I have a 30" Apple Cinema Display that used to be hooked up to a 17" MBP. I
just upgraded to a 15" MBP with Retina display and have the 30" Cinema
display hooked up to it via a Dual Link Adapter.

So I have the built-in retina display and a 30" non retina display.

I am running 10.9.5.

On my old machine I used:

defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode NSFontDefaultScreenFontSubstitutionEnabled
-bool YES

To make Monaco 9 look sharp.

That doesn't seem to work on the new Mac.

I assume that Xcode is seeing the retina display attached and not allowing
me to disable the font smoothing. All my fonts in Xcode look blurry when
running on the 30" Cinema display.

How can I make the Xcode usable again?




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