> the data into new objects and then drain the pool. Works a treat - you 
>>> can’t avoid it BUT you can undo it!
>> I don’t really understand what you mean by “undo it”, but I the thing to 
>> remember is that autorelease pools are not like garbage collection, you have 
>> to be responsible for them in your own code in the same way that you are 
>> responsible for balancing new/init/copy/retain with release.
> Except now, in ARC you don’t have to be responsible for balancing 
> alloc/release, BUT in order to get the best out of the compiler its better to 
> follow the new/alloc naming convention, since it stops ARC making the object 
> auto releasable which was the first problem.
> By undo, I meant if the OS (or whatever) returns an autoreleased object, I 
> copy it into a +1 retained object, then drain the pool, and prefix the name 
> of the method with new or alloc. So no one above this point in the call know 
> or cares about autorelease,
> Something like this:
> -(NSString*) newThingFromOS
> {
> NSString*            myString;
> @autoreleasepool
>    {
>    myString = [[xxxxxx getAutoreleasedString] copy];
>    }
> return myString;
> }
> Cheers
> Dave
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