
CeBIT 2002 will be upon us soon (13th - 20th of March) and this seems like
an ideal place to showcase Cocoon based solutions (we will be) and perhaps
have some form of a "get-together". Therefore, we have decided to book a
small conference room on Tuesday the 19th so that any interested parties can
meet there.

The goal of such a get-together could be to at last meet the developers,
discuss how Cocoon should develop over time and perhaps showcase what you
are doing with Cocoon. We could develop an agenda and time-frame as CeBIT
gets closer.

We have been able to pry the necessary $$ for the conference room from the
powers to be and would be willing to "donate" the room. Please note that it
is "only" a room with tables and chairs for 16 people (perhaps a few more
standing). There is no infrastructure or refreshments :-) - so anyone
showcasing stuff will need to bring a laptop.

So, the aim of this email is to see whether there is enough interest for
some sort of "get-together" so we can go ahead with actually booking the
room. And it gives you chance to plan your CeBIT visit to fit.

Lets hear it then..

Matthew Langham / Carsten Ziegeler
Open Source Group               sunShine - Lighting up e:Business
Matthew Langham, S&N AG, Klingenderstrasse 5, D-33100 Paderborn
Tel:+49-5251-1581-30  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.s-und-n.de

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