On May 12, 2015, at 14:29 , William Squires <wsqui...@satx.rr.com> wrote:
> class IsNotEmptyTransformer : NSValueTransformer
> {
> }
> but the example in the documentation is in ObjC, not Swift, and refers to id, 
> not to "Bool"s or "String"s. Hints, anyone?

Using a value transformer at all seems like a poor choice, and using one in 
Swift seems even less desirable.

If you are intent on using one, you’ll need to ask a more specific question. 
What ‘id’ are you referring to? If you’re talking about the transformed value, 
then you have to use an object — specifically NSNumber to represent a boolean 
value. IOW, for your use case, the transformer would transform between NSNumber 
and NSString.

Surely it would be far easier, though, to do what you would do in a modern 
Obj-C app: use a derived property. Add a new property to the window controller:

class MyWindowController : NSWindowController
 dynamic var message: String
 dynamic var messageIsEmpty: Bool {return String == “”}

and bind the button’s Enabled binding to the “messageIsEmpty” property. That’s 
not quite all, though, because as it stands, “messageIsEmpty” isn’t 
KVO-compliant, so you also need to add:

 static var keyPathsForValuesAffectingMessageIsEmpty: NSSet {return NSSet 
(object: "messageIsEmpty”)}

(All code written in Mail, not tested.)


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