Stefano, Ovidiu

RE: Licenses

DELI is currently released open source under a BSD license - see
As Ovidiu notes, DELI uses Jena, RDF-Filter and Sax2. Jena has also been
developed by HP on an open source basis under a BSD license. RDF-Filter and
Sax2 are both public domain.

After some discussion, we have decided there would be no problem signing
DELI over to Apache. My only concern is in the future we will want to 
integrate DELI with other projects - specifically Jetspeed. I'm interested 
to hear what you think would be the best way to do this - particularly as 
starting a subproject currently seems out of the question? For example if 
the copyright is signed over to ASF, can I still distribute just the DELI 
library component via my web page so people can include it in their

It won't be possible for me to sign over Jena as I'm not the author -
although as Ovidiu points out hopefully this shouldn't be a problem as 
C2 uses other libraries like JUnit. 

I hope we can sort this out as I'm keen to collaborate! Also I'm very 
grateful for the enthusiastic response I've received so far. Cheers.

Mark Butler
HP Labs Bristol. 

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